Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Summer Saturday in the middle of fall

      Hello. I'm posting today because I forgot to post this yesterday:

Yeah, more super belated seasonal summer chibis. These two have names thankfully. So I managed to finish Isoke and Tara/Teeny in the same week. I've been having difficulty with toes lately so if these feet seem a little odd to you, it's that. It was cool finally coloring in Isoke to prove that she is indeed black. That blue top actually looks lovely on her, as does Teeny's bathing suit. Yes, Isoke is the kind of girl to bring a book to the beach/pool. She's reserved and likes to have an excuse to disassociate from the rest of the world while simultaneously enjoying the outdoors. Might also be because I spent the past week reading Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. I finished it today btw and recommend it if you're into reading sci-fi fantasy. Getting back to the doodles, Teeny is shy and basically still fits in smaller child sizes so she gives off the impression of being like a quiet, retreating mouse. Except when someone calls her a toddler. She'll punch them in the face. Put together like this, it looks like Isoke will defend Teeny but they are friends so I guess it would happen. Well, I have two more doodles in this series, and next week (December. Why is tomorrow December?) I'll be drawing more Voltron and I want to get more videos on YouTube. I also want to revisit the memes of the decade so I dunno how I'm gonna do it all. Hope you are enjoying your time off if you got any and weekend and till next doodle, toodles. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Quick Chibi Keith Color

Hey, so I finished another portion of that Keith sketch I decided to turn into a mini fanart project and here's the finished (with color) and a version I did for my friend that is the sketch layer with grayscale coloring. I had fun doing this and plan on doing the rest of the paladins like this too until I have a lineup. I should go back to my seasonal chibis and finish them. 

If you could be a doll and check out my Society6 and Redbubble shops, that would be great because December is fast approaching which means my dad will get his shoulder operated on and won't be able to work for who knows how long AND the two jobs I have applied for this month have not called me and like, I need the money. Drawing and listening to music and reading Skyward keeps me distracted enough from not getting sad but it sucks right now. Well, I hope to be posting again on Friday hopefully but until next doodle, toodles.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Frozen 2 Friday

      Hello! I haven't finished seasonal chibi number 2 yet (should be done by Monday I think) but I have finished something for today so let's go: 

Ah yes, Frozen. It's sequel comes out today in my country but I'm not gonna watch it right away even though I have been waiting years for this because uh, I don't have a job so I have to save my money. I can wait. I only watched the original to know what all the fuss was about so I'll be in my corner, doodlin' and looking for a way to make me some money so I can live. 

I should talk about the drawing. Yeah, I was going to do it like a normal finished piece but something about the broken lines above the sketch just looked cool enough to go experimental this time. That and I didn't feel like spending half a week fussing over getting the lines just right. Then I decided to put a layer over it to give it that nighttime look and while experimenting on that, I found I liked two different effects on that layer so I saved both. Oh, and yes, I drew a little "stealth" Hans for added comedic effect. I put up a new video on my YouTube btw. It's more of Keith until I move on to another subject. Well, that's all the chatting I feel like doing for now, enjoy your weekend and till next doodle, toodles.

Monday, November 18, 2019

It was a Cruel (Cruel), Cruel Summer but here you go...

       Hello! I return on a Monday (my time) and I actually have a fresh doodle for you "tonight". It's rather late but... 

Yeah, I drew a summer chibi finally. This is one of the K.I.T.T.Y. crew, their leader who shall be known as "K" until I choose a new name for her, even though I do like the idea of her getting the nickname "Kelly" (her old name before I realized it didn't make much sense) from another OC of mine. Anyway, part of the reason why I never got around to doing seasonal summer chibis before was because I couldn't think of who to draw during that season being that I had only three storylines at the time. This year I finally came up with drawing the K.I.T.T.Y. crew but my summer got wrecked and then I got caught up in Inktober so I'm finally getting around to them and I plan on doing my fall ones soon. I don't think I'm going to redraw the Super Teens fall chibis because I still like how the last ones turned out so I'm going to switch it up. I might redraw the winter one though because I'm not as satisfied with the last rendition of it. I recorded most of my process for this drawing so let's see when I get new videos out on my YouTube (hopefully towards the end of the week I'll have SOMETHING). I think I will take a quick break and work a little more on that Keith doodle before moving on to the next cheeb. Till next doodle, toodles.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Quick Chibi Keith Sketch

      Hello. So I made the mistake of joining a new fandom in October. A long time ago, I once accidentally stayed up late enough to watch an episode of 80's Voltron. I was lost but I heard about the reboot and I was interested but didn't go out of my way to watch it back when we had Netflix (had it on the back burner there of shows and movies I wanted to watch but not right away). It was not until a few weeks back I had access to Netflix at a cousin's house and decided I should go ahead and watch at least one episode of Voltron. Now guess who's my favorite paladin?

Yeah, that guy. The second doodle and the video was me testing a different software for recording my speedpaints and relieving my itch to draw Keith/Voltron fanart. I started drawing an OC seasonal chibi and was actually going to work on it today but the tablet was just not cooperating with me so I had to leave it for later. I hope it works tomorrow, or Monday, that would be nice. I am going to keep working on Keith here too and make it a series where I work on one paladin at a time in little increments so I can also work on other stuff too since I have not been very good at that this year. Am I excused? Maybe. But I do feel like I should have been more creatively productive considering I haven't been employed most of the year? Yeah. Just one of those things. Well, hope you're enjoying your weekend and till next doodle, toodles. (I am aware one of these is not a chibi but *shrugs* I didn't feel like changing the title, YouTube set it up like that when I hit share link)

Friday, November 1, 2019

Inktober 2019 6: Inhabitants of the Last Frontier

      Howdy. 'Tis Friday when I am posting and I finished Inktober!!! [insert air-horn fanfare sound effect] I drew aliens for the last three days so here comes the invasion:

I started with my newest alien creation the common Kaniimian whale. Loving orcas the way I do, I based this alien species off of them and then made them more interesting by giving them another pair of flippers. I actually drew this picture in landscape instead of the usual portrait because, well, it's a whale, I wanted to fit all of it in. Moving on, I drew another Shantarian - or should I say Shanktarian - and shaded in half her skin with my pencil to allude to it being gray, not black like the other pictures where I did pencil shading. And to finish it off yesterday, I drew an alien that I created over ten years ago. I used to call them simply troll aliens but have recently named them the Imgar. They are very territorial so don't try crossing their bridges. For the record, I have never drawn a male specimen but they'd probably be awe-inspiring. 

Well, it was nice working in a sketchbook again and drawing my OCs. Some of it was fun, some of it was hard work but I do feel accomplished. I may go adding these to my Redbubble and Society6 shops, especially since I will be needing the money. My dad has been out of work since the summer thanks to his shoulder that now needs surgery and uh, nobody else in my house has a job right now. We've been handing in applications and holding up so far but I could also use getting out of the house because the reason why I left my job earlier this year was it was affecting me negatively, and now being at home with everybody is doing the same thing. *Sigh* Well, I'll figure something out. Hope you enjoy your weekend, and till next doodle, toodles.