Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bye 2017

      Ok, one last post before the year ends. I'll keep it short:

This is actually the first thing I sketched in my new Frozen sketchbook but I didn't finish it till last night. It didn't show up in my Instagram best nine but that's fine. The porg and a couple of Helsa pictures did. I started it last week after watching the I Love Lucy special in color and they aired the fashion show episode and there was this pink dress that is so modern!Elsa so here she is wearing her own version of it, because sparkly is Elsa's aesthetic. I started out 2017 feeling so emo and angry too, but I'm ending it as a working girl and I'm pretty happy even though I can't really do any digital art. But I've adapted and I kinda forgot what it's like to draw something on a piece of paper that you can look at it whenever you can, as long as you didn't lose it. The hope is always that the next year is better and maybe it will be. It certainly will be for my turtle who finally got a tank thanks to me today. I found her two years ago while checking on my dogs because my Lab mix found her and thought she'd make a great chew toy. I realized that green rock wasn't a rock and brought in a tiny turtle to see if it was alive. Now after suffering through a dome composed of my mom's glass mixing bowl above a tiny round turtle habitat, she's got a ten gallon starter that will eventually get upgraded but she's still small and so is our house so it'll be a while. This is what happens when a broke family takes in a turtle that's an invasive species. She's a red-eared slider btw. As I was saying, my traditional art should get more interesting as I bought the following in the past few weeks (the top picture was actually taken last night):

Hopefully I'll develop my characters further and draw them more often and improve with inking 😅 We'll just see what 2018 has to offer. Till then, doodles. 

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