Friday, December 29, 2017

Last Friday of the year!!!

      Hello! I think this will be the last post of the year... Wow. Well I have some doodles before we finish the year so here ya go: 

The first I made in my new sketchbook based off of this fanfiction I'm following (I have not made sketches based off of chapter one yet) and I got unusually giddy while taking the picture this morning because I forgot how good the middle came out. I don't ship them anymore, they were cute while they lasted. Before that, I drew a porg. I didn't post the scary sketch that I erased to draw the final here but it was oddly popular on Tumblr (I just saw 139 notes... when did that happen?) and Instagram. And the bottom is a quick sketch of an OC's body... How did I get so good at the male form if I've been single my whole life? 🎶I've been single my whole life to find my own bae...🎶 I bought some art supplies tonight at Michael's and plan on using them so if I post colored drawings with inked lines, you know why. Hope you guys enjoy the last weekend of 2017, I don't promise any last minute posts, especially since I work on Sunday (retail 😩), but if I don't post before 2018, just know I didn't stop doodling. 

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