Friday, March 25, 2016

I am a Warrior, not a Nanny/Musical Interlude

      Woo, Friday! For some of you guys, that means movie night. I managed to work on and more or less finish two doodles for today so here they come. 

Top part is obviously referring to Batman v. Superman:Dawn of Justice. I have that title memorized. Now, I'm not really a Superman fan, I usually lean more towards Batman and Wonder Woman but I have difficulty seeing Ben Affleck as Batman at this moment so I happen to be Team Wonder Woman. I like Henry Cavill but like I said, not a Superman fan and I don't have an idea on who would win between the two titular characters. Superman has the superpowers but Batman is Batman and can access kryptonite so it all depends on whose good day it is. Then there's a special Daddy Hiddles to commemorate I Saw The Light in theaters now (or cinemas as the British say). I thought I may have to do in it in colored pencil while I was working on my BvS doodle because while Tom was going to be one panel, the other one was originally a short comic but the bottom panel was enough work as it is so I left out the top ones. Hope you guys have a nice weekend and enjoy the movies. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Humpty-Dumpty Prevention and a Detective

      Hello. I drew something on Monday but something happened, I think I wanted to draw a little more but then we went out so I forgot Monday's doodle and I have another doodle that I finished today so I'll just post them together. 
More Daddy Hiddles. This is inspired by me spending a little time with my baby cousins Sunday and one of them falling on my watch. Not fun for either of us at that moment. As much as babies do a lot of falling while learning to walk, I don't like the idea of them falling on their head as much as the next person so I thought of a helmet. And then I think the doodle is self-explanatory.

And then I just had to draw Magnus again because I think my love for Magnus equals the apparent love I have for Tom Hiddleston and Loki. I loaded the PNG version (sans signature) onto Redbubble if you want a Magnus shirt or any of the other various things that have been graced with his presence. I plan on doing at least one more Magnus related doodle so that I can just make a collection out of it for my Redbubble shop and tidy things up a bit. Ok, gonna go now, hope to have some stuff done tomorrow so stay tuned. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Your Baby is Calling

      Today I felt the need to doodle a little something related to yesterday's doodle so here it is: 

I'm now in season three of Wallander and that's exactly the season that Magnus no longer shows up in because Tom Hiddleston has gone on to be the movie star that he is now so he quit the show. Magnus, however, hasn't died. They didn't mention him by name but it was stated that the old crew has broken up and gone their own separate ways. That leaves room for me to headcanon that Magnus Martinsson is off raising the cutest, curliest, sassiest Swedes you ever did see and will wake up in the middle of the night to take care of his baby and end up answering it like a telephone. It's not good to mix work with your personal life. Anyways, this may not be the case but two years have passed in the storyline and it only takes nine months to make a baby so that's plenty of time. And even if this doesn't happen simultaneously with the first episode of season three, this could be later on. I do miss him on the show, though, he was a nice addition. There was a moment where a phone rang and nobody would pick it up for a long time and I yelled at the TV "where's Magnus to pick up the phone?" My mom also misses him but she called him Loki because she has apparently forgotten his name again. Hope to doodle something else soon (besides Magnus) and see you soon. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Magnus Monday

      Hello. So Friday I started watching Wallander and that is all I did but there's a character that I happen to love and it's not just because he is played by my current favorite actor/crush so I drew him today: 

I kind of forgot that there's Magnus Monday but I ended up doing it by sketching out these doodles of him doing some of the things he does best: being sassy, tech savvy, and reminding me of Loki. It's a shame he was only on for two seasons but then again, he's famous now and very busy being the star in movies so adding Wallander to the mix would probably stress him out. Also, Magnus is known for having a blond fro and Tom keeps changing his hair to conform to his roles so it wouldn't be the same if Magnus suddenly developed a habit of dyeing and styling his hair different - or worse, have his hair be a wig. Well, hopefully I'll draw something different later this week but for now, I think I'm going to watch the last episode of Wallander that has Tom/Magnus in it and hope he didn't end up dying in order to leave the show.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hold Me Close Young Tiny Dancer

      Okay, I'm back. I am having an odd week and I didn't get around to drawing until today so yeah. But I did do a doodle today that was inspired by a party I went to on Saturday so here goes: 

Yes, it's Daddy Hiddles. No, I didn't dance with my dad, he was too sick to go and he can't really dance anyway. My dance partner is my mom so whenever she dances with someone else or disappears for a moment, I stand on the sidelines wishing I had a boyfriend to be my guaranteed dance partner during a party. The one time I danced with a guy it was because his mom prodded him into doing it because he was doing the moves off the dance floor and I stood next to him and copied them. I'm not the best dancer, I have difficulty with applying steps to the music and following my mom besides the fact that I'm taller than my mom so I tend to be all sideways and take bigger steps like as if I'm waltzing when I'm not. I could probably use someone taller with a longer stride so that I don't look so awkward. The answer doesn't have to be Tom Hiddleston but that would be very lovely. And then, I would also like to take the time to show you guys that my Redbubble shop has some interesting items there with a sampling that I made: 

It would make me happy if I had customers so that I know I'm not wasting space on that part of the internet and I'm not forced into getting some day job that isn't my calling or has a sucky schedule. I'll be happy even if you buy only a measly sticker or greeting card because that means I have succeeded in selling something and I will no longer be too broke to get myself anything. Okay, putting the melancholy fiddle away and hope you guys are good and I may return soon. I nearly forgot, it's been 2 years here! Time flies too fast, I swear. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

I'm here to talk to you about the Animals Initiative...

      Hey there! I feel like I haven't been doing much drawing and that seems to be a fact, especially with my discovery of just how good and addicting Sherlock is. Yes, I am now in the fandom. Anyway, Zootopia comes out today so I wanted to doodle something for the occasion and recently I made the mistake of calling Nick Wilde Nick Fury, which goes to show you my current mental state, and I thought "I'll draw it." So I did. 

A very interesting cosplay, indeed. Couldn't help but add Judy dressed as Maria Hill because she's adorable and I like Maria. Besides, Maria is now basically Nick's "best man" in the MCU after Coulson's death, no thanks to Loki. This isn't the first time I have gotten an Avenger's name all mixed up. I used to accidentally call Black Widow Scarlet Widow because she's played by Scarlett Johansson and then when I went to correct myself, I'd call her Scarlet Witch instead. Now that Scarlet Witch is actually in the MCU though, I don't get them confused anymore. At least I haven't made the mistake yet. Hope you guys have a fine weekend, I think mine will be fun because I'm invited to a party tomorrow which will get me out of my house for once. Bye!