Monday, February 29, 2016

Existential soliloquies do not fix toys...

      Hello. Well, Wednesday I didn't get around to drawing and I don't even remember why anymore. Then Friday I wanted to watch Sherlock because the only version of Sherlock I've seen is Elementary, you know, American Sherlock starring Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu as a genderbent Watson. Long story short, it turned into "Netflix and chill" and I am now Sherlocked. I also think I managed to get my mom a tad hooked to it too. So today I'm like I have to draw something but what? My sister suggested Hux and Phasma but considering she recognized the back of J.J. Abrams' head at the Oscars says a lot about her current state. I'm still quite into Tom Hiddleston so I decided to doodle this: 

More Daddy Hiddles. I don't know when I'll stop drawing these but I will keep drawing them until I run of material so that may take a while. I do plan on drawing other stuff though so I hope to get around to it, and hopefully faster than next week. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday Tea

      Hello. I had an odd day yesterday so I didn't get around to much and I feel like I had an extended weekend even though that is not the case. However, my day has been more regular today so I got the chance to doodle a little something. 

This has been brewing in my head all weekend long (pun not intended). The only explanation I can think of for why I thought of this is because Saturday I saw Demi Lovato's musical impressions and Jimmy Fallon sang I'm a Little Teapot. That combined with my inability to produce a Daddy Hiddles doodle on Friday was probably my inspiration. I was going to draw him with a hat a la "Mrs. Nesbitt" and then I thought that was going to be a bit difficult and why would he have a pink hat big enough for his head? So I changed it to a flower crown because I like flower crowns and he's worn them before so it wouldn't be so odd. Teeny tiny Hiddles tot "Drew" is pretty sure that she is a princess and takes her hosting duties very seriously making sure to keep her clothes clean and not spill a drop of her "tea". I had a little plastic tea set when I was little. Only thing I can really remember about it though is I asked my mom what to put in the pot. I think she responded with water or juice. I think I went with water and was a little disappointed. I expected my teapot to be magic and turn the water into tea I guess. I don't know what happened to it. Well, anyway, hope you enjoy and I'll be back with more doodles soon. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Femme Friday preview

      Friday's here, yay! I might have enjoyed today more if my dad didn't take a sick day because he bothered me about my being on the computer. Since I have nothing better to do (not a decent book to read and whatever I could've seen on Netflix he would have judged), why not get on my computer and draw? So I did a little bit. 

I decided to remind myself that my skill-set is actually higher than just cartoons so I worked on drawing a few of my fan-characters in my stylized realism style. This is just a sneak peek because I plan on doing more than two but these were the ones I felt like working on at the moment. I thought of doing a Daddy Hiddles doodle, but with my dad home that didn't seem like a good idea. Well, hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hark, it's humpday

      Hello. Haven't been here since last week. So I took a little break after Deadpool week and now I'm back with a little something. 

The above is a Daddy Hiddles comic starring only the Hiddlespebble who I will refer to as Drew and the T-shirt design I made specifically for that comic. You can find Shakespeare on my Redbubble, one version with the filter and another without because the filter looked weird on T-shirts. Can't think of anything else to say so I guess I'll be going. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

It's Party Time!!!

      The moment I felt ready to doodle, my sister happens to have the tablet. *sigh* So Deadpool got left for today and Daddy Hiddles is taking a tiny break because I can only work on so much stuff (I actually did a tiny Daddy Hiddles doodle on paper but let's focus on Deadpool for now). Without further ado, let's finish this: 

First one is sort of inspired by the second trailer because I swear he cut someone's head off so I thought he'd have cool cake slicing skills. The rest is because Deadpool likes to break the fourth wall but due to how Deadpool and Loki belong to different studios, they could never interact like this on a movie screen which might be a good thing because maybe we wouldn't be able to handle it. Hope you guys have a nice weekend, enjoy the movie, and don't take yourselves too seriously. I don't. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Humpday Horsie and Heartfelt Message

      I am making a rare double post today because I don't really want to wait until tomorrow and a post with four doodles in it would be annoying, now wouldn't it? So here we go, same theme because I guess that will be the theme for this week - Daddy Hiddles until I run out of ideas and Deadpool up until Friday. 

Oh yeah, I went there. I searched google for Tom on the rocking horse but couldn't find the picture so I had to play the video on YouTube and then screenshot it and the rest is history. Hope you enjoy this randomness and till next doodle. 

The trouble with Tuesday

      Geez, I was gonna do this last night through my phone but it was not cooperating with me so I'm starting over. Double doodle again, Daddy Hiddles and Deadpool. Here we go: 

I was rather distracted earlier on in the day so then I started doodling in the afternoon and then I had to cook so I was going back and forth between my computer and the kitchen and then my dad had to be cranky so even though I managed to finish Daddy Hiddles, I had to take a mental break and get off the computer. That's why Deadpool is in graphite and Tom is not. Let's see if I doodle today, I hope so but I don't feel so inclined to it for some reason.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Daddy Needs His Sleep/I Want You Back

      Hello! This might just be a nice week, except for whoever was betting on the Panthers winning last night. So, this week I might go into overdrive because I have two doodles for today and that might just be the case for the rest of this week so here goes: 

First off is more Daddy Hiddles with a tad more Shakespeare. The quote is originally from the play As You Like It which just so happens to be my favorite play (of the three I have read *whimper*) and I do like that quote quite a bit so it's nice that I finally get to use it. And then there's Deadpool, because his movie is coming out this Friday and that is the question on everyone's minds as regards to X-Men: Apocalypse and it hit me yesterday that he's probably getting his body full of adamantium. Wolverine, not Deadpool. Hope you guys like the double feature and make sure to tune in tomorrow for more because I'll be here all week.

Friday, February 5, 2016


      Well then, I have returned because I managed to doodle something for today. 

I get a good response from Tumblr on Daddy Hiddles and it turns into Daddy Hiddles week. I don't mind because drawing this pleases me, it pleases other people and it pleases me that other people are pleased. I do want to draw some other stuff next week related to a certain movie coming out next Friday so I'll see if I can manage two different topics. Hope you have a lovely weekend, mine's is promising to be cold. Florida cold, but it's still cold for us. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why Dad Wednesday

      Hello, I'm back. So, I drew that Daddy Hiddles thing on Monday and posted the full thing here and on my Tumblr and I was very surprised by the response it has gotten there. Still am, really. It got me thinking that it would be alright for me to do some more and so I drew some today but it's not as adorable as the last one: 

That would be like the one con to having "Loki" as your dad - not being able to keep a date because he scares them all away. Unless your date is a huge Loki fan, then the night would only end in fangirling. Either way, she should warn him beforehand. Warn who? Both date and dad. Ok, so I'll be going now. I may or not come back with a third installment. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monologue Monday

      Hello. I had a pretty happy Monday, playing around with a new do-dad which is a pretty great do-dad because being able to watch a YouTube video with a certain pleasing face in it on a big screen? Yes, definitely yes. So that delayed me in doing any doodles today but then I got inspired to draw a silly idea I had a while back so here it is (rather late in the day): 

Yes, I doodled Tom Hiddleston if he were a dad (to a baby girl, to be precise). Like I said, it's a silly idea, I can't claim to know that he would do this exactly but he seems like the kind of guy, to me at least. He does quote Shakespeare whenever he can and deems it most appropriate in real life, so why not in fantasy? I gave him blonder hair this time because he's actually currently blond but that probably won't last for long as he's gonna go back to being Loki soon. Didn't draw in or include a mom because really, she could be anybody. I wrote the Romeo monologue quote from memory and my memory shouldn't really be trusted but I had to memorize that monologue and recite it to my English class in ninth grade so I remember bits and pieces of it still and only realized it recently. Well, hope this brightens up your day/week/whatever.