Wednesday, January 20, 2016

If Avengers were normal people

      Ok, I'm back with two things: one is my doodle from last night that I talked about.

I went for a driving test yesterday because my mom wants me to get my license already and I ended up waiting for like 2 hours in the cold and when I finally got in the car, I hit a cone while parking straight-in, not to mention I suck at backing up. So while listening to some music on my mom's laptop to cheer myself up, I decided I wanted to draw and this popped up. I was gonna draw Steve but I was failing at that so only his dialogue stayed. My day ended on a good note, though, when my dad fixed my cracked phone screen. So this next doodle is in honor of that:

I assume his favorite Avenger is Iron Man because Iron Man 3 was the only one we saw in theaters (and the only Iron Man I've seen in full). Yes, I snuck a tiny modern-day Loki in the background because I can and the picture may have been otherwise stupid without him. Maybe I'll see you again soon.

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