Friday, August 28, 2015

Why Do You Run Away?

      Hello. I'm back, and just in time to post something before the possible coming of Tropical Storm Erica to Florida, yay. This doodle is different from what I usually draw because if you've been here before, you know I generally draw people. But this time, I decided to go down a different road: 

The joke is in Spanish but it was inspired by a song that is in Spanish so yeah. The translation is I am not a monster. I can relate to the song because I feel that sometimes people avoid me like I am some sort of monster but I thought better of inserting myself in there and that's when I thought that there are a few creatures that have been given a bad rap for being monsters so I went with that instead. The stars of this are obviously a Great White shark, T-Rex, and Orca/Killer Whale modeled after Bruce from Jaws, Rexy from Jurassic World, and Tilikum from you-know-where. TGIF and I hope you guys have a nice weekend and that mine doesn't have horrible weather. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Friends Don't Judge (and friends let friends quote their favorite parts)

      I've been in a Frozen craze (more than usual) lately and part of it is because my best friend hadn't seen it so I took it upon myself to show her the movie. I had a good time with her (and the movie of course) and I just had to draw a little something related to it. 

I finished it last night and posted it on my Instagram but I was missing one of my favorite TV shows so I didn't post on here right away. I haven't been drawing digitally for a short while so this is basically my jumping back into it and in case you were getting tired of me drawing Frozen characters, I'm giving you a little break here. I'll try to draw something else besides them but what can I say? IT'S TRUE LOVE! Happy Humpday and I gotta go for now but I'll be back, hopefully. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Going Back to Basics

      Hello. It's been a while since I've felt a serious need to draw digitally or at least finish a drawing, I've basically been drawing in short bursts mostly on paper but I have this little experiment with Paint to compare how it has improved along with Windows. First, a doodle with XP's version of Paint (didn't change much from 98, I can tell you that much): 

It's a kitty I drew with its pencil tool. Not the best kitty I've doodled. And then there's 7's version of Paint: 
This is sort of cheating but I was showing how this version of Paint now has a variety of brushes including this colored pencil textured one. And those are noses btw, not boobs like my mom thought. They are the noses I have drawn on my little X-Men cartoons, you would recognize a few of them although I don't usually draw the hook one like that, I was having a little difficulty with the tablet yesterday. So that's what I've got for now, maybe I'll come back with something else. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Humpday humor

      I've sort of been working on something but my motivation isn't 100% so I keep trailing off, besides that I've been dealing with my computer too. But I did remember that I had other doodles that I scanned a long time ago so I went and added some color to one of them. 

Yay, it's a comic strip! So I decided months ago that it was time to draw a comic with only Aidan and Ariana interacting, although it wasn't originally planned that way. I ain't got much else to say except toodles.

Friday, August 7, 2015

It's Twin Day!

      So Baymax was my 100th post, I've been on here so long already. It's been over a year and I actually sort of forgot when it was the one year anniversary of my blog and didn't do anything special to commemorate it, boo-hoo. Anyway, it's National Twin Day and it was today I found out that Scarlett Johansson actually has a twin brother which is cool. I find twins cool and I actually am related to two sets of twins at this current time (I could always end up having my own, I don't know, they're pretty much random) so naturally I'm possibly more attracted to the thought of them than the average person so why not doodle a set of my very own twin characters?

Yoko and Maro are an example of my twin fascination. I actually tend to plug in twins in whatever story my mind makes up. Let's see, I think the only story line that has no twins whatsoever is Super Teens because Bittersweet has a set of twins (these), Kenta was romantically involved with a twin at one point, and a previous story idea that I have not touched since high school had a set of twins in it as well and that's just my manga ideas. Funny thing is, Yoko is and always will be the first twin but she was originally going to be the outgoing one that would defend her little bro if she had to while Maro was the shyer, sleepier twin of the two. Somehow he ended up being just as outgoing as his sister though and more devious to the point of stealing the spotlight. Yoko will still stand up for him but he can also be the defensive brother to her when she needs it. In other words, they have each other's backs. Whenever I invent twins, as much as they are twins, I give them personalities of their own as individuals and most of them are actually fraternal for some odd reason which helps but even my identical twin characters can be as different as night and day. Well, hope you guys have a nice weekend, toodles. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

You Are My Patient

      So this weekend I finally saw Big Hero 6. I say finally because I didn't watch it when it came out in theaters and it was just this weekend that we rented it, well checked it out of the library that is. It's no big deal, I didn't see the Avengers till May this year and the rest of my family hasn't seen it, so being almost a year behind in watching this isn't a biggie. Anyway, I saw it and I loved it. They pulled the same little trick that they did in Frozen and then they really surprised me towards the end but that's good because I could practically pinpoint who would die in Jurassic World so if more movies could employ that whole plot twist thing, that'd be great. I liked just about all of the characters but Baymax might just be my favorite so I did a little something here. 

That's not my favorite Baymax quote but it's the one that is more associated with him. For someone (something) with a simple design, he is so hard to draw, especially digitally. I also thought up some funny ideas starring Baymax so watch out because I might go through with it. Well, I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care so I hope you're satisfied.