Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Like Stickers

      Hey guys, I'm back. Would've liked to have come back on Monday but I was still working on my stickers and I had nothing else to post besides this being a busy week for me. Guess what! I finished!

I have one sticker sheet each for Super Teens and Bittersweet at this present time. Depending on a variety of factors such as success of current stickers, time I have on hand, and inspiration, I may make more. I have a few ideas for them but I'll wait and see first before I do anything further. I will come back and probably comment or post on where you can purchase so PLEASE do NOT copy/steal/sell these characters or designs as they are of my own creation. If I have inspired you to experiment and find your own style using my style as a basis for testing, that is a different story as I have also done the same thing but in the end I put my own creative spin on it. Or if you want to make fanart, that's fine, just please nothing disturbing. I have been disturbed enough already when Googling images of cartoon or comic characters. My characters are much more innocent than that, well, the majority are, so please keep that off the internet and to yourself, thank you. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Look at me, look at me, look at me NOW!

      I know I said I might not be here today but I felt that I had to, so here I am! Still working on my stickers, I worked on a few then got bored and a little frustrated so I stopped for now. I don't have anything else to put here except that drawing I complained that I couldn't scan in June. 

It's the Cat in the Hat! Years ago when I was practicing chibis, I invented Pink Panther girl in an attempt to make a stylized chibi and it made sense to stylize the Cat in the Hat as a chibi boy at that moment. I even drew a rather short comedic comic starring the both of them once where she (PPg) was in an aquarium looking at a great white shark in awe with her pet mouse and he (CHb) comes and gives her a look like what are you ooing and awwing over? Then when he sees the shark, he's in awe, then a guide comes to the tank with a field trip and shows off the jaws to them to realize there are only teeth in the tank with Pink Panther girl and Cat in the Hat boy off to the side looking very guilty. I still have it, btw. I drew them very differently then, I drew just about everything differently then but as time goes on, I just go developing my own style and experimenting so when I sat down to draw him again he looks more like a pre-teen boy than say a nine year old. That's fine, maybe he has aged since I last dealt with him considering it's been like two or three years. Funny thing is, even though Pink Panther girl was supposed to be the star, Cat in the Hat boy carting a pet fish in a wagon was the popular one among some of my school friends. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Stick Me Wherever You Want (please don't take that the wrong way)

      Howdy. Haven't been here since Tuesday and not too much has happened, either. Anyways, I've been busy with... STICKER MAKING! I said in a prior post (April) that I was considering doing commissions and asked if readers would please comment but nobody has and I've decided I don't do so well drawing by request for other people anyway so I thought stickers would be easier. I draw the designs that I want, save them, print them out when somebody wants to buy them and ka-ching. I don't expect a lot of money out of this, at least not in the beginning, but I would at least be getting something out of my hobby besides my own personal pleasure. So here is the preview: 

Yeah, I know, it looks small now but I'm not finished yet and this is just a preview. Right now this is my only "sticker sheet" so if you would be so kind and patient, I would very much appreciate that you do not go about printing these out yourself and possibly selling them as YOUR merchandise as these characters are my personal creation and property and that would be plagiarism. I've heard the horror stories from DeviantArt of stealing artwork, hacking, and pretending to be someone else while creating an account on another art community website. So I went with a blog ;p. Btw, if you are interested in art there are some awesome artists on DeviantArt, like Skailla, VixieArts, Kaylink is very good with realistic animals (she does curse on occassion, though), and EpicSkiFreak does great considering her problems that she is not afraid to be vocal about (sorry but I don't feel like clarifying that for you right now, just look at her page). Well, hope you enjoy your weekend and I'm not sure if I'll be back on Monday (ugh) so I'll be back when I have something else. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NOT Joker and Harley's kid

      Hi there. My weekend was good, got to dance a lot at a graduation party (with my mom *sniff*) Saturday, which was great. I didn't think to post yesterday because I completely forgot that I fiddled with Photoshop Sunday so I'm posting it today. 

Sorry you can see some brown strands of hair but it is difficult to catch them all and not make them look weird so I left them alone. Not exactly sure about her with green hair, at least not in this picture, but she wouldn't have to fake a British accent and I can imagine her enjoying beating up people a little too much and buttkissing Jennifer Lawrence's Chernobyl. Funny thing is, I have never seen a movie by either JLaw or Emma Watson because even as a kid I wasn't fond of Harry Potter (yeah, boo me all you want) and then when The Hunger Games came out, I was like why would I want to watch a movie about kids killing each other to survive for other people's entertainment? I didn't know about it being for entertainment purposes like a gladiator fight at that time but the title alone pretty much turned me off. You want to see The Hunger Games, go to Cuba. Oh, and I would like to correct an earlier post. 7-2, I said I didn't know Canada Day was today. I found out later it was 7-1 but Google+ does show what got popular the night before the next day, so not entirely my fault. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Manga Manga Everywhere

      Hey guys. Does anybody read my complete profile under About Me? If you have, you will see that under favorite books there's Love-Com. I thought a couple of weeks back of challenging myself to draw some of my characters in Aya Nakahara's style, you know, make them look like they were in the Love-Com series. Here's the finished sketch: 

It's not perfect but I think it's pretty darn good. The couple on top are Mike and Sandra showing the romantic side of both the series and me, and the mess underneath is the more comical side being portrayed by Tamiko and Aidan (Risa and Otani tend to fight in the manga) and in the back behind them are Ariana and Wilhelm portraying the lovey-doveyness of Nobu and Nakao (the best friends). And next to my signature is one of Aya's bunnies that tend to sneak themselves into the panels. I personally like how Bittersweet (I named it that before I discovered the song, the title's are coincidental) and Tamiko came out. Everybody else came out a bit goofy looking. Speaking of goofy looking, how many of you liked my meerkat? I promise you that I can draw it better when I'm being serious but I was not being serious at that moment, therefore it's current appearance. Oh, and how many of you liked my Wolverine?;D

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Awesomeness and Goofiness at the same time

      I go on Google+ and there's a GIF taken from Frozen when Anna and Kristoff are throwing Olaf's head between them with the American and Canadian flags pasted on their heads and Olaf's head is Justin Bieber for Canada Day. I didn't know Canada Day was today and I think the GIF is both funny and true. Enough of that, I don't even like Justin Bieber, I can do without him. Here's a Canadian I like. 

I was originally going to go with a gray background but I always do that for my X-Men doodles and it felt, I don't know, wrong? So after a little fiddling around, I decided on a red background and the lettering in white was a bit of an accident but I think it looks better than it would have in black. A while's back, my sister was practicing drawing animals on Photoshop and when she went away, I started doodling on her stuff but the funniest doodle that stood out the most that I just had to save it was this... 

It's supposed to be a meerkat but it came out like a scared Chihuahua. If you need to laugh and/or make yourself feel better, take a look at this and remember even I draw goofy on occasions.