Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This Copy Looks Just Like The Original

      Here I am after a nice weekend. I would have posted yesterday (Monday) but instead I spent some time hanging out with my mom... alone for once. It was nice and we went to the library so now I have a few good reads for when I'm bored or not doing anything at all. You know how in families the kids usually look like their parents or one kid in particular looks like a little copy of their parent? I'm not talking about families with adopted children, I'm talking about your typical family that have their own biological children. Well, the case holds true with the Morgans. Although none of the children have either blue or brown eyes, the twins resemble their dad, Maro having the strongest resemblance. His parents know this and you might have noticed but others may be shocked to see how nearly identical they look (minus hairstyles). 

Apparently Midori and Haru were not aware of this. Oh, and that's a picture of Mike when he was about that age. I said earlier that they look nearly identical if you don't consider the eye color or hairstyle but I will tell you a secret: his bangs naturally lie like that too, minus those two little wisps on the side. Well, I said minus more than I usually do. Oh, and make sure your monitors are nice and bright. The picture looks better that way :). 


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