Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thoughtless Tuesday; Sorry, my mind is drawing a blank :/

      Yesterday was a very busy day for me but it was also a very special occasion so it was worthwhile. Turns out that my flash drive doesn't work on any computer anymore and is most probably dead. I had so much stuff on it, including work in progress, pictures of my dead dog that nobody else had and pictures of my living dogs!!! But there is a way to retrieve that stuff so not all is lost. I just need another flash drive. I planned on doing another Chernobyl doodle but I guess I wasn't feeling it so I fooled around with this program called Sketchbook Express and created this: 

It occurred to me that I didn't put my signature on the last one (it was saved on my flash drive too) so I made sure to put it here. When I was doing "research" on different X-Men characters, I came across the name Shatterstar while reading up on Wolfsbane. I assumed Star was a girl, similar looking to the one above, who was a skilled swordswoman. I was surprised and a bit disgusted to find out that the character was a swordsman. I guess that original picture I made in my mind stuck with me and I created an alternate version that I call She-star, to point out the obvious difference. This pic doesn't show it, but she is a no-nonsense kind of girl and just oozes sexiness. I feel a little silly for saying "sexiness" ^.^. She also hits on guys, telling them to their faces that she finds them attractive, obviously being hormonally driven ;). Can't think of anything else to say so I'll just leave at that.  

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