Friday, April 4, 2014

For My Fellow Nerds

      Hello. It's Friday, yay! Today the Captain America sequel comes out in theaters! Personally, I would like to see an Avengers/Fantastic Four movie because Captain America and Human Torch have been played by the same actor so it would be funny to see him talking to himself. Speaking of Avengers, some of the Avengers are also X-Men: Beast, Storm, Havok, Wolverine... Speaking of Wolverine, fans of X-Men/Marvel or just plain comic fans may know that he has a female clone most famously known as X-23 (she was the 23rd attempt). Well, I had the silly idea of drawing her in the famous Rosie the Riveter pose and last week I actually worked on it. 

I actually drew this with the tablet!!! As you see, I drew her rather cartoony looking. It's that I got the idea for what could be a little series that looks at the X-Men in a more comical way, focusing more on the human aspect of them with a lot of humor thrown in. My problem is that I started focusing more on certain characters and forgetting that others existed so, so far, I've stopped. Not that I don't still think of funny stuff for them, it's just not the same. So you know, I normally draw the eyes larger, I originally had the arms the wrong way and it was freaking annoying making the X icon at the bottom. And I had forgotten how to spell "committee" right. I am aware that I said I would post a Super Teens strip but I can't access my personal computer at this time T-T. 

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