Thursday, August 8, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 4: Emerald Coast


      Hey, I managed to finish up this piece for today with some time to spare in the day for starting tomorrow's prompt since I work tomorrow, ew. So here goes:

"And that's where Tails crash landed. An orca chased me on my over to him." I've been playing through Sonic Adventure this summer so it's still fresh in my mind (I may have also accidentally played this level twice as Sonic). I actually have to beat both Sonic and Amy's final bosses and finish Knuckles' story. I already beat Tails', although that last level was a struggle because of the flying being a bit finnicky. I have not started playing through Big and Gamma but I'll get to them. Oh, so about Sonic's outfit here... or lack thereof... yeah, he was in my mind going to be wearing a shirt so he wasn't totally naked but then I sketched him and didn't feel like adding the shirt and just never added it later on so take it or leave it. I also thought of sandals but again, didn't draw them. It's kinda hard for me to spit out digital drawings on the daily, especially when I have a job, so forgive me for cutting corners, I'm tired. I am actually using this time that I'm posting to take a break from drawing cuz I've been doing it nearly all day long... and I have another prompt that I should start tonight cuz I have work tomorrow so that means I can't draw for a good 8 or 9 hours. Hope to be posting again tomorrow, toodles.

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