Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Inktober 2019 5: Talkin' 'bout BAD BAD people

      Hello. As I write this, there's one day left of October/Inktober, I still have to do today's drawing, Pat Benatar is singing her heart out on my laptop, and I have like an hour and a half before my internet times out 😠 Anyways, I've got six more drawings for you and they're all bad guys (duh... nevermind) so let's take a look at the line-up:

None of them have killed anybody's brother but I would make them sing Backstreet Boys' I Want It That Way anyway. So first I drew Lord Yorick Braxton, a conniving but charming young man with ambitions bigger than his current seat of power. Then after him is Shiori Matsumoto, a journalist for a Japanese newspaper and a coworker of Mike and Sandra (though her work ethic is quite lacking). She is not a villain, just an antagonist who's only motive is she and I don't have the same OTP. Middle dude is Kanteor (last name is being held hostage by the Sims 4 cuz I didn't think to write it down), and he happens to be an Amtuppa. He is Queen Ramahari's brother in-law thanks to being married to her twin sister Princess Maharari. Maharari is faithful to him, not common in their species, while he's sleeping with her sister. Sicko. Then Ramahari is desperately trying to make herself an heir to secure her throne and he's going behind her back trying to make a kid for himself in order to usurp her. Yeah, he's a bastard and he will be getting what's coming to him. Full body tailed dude is Rimmu, son of powerful Entenō chieftain Ecktoh and heir apparent of the Blue Tribe. The notches on his loincloth indicate this. As a species, the Entenō like humans to the point that they will protect them from their enemy the Amtuppa (see image just above him). Except Rimmu is upset over the one time his dad loved a human woman more than recommended. It would be wise to not anger this 6'8" tall gray skinned alien considering he's packing claws and sharp canines. Ok, so then we have this dude that looks he's been through hell? First off, I must apologize because he is supposed to be burned but I have never drawn burns before putting him down on paper three days ago on the 27th. He has no name now but if he did, uttering it would trigger one of my favorite characters. So the bleedin' bastard married Aidan O'Neill's mom shortly after his dad died when Aidan was only five. He had a bad habit of drinking himself drunk and smacking everybody around, didn't take kindly to his wife and stepson's attitudes (they're both fiery spirited people that aren't scared to tell you off bluntly) so he treated them like punching bags and gave Aidan a few scars on his back from his belt. One night, eleven year old Aidan decided he'd had enough. When his mom was about to get beat up again by her jerk husband, he flung himself at the would-be attacker's back and grabbed his face with STEAMING HOT HANDS. Aidan beat the man in a fuming rage not realizing he was also burning alive while doing so until his mom stopped him. He was hospitalized and treated for his wounds until one day he just checked himself and never came back. Aidan's mom remarried AGAIN but to a much nicer man this time. Doesn't mean this fella won't strike again for revenge. Good thing Aidan has friends. Speaking of friends, last one here could probably use one because why else would this alien child feel the need to antagonize K.I.T.T.Y.? What started out as male somehow became they/them as I drew them on Monday so I guess masculine agender/non-binary it is. No name or identifiable species for now, is probably a telekinetic, that's all I can say about this brat for now.

I finished typing this out on my phone because I remembered I can do that but I had to hurry myself through today's drawing. It's on my Instagram and Tumblr right now. I'll probably post the last three days (yesterday, today, tomorrow) on Friday. Can't wait to call it a month but this has been fun. I hope I'll do a little more drawing and updating this blog during the rest of 2019 but until next doodle, toodles.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Inktober 2019 4: Magical girl anime was the inspiration

      Hello! So as of last night, I finished another batch of inktober drawings so let's get to them:

There was an idea... to bring together a group of remarkable teenage girls and have them fight against evil threats from outer space. Unfortunately, the person who thought of this idea was also a child going through different phases in life and eventually decided it was for the best to shelve the idea since she wasn't passionately coming up with ideas and concepts for them anymore. She was too busy thinking of Powerpuff Girls at that time (and her new OCs that would become the protagonists of Bittersweet and Super Teens respectively). But this right here is where it* (*my manga universe) all began, five 13 year old girls gaining superpowers, most of them elemental, and using them to fight antagonistic aliens. They also had a team mascot, a strange but cute alien creature that mostly looks like a bunny but has butterfly wings and some cat features. Their old names were: Kelly, Isis, Tee-nee, Tari, and Yari. Only two have been renamed so far: Isoke (for obvious reasons) and Tee-nee now has a proper name of Tara with Teeny as a nickname. The story takes place in Kyoto, Japan. 12 year old me was an idiot that thought Kyoto was a small town in Japan. Let's reflect on that for a moment. Ok, so I talked a bit about them last year when I drew stylized realistic portraits of them but here I'll talk about their superpowered alter egos. Their team name is K.I.T.T.Y. Yes, they mashed their names together to make a team name. First is "Kelly", the electric self-named leader. She can also manipulate magneticism to some extent. Isoke has water powers including manipulation of water/humidity in immediate surroundings, ability to affect tides and waves, and she can fly somehow. I haven't thought up the exact pseudoscience for it yet. Tara/Teeny may be the shortest member (even though she's Australian? and not Japanese? Yay me for diversity, besides Isoke being black but not colored in) but she is the strongest when it comes to actual muscular strength. Yes, it is augmented in this form. You read that. I meant for the power to come through rings but guess who forgot to draw them? Tara is the brawn but she is also naturally intelligent... but she has a nasty temper so you know, she's basically She-Hulk except she's not old enough to pass the bar. Then "Tari", who ironically shares a name with my deceased dog, has fire powers and let us take a moment to consider that I may be a closeted pyromaniac. I have been altering their costumes as I go even though the basic concept stays. And this is one awesome costume, if I do say so myself. Then her twin sister "Yari" is the polar opposite and was the Elsa of my life before Frozen ever came out. I mean, I created this character over ten years ago and the movie is almost six years old. They were still developing Elsa over at Disney while I already had this idea of a blonde girl with ice powers and a serious demeanor contending with a bubbly, impulsive sister that just happened to wear a braid. Her hair is mostly loose in this form but the braid is still there, you just can't see it. Btw, she and her sister have a lot more black in their outfits and I didn't feel like shading it in. Then there is the team mascot. A nameless Calico "bunny" with Monarch wings. It can fly, probably the same way a bumblebee does because those wings aren't very big. 

Well, thanks for listening to my K.I.T.T.Y. Initiative. Now I must go and finish today's Inktober OC of the day and bid you good night (good morning? Depends when and where you read this). I'll be back hopefully soon with more Inktober stuff but till next doodle, toodles. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inktober 2019 3: More Super Teens (and some adult supervision)

      Hello. It is Friday and I have remembered to post some more Inktober on here so let's-a-go:

I swung back around to the Super Teens, except these aren't the Super Teens you are used to. Only one character here has a name at this present time so bear with me. Most of these are about a year old and I haven't done much developing so... Anyways, guy number one is a Danish teen that struggles to keep his pyrokinetic powers under control so he resorts to wearing gloves and long sleeves no matter the season. Girl number one is sporting like the best hand I have drawn so far in the month and is a Norwegian girl of Iraqi descent and a devout Muslim. She can shoot strong energy blasts from her hands Captain Marvel style. You can be thankful that she's pretty friendly and mild mannered so that only happens when she's really provoked or you're just a terrible person. Guy number two was a vague concept until four days ago when I drew him. He is a Swedish lad is a skater boy who happens to be a speedster. He probably also likes surfing. Girl number two has been the most developed out of the foursome... Oops. She is a Finnish punk who dyes her hair purple and will punch whoever messes with her friends to the moon. Well, not the moon but she has super strength so they will definitely be feeling that punch for a good week. She's also nearly invulnerable in case you were wondering. I don't remember if I had also made her a vegan ace. Anyway, to finish off this set, I drew Wilhelm Barr's mom Inga Schmidt. His parents got divorced when he was twelve due to irreconcilable differences and Inga remarried quickly after that. Wilhelm is still scarred from that. Anywho, Inga is an intelligent woman that has difficulty showing emotion to anyone. (Think Spock in a skirt) She believed her son needed to take advantage of his genius intellect while her ex husband Günther just wanted him to have a childhood. They always had problems in their marriage but that was the start of the end. Inga got just what she wanted when she married Lars Schmidt, who just so happened to be rich. Now she dotes on her young daughter Katrin while Wilhelm is away in New York. For the record, she's in Germany. 

I just started a new set of characters last night so it will be a while before I post again so till next doodle, toodles. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Inktober 2019 2: the guys in Project:Reclaim Earth aren't alone either

      Hello. I forgot to post this on Monday so here it is today:

Ok, so the first two are work partners. They are Brazilian counterparts to Ryo Takahashi and Kenta Hayashi respectively. Neither one has a name yet even though I created them two years ago but that's a regular problem with me. Besides, it's hard for me to pick out Portuguese names I like because they're just Hispanic names I'm used to but with funnier spelling, and having American bred and born, I'm not a big fan of a lot of Hispanic names. So, back to the characters: both are biracial but in different ways. The dude is Japanese on his dad's side and descended from Portuguese on his mom's. The girl is what we Hispanics call "mulatta", a term meaning a biracial black woman. Idk what Brazilians call it, maybe someone will let me know someday. So the dude is holding a martini in his hand. My sister came up with that, I almost drew him with a margarita. Shaken and not stirred? I don't know, I drink alcohol when the planets align so I can't say what his preference in that department. I can definitely can say that it depends on his mood that day. His friend/co-worker is a good girl, staying away from the bar and spending time with her, uh, Pomeranian. Being a young, single, very pretty, independent woman is tough enough, she could use a loyal friend with no self-interest whatsoever for some added protection. Then I decided to draw this alien creature I created two years ago that happens to look like a wolf but is the size of a horse so you can ride it. I need to work on details with it but there it is. Then I drew Kenta's mom Masumi Hayashi. She's an interesting case. She claims that alien life exists in the universe because she had a very close encounter with one, so close that she had a son. A divorced woman birthing a blond boy is one thing, but it is a completely different thing when said woman is Japanese. Funny story is nobody believes her story, not even her own son. Her widowed mother was supportive of Masumi and Kenta but she died while Kenta was in college and that was when it happened: while Kenta was at school, his mother was taken to a mental hospital against her will for declaring to her neighbors that aliens were real. As much as Kenta doesn't like talking about it (mental illness is a stigma in Japan), he's still a good boy and visits his mother when he can and plans to eventually get her out. And then, when I planned on drawing another human, I decided last minute to change it up and draw another alien. This is a Gempei and they are basically owl cats with some lizard details. That's right. They are a quadrupedal creature that is quite bird-like but has a fleshy, scaly tail... And they can disguise themselves as an Earth cat. There are no tentacles in that beak, it's ok. They are also quite smart and trainable, just make sure you don't lock them out of the bathroom when they need to go. They will use the garbage disposal. 

Ok, so I originally planned on going in chronological story order which is Bittersweet, Super Teens, then Project:Reclaim Earth, but I was having trouble figuring out who and in what order I would draw from Super Teens so I went ahead and skipped it. I'm currently finishing that set up and wondering how I'm going to finish the month. I should be posting that on Friday (hopefully), but until the next time I show up with a doodle, toodles.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inktober 2019 1: You mean there's more to Bittersweet than Mike and Sandra?

      Hello. I wasn't sure if I was really gonna do Inktober this year but if you read the title, then you know that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm doing kinda like last year where I dropped the prompts and focused on my OCs but this year I'm drawing them in the manga style they originated in and not in my stylized realism as portraits so let's go:

Day one I started with a QUEEN (and someone's grandma) I like to call Ari O'Hara. She is a strong Jewish woman who don't need no man, something she picked up thanks to having been born in Denmark prior to 1940 and surviving the Nazi occupation. Ari escaped thanks to the Danish resistance and landed far away from her homeland. She has managed to thrive despite going through so many hardships but now happens to be a bit protective of her only son. Day two was a young Eoghan Byrnes about 21 years old before his left eyebrow scar and broken nose but that's what happens when you join the military, right? His family managed to escape Ireland during the potato famine and found themselves in a place where they would never have to worry about the poverty or political troubles in their homeland anymore. The Byrnes still carried the concept of joining the armed forces for the benefits up until Eoghan's generation. He joined and made a career of it, became known as Chancin' Byrnes... but there were negative events in his personal life and he found himself the only member of his family. He still has his job and his daggers, in case you were wondering. By day three I was getting tired of drawing full body poses and fantastical time-periody clothing so I took a break by drawing Mike's parents, the OG Morgans. First I drew his mom Wendy circa her college days. Don't ask me what she studied because as soon as she came across her future husband, she decided to take it easy and he was the sole breadwinner in their marriage, even if it was the 70's. Wendy suffered so many miscarriages that she refers to Mike, her only child, as her "miracle baby Michael". Would she have preferred that he stayed close to home in Chicago? Absolutely, but she wants him to live his life too. And then there's Richard Morgan, Mike's dad and Wendy's husband. He was a popular guy in high school and college... Popular with the girls at least, not knowing the meaning of the words "loyalty" and "chastity" until he met Wendy (we hope). His ancestors would have been supremely disappointed in him but at least he turned out to be a good dad. This is during his college days so he don't look like that no more. After him is Ethan O'Hara. Oh, you heard the name before? Yeah, his mom is Ari. He grew up sheltered thanks to his mother's protective measures and he wants very much to live up to his family's reputation and expectations but also to be his own person. That last part doesn't always come so easily, especially when his decisions complicate everything. And last but not least is Helena. She has an identical twin named Juliana and they come from a very mixed background of French, Japanese, possible Chinese... Doing a DNA test on them would really be something. She and Ethan become a power couple and mix up their genes again for the next generation. Isn't that something?

I'm currently on day eleven in my Inktober so I think Monday I will be posting another batch for you to enjoy. I would have done this on Wednesday but I hit my internet limit on the home WiFi when I started the draft so here it is today, which is fine, at least I'm remembering to update. So anyway, I hope you enjoy your weekend and till next doodle, toodles!