Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Inktober 2019 4: Magical girl anime was the inspiration

      Hello! So as of last night, I finished another batch of inktober drawings so let's get to them:

There was an idea... to bring together a group of remarkable teenage girls and have them fight against evil threats from outer space. Unfortunately, the person who thought of this idea was also a child going through different phases in life and eventually decided it was for the best to shelve the idea since she wasn't passionately coming up with ideas and concepts for them anymore. She was too busy thinking of Powerpuff Girls at that time (and her new OCs that would become the protagonists of Bittersweet and Super Teens respectively). But this right here is where it* (*my manga universe) all began, five 13 year old girls gaining superpowers, most of them elemental, and using them to fight antagonistic aliens. They also had a team mascot, a strange but cute alien creature that mostly looks like a bunny but has butterfly wings and some cat features. Their old names were: Kelly, Isis, Tee-nee, Tari, and Yari. Only two have been renamed so far: Isoke (for obvious reasons) and Tee-nee now has a proper name of Tara with Teeny as a nickname. The story takes place in Kyoto, Japan. 12 year old me was an idiot that thought Kyoto was a small town in Japan. Let's reflect on that for a moment. Ok, so I talked a bit about them last year when I drew stylized realistic portraits of them but here I'll talk about their superpowered alter egos. Their team name is K.I.T.T.Y. Yes, they mashed their names together to make a team name. First is "Kelly", the electric self-named leader. She can also manipulate magneticism to some extent. Isoke has water powers including manipulation of water/humidity in immediate surroundings, ability to affect tides and waves, and she can fly somehow. I haven't thought up the exact pseudoscience for it yet. Tara/Teeny may be the shortest member (even though she's Australian? and not Japanese? Yay me for diversity, besides Isoke being black but not colored in) but she is the strongest when it comes to actual muscular strength. Yes, it is augmented in this form. You read that. I meant for the power to come through rings but guess who forgot to draw them? Tara is the brawn but she is also naturally intelligent... but she has a nasty temper so you know, she's basically She-Hulk except she's not old enough to pass the bar. Then "Tari", who ironically shares a name with my deceased dog, has fire powers and let us take a moment to consider that I may be a closeted pyromaniac. I have been altering their costumes as I go even though the basic concept stays. And this is one awesome costume, if I do say so myself. Then her twin sister "Yari" is the polar opposite and was the Elsa of my life before Frozen ever came out. I mean, I created this character over ten years ago and the movie is almost six years old. They were still developing Elsa over at Disney while I already had this idea of a blonde girl with ice powers and a serious demeanor contending with a bubbly, impulsive sister that just happened to wear a braid. Her hair is mostly loose in this form but the braid is still there, you just can't see it. Btw, she and her sister have a lot more black in their outfits and I didn't feel like shading it in. Then there is the team mascot. A nameless Calico "bunny" with Monarch wings. It can fly, probably the same way a bumblebee does because those wings aren't very big. 

Well, thanks for listening to my K.I.T.T.Y. Initiative. Now I must go and finish today's Inktober OC of the day and bid you good night (good morning? Depends when and where you read this). I'll be back hopefully soon with more Inktober stuff but till next doodle, toodles. 

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