Friday, February 1, 2019

Cozy Cuddles

      Same week, different month. Oh well. I am coming back with one doodle even though I have a whole bunch of ideas and sketches (and another doodle that was already posted on Instagram and Tumblr a good while ago) because these are my babies:

Yep, I redrew them too. I probably picked the wrong time to romanticize winter considering the huge polar vortex and Mike being a Chicago native but um, I have this whole seasonal chibis theme going and I'd like to keep it going. For some reason, this redraw looks pretty different from the last one in that my 2017 redraw (2 years... oof) has thinner lines and the chibi style is different. Oh, and I changed Sandra's hat to a beret, but that was on purpose. This was delayed mainly by my job, me getting distracted and also technical difficulties, a.k.a. I broke the wire to my sister's Parblo tablet and had to scramble to find a replacement. Problem is, that wire is so specifically built for the tablet that it's hard to find a proper replacement (since Parblo doesn't sell it) but I figured out a solution: shove the charging cable that came with my phone into the slot, since phone manufacturers actually make their cables rubbery instead of the hard plastic of the cables you buy when you've lost or broken the phone cable. In other news, my day was actually a wreck but I'm happy because it was take your child to work day and so I got to work with children, it was so fun. Hope you guys have a good weekend, and Elsa, leave the midwest alone. Geez. Anyway, toodles. 

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