Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bye 2017

      Ok, one last post before the year ends. I'll keep it short:

This is actually the first thing I sketched in my new Frozen sketchbook but I didn't finish it till last night. It didn't show up in my Instagram best nine but that's fine. The porg and a couple of Helsa pictures did. I started it last week after watching the I Love Lucy special in color and they aired the fashion show episode and there was this pink dress that is so modern!Elsa so here she is wearing her own version of it, because sparkly is Elsa's aesthetic. I started out 2017 feeling so emo and angry too, but I'm ending it as a working girl and I'm pretty happy even though I can't really do any digital art. But I've adapted and I kinda forgot what it's like to draw something on a piece of paper that you can look at it whenever you can, as long as you didn't lose it. The hope is always that the next year is better and maybe it will be. It certainly will be for my turtle who finally got a tank thanks to me today. I found her two years ago while checking on my dogs because my Lab mix found her and thought she'd make a great chew toy. I realized that green rock wasn't a rock and brought in a tiny turtle to see if it was alive. Now after suffering through a dome composed of my mom's glass mixing bowl above a tiny round turtle habitat, she's got a ten gallon starter that will eventually get upgraded but she's still small and so is our house so it'll be a while. This is what happens when a broke family takes in a turtle that's an invasive species. She's a red-eared slider btw. As I was saying, my traditional art should get more interesting as I bought the following in the past few weeks (the top picture was actually taken last night):

Hopefully I'll develop my characters further and draw them more often and improve with inking 😅 We'll just see what 2018 has to offer. Till then, doodles. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

Last Friday of the year!!!

      Hello! I think this will be the last post of the year... Wow. Well I have some doodles before we finish the year so here ya go: 

The first I made in my new sketchbook based off of this fanfiction I'm following (I have not made sketches based off of chapter one yet) and I got unusually giddy while taking the picture this morning because I forgot how good the middle came out. I don't ship them anymore, they were cute while they lasted. Before that, I drew a porg. I didn't post the scary sketch that I erased to draw the final here but it was oddly popular on Tumblr (I just saw 139 notes... when did that happen?) and Instagram. And the bottom is a quick sketch of an OC's body... How did I get so good at the male form if I've been single my whole life? 🎶I've been single my whole life to find my own bae...🎶 I bought some art supplies tonight at Michael's and plan on using them so if I post colored drawings with inked lines, you know why. Hope you guys enjoy the last weekend of 2017, I don't promise any last minute posts, especially since I work on Sunday (retail 😩), but if I don't post before 2018, just know I didn't stop doodling. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The sass is strong with this one... Flyboys

      Hello. I said Friday but I only drew two of the planned three doodles on Friday and didn't feel like posting it at that moment so I bring you one Poe and two Solos today:

On Friday, I drew Poe and Han. I didn't actually want to draw Poe winking, it just happened while I was fixing his "right" eye so I just winged it from there. Poe was drawn in the morning before I went to work. In fact, I kinda ran late to work because I got a bit confused, my dogs disturbed my sleep the night before so I ended up wasting some time with Poe Dameron but my mom got me to work on time. Worth it. For anyone that has seen the movie, do you think Poe and Connix are booty calls? Or is it just me? Han's not in this movie (I watched it this Saturday), but he does get mentioned and he was in the last movie so I drew young Han. The theme was new trilogy and original, so there. I accidentally typed Hans at one moment, whoops. He was drawn after work so there wasn't anymore sunlight to take a nice picture but I didn't put a filter on it either. I think he looks pretty damn good here. And Saturday, before I went to the theater to finally see it (I paid for my movie ticket and one of my sisters), I drew Kylo. I left the worst emo baddie for last. It's a joke. I admit now I didn't draw his hair as poofy as it usually appears but whatever. Imo, the movie was epic. Anybody that didn't see it as awesome is stupid and threatened by strong women and minorities as main characters. Also, everything you just said is wrong. There's so much going on in the Last Jedi and I think there was quite a bit of awesomeness in it, so go watch it. That is unless you're a thiry-something year old fanboy who still thinks the only good Star Wars is the original trilogy and that you are not a true Star Wars fan if you don't know the name of the alien bartender in scene yaddah-yaddah-yaddah... What's important is if you enjoy the story and the characters and the artistry behind these movies, that's what makes you a fan.

There's space on my index card for a porg. Should I draw one? Also, I'm thinking of scanning it, then inking them with my Sharpie pens I got from work a month ago because I should really start using them. I also want to do the same with my Frozen index card. I have seen artists on Instagram do best nine posts already and I'm gonna save that for December 30th because I think it would be more accurate then as it weighs out everything I've drawn and posted in the past year. I might go quiet during January, I'll make an official post if I go through with it, but that doesn't mean I won't be drawing. Just means I won't be posting during that time. Don't know if I'll doodle anything this week, hopefully I do. See you later, it's getting late here. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cinnamon Rolls with lightsabers (and curse America)

      Hello! I've drawn more Star Wars characters for today's viewing so let's go!

It's Finn and Luke Skywalker! Both have handled the same lightsaber and fought head on with a dark-sider Skywalker, so I guess it makes sense to post them together. Is Finn a Jedi? Not sure, John Boyega left that question unanswered on a youtube video that my sister showed me yesterday... It's usually Jedi that find other Jedi or force-sensitive people, that's from the two established trilogies, so it's possible that he has some force sensitivity. The movie comes out soon so some of our questions will be answered then. I'm not too happy with how these guys came out, guess I'll have to practice them. Oh, before I move on, can I share my theory on The Last Jedi? I think Luke wants to end the Jedi because the lifestyle has become antiquated and it didn't stop two Skywalkers from turning to the dark side and screwing everyone else over at the same time. Not everyone has Padmé's temperament or are mentally stable. Now for an extra doodle:

This happens when you live in Florida and a whole week is forecasted to be under 70° Fahrenheit... My dogs usually sleep outside (not out in the open) but have slept two nights in a row in my room on their blankets on the floor, spent this early morning in my room warming up (because the whole day and night was mild up until 5 in the morning and was stay that way until 8) and I have to bring them in tonight. My lab mix doesn't need a sweater but I have her wear one (Labrador size is tight on her but Newfoundland is loose enough that she takes it off) while my Chihuahua mix wears her sweater and an old coat of hers all day long... I drew this last night actually, after a few days trying to figure out how to incorporate the joke "Elsa is up to it again" (I blame Elsa for frigid temps) and since Olaf's Frozen Adventure caused such a stink, I can imagine her cursing America for hurting her baby's feelings. Anna and Hans are confused as to how she cursed Americans though... they need to check their hair color 😂. Tomorrow is the day they decide the fate of net neutrality... I am not prepared to fork over money to get on the internet, especially since I post my art online, so I hope they leave it well alone. Tiny hands off my internet, off my lands, out of my country. Hopefully those women will take him down. I should come back Friday with more Star Wars doodles so stay tuned!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Forceful Ladies Friday (and a frozen heart)

      Hello! I said last Wednesday I might post again on Friday... didn't think that would be this Friday... whatever, I'm here now with some goodies: 

I started drawing on another index card Star Wars characters and so far I've drawn the leading ladies of the new and original trilogies (the prequels won't fit on this card, they'll need their own), Rey and Leia. I drew a rough sketch for Rey last week but it was Monday when I did the finished product above. Used the cover of VII for reference. I know Daisy Ridley has freckles but I don't have them memorized like I do with Hans and Anna (I accidentally typed Hand... he does have big hands, unlike some people...) so I left them out. I still refer to Daisy Ridley by her full name because I have a dog named Daisy, gotta differentiate. I kept attempting to sketch Leia since Tuesday or Wednesday but it wasn't coming out right so today I erased the last sketch I had, google image searched, and in less than 40 minutes (I know this because like immediately after posting the WIP I worked on her and the time stamp on Instagram was 39 minutes ago when I posted the final) I finally had a worthy Leia likeness. I was listening and singing along to Invader Invader when I finished and I raised my arms Tuscan raider style in happiness. Yes, I'm a happy nerd 😄 I have another doodle unrelated to Star Wars but still a Disney property:

Quickly sketched it on Wednesday after hearing that Olaf's Frozen Adventure got pulled from theaters because of complaints of its length and placement with Coco. It's a sad Olaf trying to seek reassurance from an indifferent Hans. Hans isn't in the short so what does he care? There's a cold front moving along the U.S. and will affect me too (48 degrees Sunday morning). I am blaming Elsa for it. She has motive... This calls for a special doodle. The ladies have 7 likes each on Instagram but Hans and Olaf have 8... wonder what my best nine will be this year... Well, hope you have a good weekend even if it's cold outside.