Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Second Frozen anniversary post

      Hello! I'm posting twice in the same week?!? I must be coming out of that "art block" (I don't ever define it as art block when I don't draw because it's always just a phase... maybe I'm getting distracted by something else, like sims, and I'm working now so that's a few hours where I can't draw)... I drew Hans and Kristoff yesterday on that index card with Anna and Elsa so here we go: 

Aren't they lovely? I love the way Hans came out, he's just so expressive here. I had difficulty with his "left" eye and I redrew his nose one moment because I thought it was too long but other than that, pretty easy. I need to work on Kristoff because I think the drawing could have been done better but it's nice drawing him because I'm so bad, I ignore the good boyfriend. I don't think I'd do that in real life, I did have a crush on Tom Hiddleston, but Hans is so much hotter in my opinion. Kristoff's hot but he needs hygiene, manners, and I am not very attracted to blonds. I've said it before here but my ideal guy is dark haired, light skinned, tall, handsome, thin, kind... but I find red hair fascinating so if I find a redhead with the above qualities, hell yeah. Hans fits almost all of the requirements. He could be nice if he wasn't being a narcissist. I'm gonna go cuz it's late but I might pop back in with a fresh doodle or two on Friday so till then, toodles. 

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