Friday, April 22, 2016

Fruitful Friday

      Hello. I have been doodling but I haven't really been feeling good (emotionally) and I've barely been on my own computer so posting on here has gone by the wayside. I feel better today even though my breakfast wasn't what I usually have and my day usually feels off when I don't have chocolate milk (although I haven't had lunch yet) so here goes my three doodles: 

I doodled a more finished version of a Magnus doodle that I did already because I felt that doodle was worthy of a T-shirt. He's up on Redbubble, if you're interested. Then the middle is inspired by Tom's no longer secret talent of playing the spoons as an instrument but with Loki setting the stage for it. And then this weekend is the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death and that pretty much calls for a Daddy Hiddles doodle. I hope to finish the original that I started which was definitely going to include Tom but alas, I had not a clue as to how to execute his legs with his costume so I will leave that for another time. Hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Look for the bare necessities...

     It's Friday! And that means the Jungle Book remake is out. My sister told me like an hour ago that it has already made 4.2 million. That's surprising because it's just becoming movie time here where I live. Well, for people like my family that tends to walk out of a movie theater while it's still daylight. Anyway, the original animated one is quite dear to my heart and so is Tom Hiddleston, and the funny thing is he loves the movie to the point that if he meets and makes friends with someone that hasn't watched it, he plays it for them. So naturally I had to draw a Daddy Hiddles doodle to commemorate: 
I'm going to log off and get off of my computer quickly because it's lightning outside so bye!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tom Tuesday

      Hello. A bit of a late start but I started doodling yesterday and I just don't feel like drawing on my computer very much anymore so yeah. I did manage to doodle today though but I'll start with what I've been working on over the weekend. 

I decided late last week that I would doodle some moments where Tom Hiddleston has ended up being in my dreams. Top left is me (slightly modified) "saving" him from drowning. I say "saving" because he was only up to his waist in water, he could have done it himself. I presume it was inspired by my sister watching a play-through of Lego's Marvel Superheroes and the guy playing accidentally killed Wolverine twice by having him fall in water and drown. That's gotta be it. Top right is a weird but funny one. I can't tell you the rest of the dream anymore but at one moment, I look at this thing that was an experiment to create the perfect tennis player and funny enough, Tom Hiddleston was used as part of a basis for one of them. The end result was a Tom look-a-like with long blond hair wearing pink. A guy played with his hair for a moment picking it up it was so long. Bottom left was that my parents were talking in supposedly their room across a hallway from me and they turned their backs one moment and Tom was apparently in the room with them as he just appears from behind the doorway, lays down a large shirt and just started goofing off and making me smile. To the right of that is the most recent, Tom had Magnus hair and the teeny figure is from one night that I couldn't get Magnus out of my mind. 

Today I started working on a comic idea I got from watching his SAG interview where he said that (not exactly) he wouldn't be a good spy anymore because too many people know him. And yes, I drew Avengers blowing his cover because I haven't drawn them in a while. I can't seem to get Steve's hair right. A timeline for this would be after Age of Ultron but definitely before Civil War. Tom has black hair because he's played a blond spy already, spies have to blend in, and I like him with dark hair. I inserted a random dog because I was having difficulty with Steve's posing and I felt those two needed a reason to be walking in the park, or at least a cover. Well, I will come back when I have something else to share.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Silly Friday Doodles

      Hello. I thought I might draw something on Wednesday and then I didn't so I have made up for it today. 

So last night or very recently, someone on Tumblr said that it's getting to the point where fans will start shipping Tom Hiddleston with a cardboard box and then some Tumblr users had their little fun with that. So I did a Daddy Hiddles doodle involving a box. And then, I've had it in the back of my head for a while (pretty much since Daddy Hiddles started) to doodle Chris Evans in the same manner and when I found out that Chris Evans quotes his nephew, well, I totally had to do something along those lines. Hope you guys have a good weekend and Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

No Tantrums Tuesday

      Drew a doodle that was overdue already so here it is: 
Should've drawn him much sooner but it was so much fun drawing the likes of Daddy Hiddles and Magnus and all that good stuff that I kept forgetting. I also planned on drawing Phasma but I did not feel like dealing with the helmet so I'm leaving her for later. I couldn't help but stare at this man when he was screen. There were so many attractive people in that movie and some of them were bad. I've seen some critic refer to General Hux as a sneer given human form. That is like the best description I have ever heard and it fits him like a glove. Maybe he wouldn't be so uptight if he didn't wear those tight collars.Well, I'll come back when I doodle something else.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Movie Monday

      Hello. My Monday has been pretty good, well except for one thing. So some new stills from High Rise (starring Tom Hiddleston) came out this weekend and I thought I'd doodle my reactions to them so here they are:

I only got three of the four that I really had an opinion of so I added in that one thing that threw off my happy Monday: a spoiler. I can't see writing or text without wanting to read it and that can be a problem sometimes. So I am going into this movie with that scary thought in mind and hoping that another small innocent creature (a certain lady's unborn child) does not become a victim of the madness that will take place in this movie. I want to watch so many movies this year it's not even funny. On my list are: Deadpool, Zootopia, Captain America:Civil War, High Rise, I Saw The Light. BvS is meh to me but my friend wants to see it so I'll go with her, rooting for Wonder Woman all the way. I am on the fence with X-Men: Apocalypse and it appears to come out this week or at least sometime soon. Tomorrow Star Wars 7 comes out on DVD, yay! It seems to be the age of movies. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

The new kid on the block has become waaaayyyy too popular

      Hello. I have actually been drawing all week but it's been a little at a time and I don't really have anything finished but I did make a meme which it has been a while so: 

Yeah, I'm not really wowed by Spiderman's taking Captain America's shield. I'm not even that wowed that he actually appears now in the MCU because I'm tired of all this rebooting. I personally don't find him to be spectacular anymore. Loki, on the other hand, wore almost the full get-up and even imitated his voice in an alternate version of a Thor:TDW scene. Before you ask if I'm Team Cap or Team Iron Man, I am not choosing any sides because it's just going to be heart-wrenching when all these friends fight against each other. However, Tom Hiddleston has been asked what side he's rooting for and he has answered that he is Team Loki, that Loki would be the kind to watch all of this sitting on a rooftop because none of the Avengers were nice to him. So I will declare myself as Team Loki because I'm totally going to watch although I might cry and that's sentiment. I Saw The Light officially came out today (why April Fool's?) but I am definitely not going even though I want to hear him singing. I guess I'll watch it when it comes out on DVD. Hope you guys have a nice weekend.