Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Mood

      I don't really have anything new for today but since I'll be busy this long weekend, I'll post something today anyway. 

A little leftover from Dino Week. This is the sketch I made of Elsa's prehistoric creation to get an idea of what it should look like. It has a name now which happens to be Spike and I do have plans on drawing more of it so watch out for that. Hope to come back with another doodle before Friday so stay tuned. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cartoony Friday

      Hello. I got an Instagram Wednesday night and I've been posting some stuff on there since then, mostly stuff that has been here but not everything on my Instagram will be on here too. So, I would have loved to have worked on more doodles but today has been a funny day so I've only done one so far. 

I just love that expression! Couldn't help myself. So I'm going by michdoodlesart and look for this face. Hope you have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hump day masterpiece

      So I'm back with another doodle but this one has nothing to do with comedy. 

I finished it!!! I actually finished it last night but left it for scanning this morning but the dumb printer wasn't working with me. So if anybody thought I was working on Johnny Depp, you thought right! The picture I used as a reference was on (I found it by googling him on my phone) in case you want to compare this to the original. Well, I don't have anything else to say so toodles.

Monday, June 22, 2015

I draw for real

      I had every intention of drawing on Friday but got lost on Pinterest when I went there for reference and lost the desire but I've been wanting to draw something more "realistic looking" for a while because my mom thinks that I draw quite good but thinks that I should focus on something other than cartoons so last night I looked up someone and started drawing. I'm still not finished with it and I had some trouble while drawing it but I like what I have so far:

Can anybody guess who this is before I finish it? I plan on starting an Instagram for this blog for those of you that might want to follow me there. If and when I set it up, I will post content from here and other stuff that might be Instagram exclusive or just random stuff that I found funny and sort of related to what I draw so... I'll let you know more about that later. Well, I've got a lot of stuff to do today so hopefully I'll come back later this week with some fresh doodles. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Them's Fighting Words

      I'm back! So it turns out I needed more than a one day rest because I just couldn't bring myself to draw something larger than an inch or so. I'm going to draw today (I have so many things in my head that I want to draw that I'm not sure where to start) but I'll post a little something that was already drawn because I did go a whole week without posting just to prep for last week. 

My handwriting is a bit faint here but I drew this for a friend because she happens to like my Frozen doodles. First time drawing Kristoff which is why he looks a little funny and I was going to draw their torsos but I didn't know how I was going to cross Kristoff's arms with the clothes he's wearing here so I just stopped there and didn't even bother with his shoulders ;P. I tried making them the same height because I figure they are even though in the movie we never see them even get close to each other to find out. Hope you guys have a nice weekend, toodles. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015


      This has been a nice week but I will take a break from drawing almost everyday by watching Tangled on Monday (because I'm so mature). I was originally going to draw a comedic comic for today but I didn't start working on it yesterday which I should have, and we went to watch Jurassic World today and spent the rest of the day hanging out so I decided to shorten it to this one doodle and hopefully I'll get around to the comic when I have the time and energy. 

The mighty king of the dinosaurs either has a problem or is quoting the Beatles (if you don't get the reference, I feel so sorry for you). So, I definitely recommend Jurassic World because it. was. freaking. AWESOME. I'm going to sign off now and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and that you enjoyed Dinosaur Week as much as I did. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Girl Power!

      Day 5:

Whoo! Just one more day and I'm done! Today is opening day and even though there is the chance that I won't go tonight, I know I will see it. Somehow, someway. What is sort of ironic about the movie: the dinosaurs were all made female. Female dinosaurs are terrorizing man. You gotta love Jurassic Park. So Midori is happy about the idea of ruling the world with no men in the way. Let's just say that if this chic snaps, we're doomed. And Mike doesn't like it that his baby girl is quite the independent spirit. So, tomorrow is the finale of Dinosaur Week and you wouldn't want to miss that, right?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How to Handle Rogue Dinosaurs 101

      Day 4:

I started making a sketch and decided to just leave it sketchy like that, make my life a little easier what with a glitchy tablet pen and all. This was actually the last idea I came up with for this week (still got two more days of doodles) because I don't know, not like they could form a dinosaur, encounter shapeshifiting mutates or happen to come across a lot of weird stuff so I had to put on my thinking cap and I guess that's where the inspiration came from. Tomorrow is opening day!!! Stay tuned for another dino doodle. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Curiosity Kills

      Day 3:

Ok, I'm done drawing characters that aren't mine for this week. You know that feeling when you complain about somebody else doing something but then do it yourself because you can't help it? Kenta does. Ryo's tie color was a suggestion from my sister. I said I need a color for Ryo's tie and my sister just says purple and I didn't question her. Due to some technical difficulties, I was delayed in drawing this and it was a little more difficult to draw today. Let's see if I can make it tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Intruder Alert

      Day 2 of Dinosaur Week here which means another doodle: 

"Look what I trained to be my winged stallion!" Shatterstar, you don't break the wills of villains and then bring them home as your pet. Apparently, Shatterstar isn't aware that this is actually Sauron, a guy who after a bite from a Pterodactyl-like creature from the Savage Lands gained the ability to turn into one whenever he snacks on mutant energy. This means that now Sauron is standing in the middle of a buffet that is about to attack him. My favorite parts of this are Shatterstar's face, Sunspot giving Cannonball a look, and Wolverine. Oh, and Rictor is supposed to be saying "you didn't look him in the eyes, right?" Well, see you tomorrow with another doodle so stay tuned. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Do You Wanna Build A Dino?

      You're gonna hear me ROOOAAAAR. Sorry, I'm listening to it right now. Dinosaur Week has officially started, yay! To start it off, I have a doodle sort of inspired by what the latest problem is in this new Jurassic Park movie (Jurassic World) coming out this Friday (in the US). 

Screw snowmen, dinos are better than people, jk. This has taken me quite a while because I wanted them to look as closely as possible to the original style as is possible when I draw them, so yeah. Also, I had to add to the canvas size (Photoshop term) because I short-changed myself with how long this was going to be. I just love Anna's face in the last panel, though, and Hans is just freaking adorsables with that face ^-^  Well, I'm gonna leave you with a link that JP nerds will appreciate and say tune in tomorrow for more prehistoric madness. 
