Friday, May 29, 2015

TGIF randomness

      I'm working hard (well, trying to, I get distracted) on what will be presented during Dinosaur Week (I came up with that, check last post) so i haven't doodled anything else non-related. I do have something that happened weeks ago when I was doing sketches of a fan character of mine.

I went to fix the eyes and when I looked, well, I think it's kind of cute. This is not the final design but it does give a brand new perspective. Well enough with the Hanna-Barbara look. I took a Which Frozen Character Are You quiz Tuesday just for fun and this happens to be my result:

I told my sister she should have recorded my reaction because I kinda danced in my seat *tee hee*. And thank you Buzzfeed for calling me really hot and clever, I like the sound of that ;) Well, I gotta get going because I have a week of prehistoric fun I need to work on. Hope you guys have a nice weekend. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Doe, A Deer, A Female Deer

      Oh dear. Monday my family and I went to see some family friends that we hadn't seen in forever so absolutely no working on any doodles then which has made me a day behind in this. I'm actually working on something special for next month but I managed to squeeze in a little something for today. 

I was typing "Elsa" yesterday and made a typo ("Elksa") and it just escalated into this - Frozen Deer. The style borrows from Bambi although they retain their eye shapes. I don't always draw deer, but when I do, they look cute. I don't plan on doing anything else with them although I thought a little on how their songs would change:

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a hoofprint to be seen"
"Love is a smiling doe"

Ok, so the last one is a little dumb but a full grown buck is walking around being called Fawns so it's not that bad. I had to fix their noses and Elksa's cheek because I sort of gave them dog noses mistakenly. You can see in this sketch:

I have an announcement to make before I forget: June 8-13 will be dinosaur week here because that Friday comes out Jurassic World so I'm ringing it in with dino/Jurassic Park related doodles spanning from my original characters to the Disneyverse (can you guess which part?). Well I better be going, toodles. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I'm So Fancy (ppg)

      It's humpday and frankly this hasn't been a doodling week for me. It's not that I haven't been doodling, I have, but I haven't finished and yesterday I didn't really feel like drawing so I lip-synced. Yes, I lip-synced. But I do have something that I drew a whiles back on paper. 

Drew my Powerpuff characters for my friend and I scanned them because I sent the original copy. They are dressed more like their individual personalities with Annie obviously being a skater girl, Becky going the hipster route and Chloe being a bohemian hippie. Yes, Annie's hair is that long. Becky has a light bulb on her sweater because she's the smart one and that is supposed to be a feather sticking out of Chloe's hair because feather earrings are so boho. Hope your humpday goes well and that I can come back with a new doodle. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The things we do for "fun"

      Yay! I did it! I got a doodle done for this week and I actually did it in only a matter of hours. Ok, so did anybody hear about the Japanese game show incident? No? Here's a link in case you didn't: 

Well, I cooked up a little idea after I saw that and here it is: 

Poor Ryo got the short end of the stick. Maybe if he went against somebody wimpier, he could have won. Could have. And this is the guy expected to take over Takahashi Pest Control? The shame. I personally hate roaches. I find them creepy looking and plain disgusting so I'm glad I wasn't any of those girls. Oh, and about that Hans meme, I fixed it. 

Hope you have a roach-and-murderous-psychopath free weekend. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

We kill weekday blues

      No doodle today, I'll try to draw something for this week but I do have a "blooper" leftover from last week...

Sorry, it reads from right to left. Obviously I had a little trouble drawing the storm trooper's leg. I also have a little something I came up with last Saturday while my sister was googling pics...

Dat face doe. He might look like a maniacal psychopath here but... somehow I find that lovable. Oh, I sound crazy to you? I've got one word for you: Loki. How do these connect? They're popular Disney villains, that's how. Ok, let me get to doodling. Toodles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

That's Not How It Goes...

      Hey, two days in a row! Actually I just finished working on what I started last week and I don't want to wait till Friday to put it up. 

Mike doesn't appreciate random singing in his household because life isn't a musical :3 I can't really think of anything else to say so I guess I'll be going. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Old Lord Vader

      Yesterday was Star Wars day and I thought to draw something to commemorate it. I just finished it, but thankfully there's the Revenge of the 5th loophole so I can still do a belated Star Wars post (even though I did a doodle for last week with Leia which I guess can be considered early). 

My sister came up with the idea of Darth Vader not being able to wet his joints or else he'd be squeaking and I came up with the punchline. I went ahead and drew my part. She drew something else. And yes, my signature has a purple lightsaber BECAUSE I CAN.