Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Doe, A Deer, A Female Deer

      Oh dear. Monday my family and I went to see some family friends that we hadn't seen in forever so absolutely no working on any doodles then which has made me a day behind in this. I'm actually working on something special for next month but I managed to squeeze in a little something for today. 

I was typing "Elsa" yesterday and made a typo ("Elksa") and it just escalated into this - Frozen Deer. The style borrows from Bambi although they retain their eye shapes. I don't always draw deer, but when I do, they look cute. I don't plan on doing anything else with them although I thought a little on how their songs would change:

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a hoofprint to be seen"
"Love is a smiling doe"

Ok, so the last one is a little dumb but a full grown buck is walking around being called Fawns so it's not that bad. I had to fix their noses and Elksa's cheek because I sort of gave them dog noses mistakenly. You can see in this sketch:

I have an announcement to make before I forget: June 8-13 will be dinosaur week here because that Friday comes out Jurassic World so I'm ringing it in with dino/Jurassic Park related doodles spanning from my original characters to the Disneyverse (can you guess which part?). Well I better be going, toodles. 

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