Friday, April 17, 2015

TGIF Two-Fer

      Ok, so I've been working on something all week that, believe it or not, is taking quite some time to complete because there's a lot involved including detail and I got sick this week, still sick right now, so yeah. But I will give you a little preview because I pretty much can't hold it in anymore. 

I know it came out pixel-ly as heck but it's a screenshot of a sketch so go figure. Maybe I've gotten a little too worked up over Hans but this was born from an idea I had like two months ago already of what if Hans did marry Anna and, well, you know what, and they had children whom instantaneously gained the nickname "Hanslings". Maybe a little ridiculous but I turn lots of things into a comedy routine fast. Today, as I was looking at some (cough cough) references, I noticed something peculiar so I thought I'd share that too:

I could have positioned it better but, notice the placement here? Not my placement, Google's placement. This might not go very far but I must admit, I think it's Pinterest worthy. Anybody that agrees with me is free to pin it, and if you don't have a Pinterest account, Facebook, Instagram, I don't really care how you show it, you have my permission because that's pretty much what internet memes are for. And in case a Photoshop expert comes along saying "stroke would have made the text pop so much better", FireAlpaca has no stroke function in its text tool. Believe me, I know. Hope you guys have a nice weekend and don't let the frostbite bite. Or the sword wielding guy cut your head off, your pick. 

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