Monday, April 27, 2015

Beware the Girl with the Braid

      So I said Friday but I needed to fix the arrangement which I decided I would do with Photoshop (which ended up not working the way I wanted it to, besides the horror it did earlier when I went to use it with a sort of personal project) and it was today that I finally got to finish it but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. 

I was inspired to draw this after I got upset with my dad messing around with my braid that I had last Sunday, not yesterday, pretending it was a tail and I said to my mom something that included the phrase "the era of beware the girl with the braid". And you know what? Yes, lots of protagonist girl characters don't have braids, in fact there is pretty much great variety of hairstyles among them, but some of the most popular ones: braid. I drew only four of them but I originally planned on including Lara Croft in here as well. And if anybody is lost as to why Anna is in the picture when the other three are obviously pretty tough cookies, just remember: she punched a guy off a ship besides other evidence that she may just have super strength without knowing it. If you guys can remember any other dangerously braided beauties, you are free to leave a comment about it. I hope to be back soon with a little something that doesn't have any Frozen characters in it so stay tuned.

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