Monday, April 27, 2015

Beware the Girl with the Braid

      So I said Friday but I needed to fix the arrangement which I decided I would do with Photoshop (which ended up not working the way I wanted it to, besides the horror it did earlier when I went to use it with a sort of personal project) and it was today that I finally got to finish it but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. 

I was inspired to draw this after I got upset with my dad messing around with my braid that I had last Sunday, not yesterday, pretending it was a tail and I said to my mom something that included the phrase "the era of beware the girl with the braid". And you know what? Yes, lots of protagonist girl characters don't have braids, in fact there is pretty much great variety of hairstyles among them, but some of the most popular ones: braid. I drew only four of them but I originally planned on including Lara Croft in here as well. And if anybody is lost as to why Anna is in the picture when the other three are obviously pretty tough cookies, just remember: she punched a guy off a ship besides other evidence that she may just have super strength without knowing it. If you guys can remember any other dangerously braided beauties, you are free to leave a comment about it. I hope to be back soon with a little something that doesn't have any Frozen characters in it so stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I has the Frozen fever

      I. Finally. Finished. It. After two grueling weeks of working on this, I have finally finished what I was working on. So now you can see it!

Why Disney? Why wallpaper? Why pillars? Why painted details on the pillars? Drawing the characters: fine with that. Drawing their clothes: a little difficulty with Hans, but ok with that. Drawing the background: ugh. Now I know I wouldn't last one second at Disney if they wanted me to work on backgrounds. Character design and scripts are more my strong suit. I absolutely love how panel 1 and 3 came out, they look like something out of a coloring book. Oh, so here we have the Hanslings (Anna edition. Yes, there's an Elsa edition). Panel 1 is baby Prince Gregers, panel 2 his little brother Einar, panel 3 baby Princess Janne, and last but not least, Princess Alva in panel 4. The j in Janne is pronounced like in fjord, as in like a y. And yes, Alva is getting an icy reception there just because she happens to be like her auntie Elsa. In case you're wondering, Hans is actually king here but the outfits are obviously based off of the ones he wears in the movie so... yeah. Btw, Hans should just fire whoever is making those derp chains on his jacket ;P. Well, that's all I've got, hope to be back Friday with a doodle. Toodle-oo. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

TGIF Two-Fer

      Ok, so I've been working on something all week that, believe it or not, is taking quite some time to complete because there's a lot involved including detail and I got sick this week, still sick right now, so yeah. But I will give you a little preview because I pretty much can't hold it in anymore. 

I know it came out pixel-ly as heck but it's a screenshot of a sketch so go figure. Maybe I've gotten a little too worked up over Hans but this was born from an idea I had like two months ago already of what if Hans did marry Anna and, well, you know what, and they had children whom instantaneously gained the nickname "Hanslings". Maybe a little ridiculous but I turn lots of things into a comedy routine fast. Today, as I was looking at some (cough cough) references, I noticed something peculiar so I thought I'd share that too:

I could have positioned it better but, notice the placement here? Not my placement, Google's placement. This might not go very far but I must admit, I think it's Pinterest worthy. Anybody that agrees with me is free to pin it, and if you don't have a Pinterest account, Facebook, Instagram, I don't really care how you show it, you have my permission because that's pretty much what internet memes are for. And in case a Photoshop expert comes along saying "stroke would have made the text pop so much better", FireAlpaca has no stroke function in its text tool. Believe me, I know. Hope you guys have a nice weekend and don't let the frostbite bite. Or the sword wielding guy cut your head off, your pick. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

      It's Monday which means we are forced to start another week :( I hope your weekend was nice, mine's definitely hit a high note when my family and I spotted a manatee only a few feet away from us on a remote inlet beach. I saw a manatee (actually I recall two snouts coming up at the surface so probably a mother and calf) in the wild! Ok, sorry if you can't top that, but I hope something good happened to you. Speaking of something good happening, I have a doodle in my arsenal that is pretty much the opposite but, well, I'll show you...

Be careful what you wish for. Drew this for a friend (she should already have this in her possession) after thinking maybe Anna wants to get back at Hans with more than a punch? And also Amy Mebberson (creator of Pocket Princesses) drew a comic panel of Anna asking Pocahontas to flood the Kingdom of the Southern Isles so obviously I'm not alone in this. See? I told you I could draw Hans. I like the way Hans and Anna came out, I'm a little disappointed with Elsa but her eyes were so difficult! So were Hans', but they came out a ton better than hers. Last night I actually found some sketches I did of Anna and Elsa before I watched the movie and my God, they did not look like themselves. They actually looked horrible but at that moment I thought the movie was overrated so I didn't even bother trying. And as someone who pretty much saw only the trailers with Kristoff in them, anytime I saw Hans in the picture (because he didn't show up in any of the trailers that i saw) I was pretty much "who is this Hans?" (thumbs up for Olaf quote?) But I have seen the movie and I finally understand so I guess it makes up for that. Ok, I'm gonna hit the road and try to draw something else. It may or may not be Frozen related. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I'm Good, I Swear!

      Call it weird or crazy, but I have become one of those Frozen fans that has a thing with Hans. Don't get me wrong, I am well aware that Kristoff is the better choice and he and Anna should be together and I like him, but he's not my type so yeah. In case you're wondering, my type is actually the tall brunette, light skinned kind but I'm also quite intrigued by red hair so I could also go for a hunky redhead if I happen to come by one. I went off on a tangent there when I came here to showcase a new doodle related to what I started talking about.

I've been wanting to draw Shatterhans (that's what I call him) again doing exactly this but I just had to draw it after hearing this (there's other versions of this video but this is the one I picked) so I changed one little word and PRESTO! This idea finally materialized on my screen and not just in my head. I'd like to see more of Hans in Frozen 2, preferably as a good guy because I think it's a shame to let all that prettiness go to waste ;) Btw, I can draw Hans, I just chose to draw this because I thought it would be funnier.