Monday, March 30, 2015

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

      I actually wanted to be back with something on Friday but I got caught up with actually making it and it was a rainy day with some lightning so I didn't finish. And Saturday I didn't feel like turning on my computer. But I worked on it yesterday and gave it the finishing touches today so ta-da!

Ok, so I was in a hunky mood last week, don't judge. I could have added more detail and I considered coloring his lineart but when I did it, the only thing you could see well on his face were his eyes and eyebrows so that didn't work. And you might not think so but I have difficulty with straight lines especially on the computer because the way I have to draw on the computer is not how I naturally draw on paper. I remembered today actually that Kenta should have a clavicle so I drew it in because that would kind of be weird that I draw him shirtless without a clavicle in one place and in another he has a very obvious clavicle. Clavicles are important! Some of the muscles involved in lifting your arms are actually attached to it. Ok, so anatomy lesson aside, yes he can flip pancakes but that's only because he's a cool dude and a fast learner and I don't suggest you try this at home if a) your pan is heavy, b) your pancake is big and more likely to break if flipped and c) your mom doesn't like a dirty stove. Hope I cheered up your Monday and let's see if I return later this week but don't expect a Friday visit as that is a special day for me. 

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