Monday, March 30, 2015

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

      I actually wanted to be back with something on Friday but I got caught up with actually making it and it was a rainy day with some lightning so I didn't finish. And Saturday I didn't feel like turning on my computer. But I worked on it yesterday and gave it the finishing touches today so ta-da!

Ok, so I was in a hunky mood last week, don't judge. I could have added more detail and I considered coloring his lineart but when I did it, the only thing you could see well on his face were his eyes and eyebrows so that didn't work. And you might not think so but I have difficulty with straight lines especially on the computer because the way I have to draw on the computer is not how I naturally draw on paper. I remembered today actually that Kenta should have a clavicle so I drew it in because that would kind of be weird that I draw him shirtless without a clavicle in one place and in another he has a very obvious clavicle. Clavicles are important! Some of the muscles involved in lifting your arms are actually attached to it. Ok, so anatomy lesson aside, yes he can flip pancakes but that's only because he's a cool dude and a fast learner and I don't suggest you try this at home if a) your pan is heavy, b) your pancake is big and more likely to break if flipped and c) your mom doesn't like a dirty stove. Hope I cheered up your Monday and let's see if I return later this week but don't expect a Friday visit as that is a special day for me. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm Too Hot (Hot Damn!)

      Not trying to brag, but it's been pretty hot where I live. We have like two weeks or so with cold-ish weather and then we shoot up to the 90's. Someone mail me some snow! Anyways, why did I start blabbing about the weather? Because it inspired me...

My sisters had spring break last week but it felt more like summer so I got this little picture of Aidan relaxing in the sun in my head. I doubt New York looks like this right now but one can dream, right? I heard Uptown Funk a ton of times while working on this and it most certainly fits. Looking at this picture, it's a little hard to believe that I used to not be able to draw muscular guys and before that I even went quite a while without drawing boys because I just sucked at them. Thank God for improvement. Ok I'm signing off, hope you guys enjoy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

This Specimen is Quite Odd...

      Helloooo. If you haven't noticed, I've been in an extraterrestrial mood lately so here's another one because I am not done; the universe is huge, after all. 

If you remember Nomi, this is one of her lackies. Ekki is one of the very few individuals of her species with this mutation that causes her tail to be longer than usual. No, she is not about to twerk, she just likes to show off her extra long tail because these mutants are revered as special and she's obviously an attention hog. I don't have anything else to say, really, except for TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT IF I DRAW/POST ANYTHING REMOTELY HUMAN. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I Don't Die That Easily

      I've been waking up late lately although I was the only one in my house awake before 9 Sunday but that's only because daylight savings screwed around with all other alarms but mine. So, thanks to that I've been feeling a little off lately even with my doodles but I drew another one of my personal projects:

Tamiko and Midori are helping me to introduce another character. The blonde is Janah, an alien from the planet Kaniim. I admit that I drew some inspiration from the very well known Superman but I've worked to make sure that she and her story are not a cheap copy. Janah came to Earth as a young adult after the destruction of her home planet and due to confusion and the sudden development of super powers, she basically threw a tantrum that we only wish we were capable of and attacked just about anything that was too close to her. She was calmed down and now serves as one of Earth's finest protectors (along with her co-workers). Whether she is the only survivor is up for debate but let's just say she may not be alone. Her super powers include: flight, super strength, super senses, super speed, X-ray vision, and invulnerability to human weaponry and the like. So yes, not even a nuclear explosion could leave a scratch on her Kaniimian body. And doesn't Tamiko look cute in her super suit? 

One of my biggest wishes is to go see New York, hopefully this year as my plans to go last year were squashed, and it would be nice if I could raise some spending money so if anyone is interested, you may help "sponsor" me by buying some cute chibi stickers from my Bittersweet and Super Teens collection. Or just wait for me to rant on how this just doesn't seem to be working and I didn't get to go, your choice. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Siryn Song

      It's a new month and spring is just around the corner, JUST AROUND THE RIVER BEND! Sorry, but it popped up in my mind and since there is no such thing as corners in the natural world... Anyway, I've been itching for a while now to draw some things but either I don't get around to it or I forget and never start then remember when I'm not doing anything and I actually got around to drawing one of these things, well sort of. 

This is most definitely one chic you don't want yelling at you. Siryn is pretty cool, even though she's suffered a lot in life so I would imagine that belting a sonic scream at someone would be quite therapeutic for her. I've been wanting to draw and color her in and now I've done it! I love her little "wings" so it felt cool to draw them and as much as I drew her in an older costume, I like her X-Factor one better and I modernized this one just a teensy weensy little bit to bring her into the 21st century because otherwise she'd look so totally 90's. Let's see if I come back with something Super Teens or Bittersweet related because it's been a while.