Wednesday, December 31, 2014

When will it be over?

      Goodbye 2014! But I liked that number :( I like even numbers having been born on an even year so this is kinda sad for me but maybe 2015 will be better for me, who knows. For you guys on the other side of the pond, it already is the new year but I still quite some time to go before the ball drops here. This is my last entry for this year so I hope to return soon with my first post for 2015. 

Technically this already happened since these guys live in Japan but hey, haven't put any strips or doodles of them in a while so I figured why not? Oh, and yeah, Mike is not very good with waiting which is a total contrast to Sandra's patient nature. Maybe she should have given him one of her things to read so that he wouldn't be griping over waiting for the year to end and being born in December a large baby ;) . 


Monday, December 29, 2014

Bring in all pets, potted plants and roomates

      Oh my god, only two days left for 2014!!! Aaaaahhhhh!!! Where did the time go? Ok, maybe I know where the time went but seriously, this is the time of year for looking back and feeling that you wasted your time and feeling regretful so you come up with New Year's resolutions to make up for that. Whether you go through with them or not is entirely up to you but it is something of an American tradition to make resolutions that you are not going to accomplish. Forget resolutions, I want to fit in as many doodles as possible before the year ends. So, I have created a doodle that does not relate to me but since it's winter for the upper portion of the world, someone is bound to understand. 

No shading, I wanted it to be informal like this. As much as Aidan can tolerate extreme heat and make himself warmer, his weaknesses are getting too cold (by suddenly getting splashed with cold water or spending too long in the cold), overextending himself without consistent nourishment, or just not eating for an extended amount of time (he faints). Soooo, it would be a horrible practical joke for him to get locked out in the middle of a New York winter. I got the idea a while back but I only started it like last week and finished it today. Hope you guys enjoy and I hope to be back with at least one more doodle before 2015 starts but for now ttfn.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some people need to learn to shut up

      Ok, last week I thought I might have something for last Friday but it took me longer to finish (besides that I decided to record my working on it and go over it later when I could have worked on the picture) but I finished it yesterday so now I would like to present you with a little portion of my fan fiction: 

This is basically if the X-Men mutants (not all of them) had kids and this picture is starring my creations Tanya Rasputin and Dylan Wilson. Tanya takes mostly after her dad but is as spunky and as much of a computer geek as her mom. Dylan describes himself as "part Irish, part Shar-Pei, all around handsome" while others would describe him as "half Irish, half crazy, all mouth". For non-comic book geeks the descriptions and names might not help but I don't want to give up too much, haven't developed these guys that much, and I'm sure Marvel fans would get it almost right away and if not, shame on you. Anyways, I'll come back when I have another drawing/doodle and maybe I'll load a video of me drawing this on youtube, who knows. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Watch who you take selfies with

      I'm back! It feels like I haven't been here in forever but my motivation has been a little low but then I got inspired to draw a doodle for the modern age so enjoy: 

A fully digital Super Teens strip! Sorry if the placement of the dialogue seems odd/off. I personally don't get the purpose of the duck face and think it's ridiculous to imitate an animal that is not sexy in the least but it's like hand someone a smartphone and their brain goes downhill. Maybe I shouldn't be talking because I do have a smartphone (I'm not in the dark ages people) but I'm not like that. My phone is a tool, not a toy to take endlessly pointless selfies with. Well, hopefully after this I'll come back more often with doodles. Toodle-loo :)