Tuesday, October 28, 2014

You need one of these in order to live

      Hey guys. I've been working on a little "project" on paper and I'm still working on it actually so I haven't really gotten around to posting anything. Today, however, I finished my t-shirt idea that I put the lineart up for last time and gave permission to decorate it as you like so I thought I'd put it up now.

I also thought of a variation where the background could be a light pink (for a girlier version) but for now the red is ok. To be honest, I've never seen the movie but I know it's about William Wallace, it stars Mel Gibson and my mom nearly cried when they killed him at the end. I'm not sure that my mom said that she nearly cried but she was a fan so I imagine she was close to tears. I've been looking today on Google because I'm thinking of cutting my gorgeously long hair short but I couldn't find exactly the hairstyle I was looking for (I could always draw it though) and I came across this: 
Top 20 Cute Short Hairstyles and haircuts for Women.wild

I didn't think that real people wore their hair like this. When I first drew it on Wolfsbane, I figured a messy pixie cut would be appropriate because after all, her hair doesn't grow very long and she has accidentally bitten someone while kissing them (not saying who) so it would make a lot of sense that her hair had a wild look to it. I guess I'll just leave it at that and hope to be back soon. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Marvel, what have you done?

      Happy Friday, or should I say sad Friday for Wolverine fans? I'm saying this because I just found out that they have killed Wolverine this week or whenever that comic came out. I was initially upset when I found out their plan to kill him off, as if I wasn't upset when Hugh Jackman dies at the end of Les Miserables. I was miserable when the movie ended, that's for sure. I'm going to repost a pic of The (Awesome) Wolverine that I put on here months ago and have a moment of silence here. 

Okay. I also want to put up a little something for you guys that started as a T-shirt idea but after drawing it, I thought that there were other ways to decorate it and personalize it for just about whatever you like so here's the image. 

I made a PSD version of this as well for whoever has Photoshop, FireAlpaca or any other program that can manipulate that type of file but I don't think I can really make that available for you here or can I? Nope sorry, I tried. If you have Photoshop, just copy the lineart and my signature as I went through the trouble of drawing that beautiful heart and just have fun. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Maybe this might cheer you up?

      Howdy. I don't know why but I feel like saying that lately. Anyways, I've been feeling blah lately, partly because everybody except our dogs have been sick and partly because of other factors, so I'm not doing much but I have been working on something and I actually finished a little portrait of Sandra Saturday that I would like to share with you today. 

Just a simple little thing that I just happened to feel like drawing so I drew it and also having been working on "projects" (one of them isn't really finished but I'm not in the mood to deal with that right now) that are rather detailed, I needed a break from that. From the beginning, Sandra has always been a simple character, it's her story and family that are a little complicated. Little? Who am I kidding? Anybody who knows me personally and has to hear me brainstorming the Bittersweet storyline know that's an understatement. It just happens, I get an idea and before I know it, there's a whole backstory and there's complicated storylines and family members left and right. Well, I don't have much else to say so I hope you enjoy and your Monday is a little brighter now ^-^ .  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What should we do today?

      Howdy do. Yesterday I was drawing, figuring out how Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would look in my cartoony X-Men style when I made a mistake. 

See that? Wanda is mentally unstable again and she's not hiding it XD. Yeah, I accidentally drew her with a lazy eye but I did fix it, after showing my sister and mom my little goof. 

Oh, and that writing underneath reads (not "villains", just occasional pranksters) explaining their position in my little X-Men universe. They're not "villains" because they broke ties with Magneto/Dad a long time ago to join the Avengers but they still do like to come and mess with the X-Men when things are slow because they obviously don't have much respect for them and haven't really grown up that much even if they are working with Captain America. I'm still sick but I don't it have as bad as my parents and this thing that I've got is apparently a week long thing so I probably won't start feeling normal until the weekend. That just might have influenced the Witch's face while I was drawing her.