Friday, August 29, 2014

I Wanna Be Royal!

      Happy Friday! It's also Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. I know I haven't been here for more than a week but I am back with a special treat for X-Men and Frozen fans out there who may also be comic geeks. Or just, you know, anybody who likes what I draw and my little spins on just about everything in life. It's a scan of a drawing on paper and I'm apologizing now but my mom's scanner has a bad habit of lightening up ink and graphite but without further ado, here is my doodle for the day!

Oh sure, completely legible here including my sister's handwriting on the other side of the paper. Since I did a lot of doodles during class on school paper back when I was in school, I believe in recycling schoolwork for drawing purposes and since my sisters are the ones in school but my youngest one, SkinnyBeanAlex, loves to doodle too, I am left with no choice but to recycle my other sister's paper (she rips it out of her notebook and leaves it sitting on the desk like it's her personal storage unit for stuff she doesn't need or really care for anymore). Could have also used a cropping. Oh well. Ah yes, I drew Shatterstar as Hans, or should I call him ShatterHans? Anyway, he's ogling what is obviously a princess's crown but it's a combination of my preference of drawing princess crowns and his desperation to become ruler that it doesn't really matter if the damn crown is masculine or not, he will wear it. If his plan falls through, that is. Other X-Men characters that I thought of for this are: Storm for Elsa (I've seen black Elsas on Google so don't judge my choice), Dazzler for Anna, and Longshot for Kristoff. I have pretty much arranged it by hair color/personality. I know the list doesn't include Sven or Olaf but that's only because those will be a surprise. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I see nothing but untapped potential

      I've kinda been neglecting my Super Teens so I'm posting a comic strip! 

I drew this over two years ago when my graduation was coming up. I know graduation season is over for this year but this is a nice joke for anybody that has graduated or is graduating soon and this also gives some insight into my character's education. Wilhelm, being a genius, skipped two grades and is currently in college. Although my research would make this nearly impossible, Tamiko fought for homeschooling to finish school early and avoid bullying. Ariana, to get away from her dysfunctional family, became a foreign exchange student. Aidan dropped out because he was being a rebel and didn't think it through at that moment and now he's ashamed XD. Don't do anything that you'll regret later!! Sorry they look so dark here, Blogger has a tendency to tan them. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

It Takes Seeing to Believe

      Hi. I know it's been over a week since I've been here but I've been busy (have I said that?) and I still have paintings from that time that I wanted to fuse my characters with old TV shows that I have to finish but that's for another time and besides, I've been working on something else. 

It's Dani Moonstar, previously known as Psyche then later Mirage. It's a shame that they had to depower this awesome Cheyenne mutant in the comic books but some of her peers that have been depowered are back to being mutants so there's hope for her ^-^. The T-Rex (a mirage) may have been influenced by my seeing Barney the friendly dinosaur (bleh) every time I look at my phone (it's an inside joke). I drew this to take a break from always drawing Shatterstar, Wolfsbane, and Rictor and to post somebody not related to Wolverine. Also, because I'm drawn to Native American cultures (I have Taino ancestry) I find Moonstar pretty awesome. It hits me now that I should have given her a shadow unless I leave it like this like the ground is part of her mirage ;). I know that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is out but it doesn't look like I'll see them in movies and I'm waiting patiently for Jurassic World and Star Wars VII to come out. Well, I'll come back when I've got something else, hope you guys enjoyed your weekends. Mine was hot, rainy, and Saturday night we spent a hour in the dark :(.    

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Alice, we'll be rich!

      Hi there. Anybody a fan of old TV shows? I'm talking like The Honeymooners, Gilligan's Island, Happy Days, The Odd Couple, etc etc etc. Well I am and I thought to do art/doodles involving my characters/borrowed characters that I think best fit with the personalities of these classic TV characters. Tonight on MeTv (local channel that plays these shows) at 10 they will be playing The Honeymooners so here is my rendition. 

Background's not the best and I was going for a painting look but this is Mike and Sandra as Ralph Cramden and Alice, one of the most dysfunctional couples ever to be on television. Mike looks a little more like Fred from Scooby-Doo the way I drew him and Sandra's naturally blue eye(s) look a little creepy in black and white but I like the composition of it. Hope you enjoy the rest of this week, I'll be busy but I might come back soon ;). 

Friday, August 1, 2014

u mad bro?

      Hi. I woke up earlier than I usually do which I will do for just about the rest of this month so the day is feeling kinda long for me. But it's a nice day down here :). I drew a doodle today in a short amount of time on Sketchbook because it's been a while. 

I haven't drawn this guy in a while and I'm obviously feeling guilty over it :P. Sorry dude, if it's any consolation I think of you a lot. It happens whenever I have a new character/storyline, it's almost the only thing I talk about. Ask my sister. So yeah, next week I'll get the sticker selling set up for anybody that's interested and not mention it ever again in my posts so that you don't get annoyed and say BUT I DON'T HAVE MONEY! Oh, and I'll work on more doodles and possibly make more strips, it's just that I started drawing those for a friend of mine that I haven't written to in a while and won't be able to write to for a while more (I hope) so inspiration hasn't struck me. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend.