Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Flowers Look So Pretty

       Hello, it may a bit late but I hope you had a nice weekend^-^. Summer is coming!!! It already feels like summer here it's so hot. Not trying to rub it in for anyone still in the cold. Remember that picture that I talked about on Earth Day that I showed you a tidbit? Here's another tidbit. 

Anyone who has been on here before recognizes her I'm sure. All prior posts including her had her with her eyes closed so this might be a shock. All that I had done that I didn't post that had her eye color was on my (dead) flash drive so I'm not sure of the exact hue. Thankfully I had her hair color and skin tone. What is she doing in the same picture with that redheaded girl you ask? That's a surprise. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Someone's Grown Up!

      It's Friday! I am still somewhat pooped and just not in the mood to draw today so I snapped a picture of an old sketch.

This was an attempt at redrawing a character with them looking a bit more grown-up. Leave a comment with who you think this is. I know the picture looks dirty but it is an old paper, maybe two years old and I realize now that the head is a tad bit small. Hopefully next week I will put up new stuff and get out of this rut. I'm thinking of opening up commissions but I don't think I have a large enough audience. If anyone is interested, leave a comment. I must explain though, that I will draw certain things upon requests and not draw other certain things, as in I will draw: my characters, animals (real), furries and anthros. I will not draw: sexually explicit scenes/pornography/suggestive material, mythical creatures, fan art of original characters from franchises or other artists, extreme violence or gory material. I will re-post this list later with any other additional dos and don'ts and other info when I get positive feedback :). 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Hippie, I mean, Earth Day!

      Hello. I know it has been a while since I have posted here but to recap, I had a problem with my flash not being read by computers and most everything that I had on it is for the moment is "lost". I bought a new flash drive with more memory and I am working on something but it is not ready so that will take some time. It's Earth Day and I wanted to make something for today because I think we should take care of our planet but so far I can give you a little portion of it. 

I like it. Looks like spring. Later when I put up the whole picture I'll introduce you to her. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thoughtless Tuesday; Sorry, my mind is drawing a blank :/

      Yesterday was a very busy day for me but it was also a very special occasion so it was worthwhile. Turns out that my flash drive doesn't work on any computer anymore and is most probably dead. I had so much stuff on it, including work in progress, pictures of my dead dog that nobody else had and pictures of my living dogs!!! But there is a way to retrieve that stuff so not all is lost. I just need another flash drive. I planned on doing another Chernobyl doodle but I guess I wasn't feeling it so I fooled around with this program called Sketchbook Express and created this: 

It occurred to me that I didn't put my signature on the last one (it was saved on my flash drive too) so I made sure to put it here. When I was doing "research" on different X-Men characters, I came across the name Shatterstar while reading up on Wolfsbane. I assumed Star was a girl, similar looking to the one above, who was a skilled swordswoman. I was surprised and a bit disgusted to find out that the character was a swordsman. I guess that original picture I made in my mind stuck with me and I created an alternate version that I call She-star, to point out the obvious difference. This pic doesn't show it, but she is a no-nonsense kind of girl and just oozes sexiness. I feel a little silly for saying "sexiness" ^.^. She also hits on guys, telling them to their faces that she finds them attractive, obviously being hormonally driven ;). Can't think of anything else to say so I'll just leave at that.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

There's Trouble Brewing

      It appears my flashdrive is having issues because my computer won't read it. Meaning I can't post anything that was there. Sad, I know, but I sketched up something quick on FireAlpaca so that you can enjoy at least something. 

This is what happens when the Super Teens aren't around. Oh no! Pinkie is the super villain Chernobyl, aptly named for her powers and possibly where she comes from as well. It is a mystery why she started thinking like that but she feels it is her destiny to create a new Russian empire that spans the globe. The girl on the left is her friend/butt kisser, Lettice. No code name at this present time but she creates toxic waste, ergo the neon hair. The guy on the right is Puissant, a super strong French guy that apparently likes to show off his muscle and walks around like a boxing champion. I don't really like how he came out but I did this in a hurry so you get the idea of what he looks like. I imagined him with bigger shoulders and a barrel chest. Oh well. I like how the girls came out and how Chernobyl looks so wicked just thinking about becoming Tzarina of the world. Mwahaha!

Monday, April 7, 2014


      Hello. Let's see, I have spent a week taunting you with a new strip, then I finally posted it, after posting two Morgan comics and one X-Men related. I'm a bit pooped so I scanned an old drawing that isn't even human. 

I got bored senior year in math class (that I actually remember) so I drew a cat. Stretching. With those darling little claws hanging out. I think it would be cool on a t shirt with "not in a good mood" over it, but for now, it stays in my sketchbook, and here. Forever stretching. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pesky Telemarketers ;)

      Ok, I figured out a way to clean up my strip and present it today. Yay! I've been saying that a lot, haven't I? Well, Beginning of last week, I had an issue with strange people calling and leaving voicemails thinking that they were contacting a local business. This experience inspired me to create this:

I know, it's long. I don't really have paper this long, I photoshopped it so it would fit here and you wouldn't get confused in reading it. I think it would be easier to read if you just click on the picture. It opens it in another little window. I can't speak Irish so don't ask me how to pronounce that. Only the Irish know. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

For My Fellow Nerds

      Hello. It's Friday, yay! Today the Captain America sequel comes out in theaters! Personally, I would like to see an Avengers/Fantastic Four movie because Captain America and Human Torch have been played by the same actor so it would be funny to see him talking to himself. Speaking of Avengers, some of the Avengers are also X-Men: Beast, Storm, Havok, Wolverine... Speaking of Wolverine, fans of X-Men/Marvel or just plain comic fans may know that he has a female clone most famously known as X-23 (she was the 23rd attempt). Well, I had the silly idea of drawing her in the famous Rosie the Riveter pose and last week I actually worked on it. 

I actually drew this with the tablet!!! As you see, I drew her rather cartoony looking. It's that I got the idea for what could be a little series that looks at the X-Men in a more comical way, focusing more on the human aspect of them with a lot of humor thrown in. My problem is that I started focusing more on certain characters and forgetting that others existed so, so far, I've stopped. Not that I don't still think of funny stuff for them, it's just not the same. So you know, I normally draw the eyes larger, I originally had the arms the wrong way and it was freaking annoying making the X icon at the bottom. And I had forgotten how to spell "committee" right. I am aware that I said I would post a Super Teens strip but I can't access my personal computer at this time T-T. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This Copy Looks Just Like The Original

      Here I am after a nice weekend. I would have posted yesterday (Monday) but instead I spent some time hanging out with my mom... alone for once. It was nice and we went to the library so now I have a few good reads for when I'm bored or not doing anything at all. You know how in families the kids usually look like their parents or one kid in particular looks like a little copy of their parent? I'm not talking about families with adopted children, I'm talking about your typical family that have their own biological children. Well, the case holds true with the Morgans. Although none of the children have either blue or brown eyes, the twins resemble their dad, Maro having the strongest resemblance. His parents know this and you might have noticed but others may be shocked to see how nearly identical they look (minus hairstyles). 

Apparently Midori and Haru were not aware of this. Oh, and that's a picture of Mike when he was about that age. I said earlier that they look nearly identical if you don't consider the eye color or hairstyle but I will tell you a secret: his bangs naturally lie like that too, minus those two little wisps on the side. Well, I said minus more than I usually do. Oh, and make sure your monitors are nice and bright. The picture looks better that way :).