Sunday, August 11, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 7: Comfort*


      Hi! I made it through this week that I took as a challenge so here is today's doodle:

I couldn't think of anything for non-clichรฉ date so I thought I'd do the comfort prompt instead and thinking about what I could do for it, I thought of how Sonic and Amy even met: Amy got kidnapped by a robot version of Sonic and our hero Sonic had to go and save her. Not speaking from experience but kidnapping is traumatic so the idea of Amy breaking down in tears after the events of Sonic CD made sense to me. And if she's crying, then she needs some comforting, right? So she reaches out to Sonic for a hug because 1. he's her savior and 2. he was the only other person around at the moment. Sonic is not at all used to this (he's also still a kid and new to this whole saving the day thing) and he's not one for mushy feelings or physical touch (CANON) but he can't just stand there and let this little girl cry so he tries... and offers her something that he knows would make him feel better. This is the day Amy even learns what a chili dog is.

This has been pretty fun to do but I'm also glad that I can take a break and draw for myself after this. So until next doodle, toodles.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 6: Dancing*


      Hi, I managed to put together a piece for today. It's not the original day 6 theme red thread of fate but thankfully there are bonus themes so I used one of them, hance the asterisk in the title. Here you go:

Hey, it's Sonic Boom SonAmy! I personally hadn't seen any depictions of these alternate versions of them so I thought "hey, I'll draw them". This came after I decided in my sketching process that Amy would be the one doing the dipping lol. It's actually that show's fault I even like the ship cuz before I was like nah, he doesn't even like her. But the show depicts them much differently and heck, after you watch the show, you can see the very subtle SonAmy even in the mainline games from the early 2000s. At least with the Sonic Adventure games you can. Anyway, I think the SonAmy dynamic in Sonic Boom is the best so far (haven't read the IDW comics) even though I played Frontiers. Why do I say that? Cuz at least it isn't followed up with Sonic and Knuckles having more sexual tension between them than with their suggested girlfriends ๐Ÿ˜ญ Plus if you play Final Horizon, some of Knuckles' dialogue towards Sonic sounds like they're freaking boyfriends... in front of Amy. You might notice I made some modifications to Boom!Sonic's design and that is because I think the one used kinda sucks. Like why so much sports tape messily covering his gloves and shoes? Why a brown bandana? I seriously thought before watching the show that it was post apocalyptic because of his stupid brown bandana. Don't ask me why, it just struck me that way. Amy's design there is peak tho so I left it unchanged. Shadow's is also peak too, too bad he's a dumb bad guy with a chip on his shoulder against Sonic in particular. He's funny that way but still. Anyway, toodles till I post another doodle.

SonAmy Week Day 5: Fantasy


      Hi. I finished the piece before midnight but I should go to bed so here it is and I'll come back to edit (I gotta come back anyway, I have two more days to go... and no ideas for those days. Oops.)

Thursday, August 8, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 4: Emerald Coast


      Hey, I managed to finish up this piece for today with some time to spare in the day for starting tomorrow's prompt since I work tomorrow, ew. So here goes:

"And that's where Tails crash landed. An orca chased me on my over to him." I've been playing through Sonic Adventure this summer so it's still fresh in my mind (I may have also accidentally played this level twice as Sonic). I actually have to beat both Sonic and Amy's final bosses and finish Knuckles' story. I already beat Tails', although that last level was a struggle because of the flying being a bit finnicky. I have not started playing through Big and Gamma but I'll get to them. Oh, so about Sonic's outfit here... or lack thereof... yeah, he was in my mind going to be wearing a shirt so he wasn't totally naked but then I sketched him and didn't feel like adding the shirt and just never added it later on so take it or leave it. I also thought of sandals but again, didn't draw them. It's kinda hard for me to spit out digital drawings on the daily, especially when I have a job, so forgive me for cutting corners, I'm tired. I am actually using this time that I'm posting to take a break from drawing cuz I've been doing it nearly all day long... and I have another prompt that I should start tonight cuz I have work tomorrow so that means I can't draw for a good 8 or 9 hours. Hope to be posting again tomorrow, toodles.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 3: Idols


      Hi, I'm gonna drop it and run but not without the backstory for this piece... cuz it has one. 

Rising popstar Amy Rose collaborated with well known rockstar Son!c on a track for her experimental pop rock album and were set to debut it at an awards show. Unfortunately for Son!c, Amy made some alterations to the choreography once they were on stage. The rockstar got so flustered that he flubbed his lyrics... it became a meme and the most downloaded version of the song for weeks afterwards. 

The idea was fun but drawing Amy was hard on me. Let's see how I handle the next two days. Toodles.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 2: 90s


      So no one told you life was gonna be this way... ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Ok, so I managed to finish the prompt for day two a little while ago (helps that I don't normally work on Tuesdays hehe) so here it is:

I thought this one was pretty fun, or at least the concept was fun enough. I mean, these are characters that were created in the 90s, they should be allowed some nostalgia for the period. There was some pretty good stuff in the 90s. Not gonna list it now but yeah, they keep getting glossed over in favor of the 80s, early 2000s, and the 70s a bit since that fashion is coming back... and you know, Gen X loves the 80s cuz they peaked in high school and could buy pizza for a dollar (I might be exaggerating a bit). Anyway, I knew I wanted to draw them in 90s fashion but throw in some character elements from that time period so Amy's color scheme is based on her classic outfit but I didn't want to draw her in the skirt lol. Besides, putting her in overalls makes her look more like the tomboy she was originally described to be so it fits. Sonic's marketing being all "this guy's cooler than Mario! He's hip!" definitely inspired me and he tends to be associated with skateboards so I had to make him a skater boy - 'scuse me, boi. He's wearing the light speed shoes from Sonic Adventure because that game came out in '98 and I happen to be playing through that game for the first time ever too. His shirt has the pilot emblem he used to pop out of at the beginning of his games. The background is based off of some Japanese Sonic CD box art I saw on google and that is Amy's first video game appearance so yes, had to do it. Well, I explained this piece enough and I have stuff to do, including starting up tomorrow's prompt. Hope I can make that one in time cuz I do work tomorrow and I work in an office so I can't be bringing my drawing setup with me. Anyway, toodles and hope to be back tomorrow with another piece.

Monday, August 5, 2024

SonAmy Week Day 1: Manga


      Hi! So I forgot to post here for a few months lol. I was hardly drawing digitally because this old tablet of mine was giving me some trouble where if I unplugged it, my laptop would restart... well, I broke the cheap usb cable I was using for it and got a new one last week and I have not had that issue so I guess it was the cable ๐Ÿ˜‚. It's still an old tablet though and I have such a hard time doing lineart cuz it's a regular drawing tablet with no screen so I could still use an upgrade but it doesn't have to be now thankfully. Anyway, I found out about this SonAmy week a couple months ago and thought I'd try it out so here I am posting my first piece for it: 

I went for them reading manga because I couldn't figure out what manga/anime I'd draw them as or if I should do a manga style comic so I came up with a third option. They're reading Sailor Moon and Dragonball because last summer I had caught up to One Piece (anime) and I was between these two for next anime cuz I was in the mood for some more 90s nostalgia... I ended up choosing Sailor Moon (watched season one alongside Fruits Basket) and became obsessed with a franchise that has taken notes from Dragonball๐Ÿ˜…. So yeah, they're enjoying a nice date just reading while sitting in what looks like a macaroon because of course I did my cheap attempt at a background. I cannot be bothered to draw a full scenery (and I wanted to draw manga/comics like this...) so they're not even on a full sofa and to fill the white space and draw your eyes to the center where they're sitting, semi-circular swoops of color. Yeah, that works. Anyway, I've gotta finish up prompt two and figure out what I'll draw for day three. Oh, and I have a couple pieces I finished between April and now but I'll post those later. Anyway, toodles. Hope to see you tomorrow :)