Monday, September 27, 2021

Tropical Vibes + some extra goodies

      Hello. I am alive and I hope you are too or else you can't enjoy these presents that I am offering to make up for the lack on content these past few months:

Voila! I hadn't worked on any digital drawings in a long time and it felt so good to work on this one and actually finish too. Hadn't drawn this character in a long time (*whispers* I'm so sorry, Desi) so I felt like I should especially since this was a character I debuted last year during Hispanic heritage month so yeah, let's celebrate this character existing in my head for a whole year. They are Hispanic by way of Cuba and Colombia so that's what the hat flowers represent because they are supposed to be the national flowers for those countries. The fedora and neckerchief lean more towards Cuban fashion but I mean, I had to google Colombian cuisine because my family is Cuban and not given to doing much exploration outside of their own culture so the only Colombian food I knew of was arepas. Anyway, I had fun drawing this and I love how it looks. I have a couple of bonus paper doodles that were done earlier but my phone doesn't seem to agree with my laptop? Or is it the other way around? So it's difficult to back up pictures from my phone without the cloud and I don't feel like using the cloud, I don't trust that someone can't hack it, so I'll stick to my plug-in method thank you. 

 Um, they got posted backwards but last week, it was a Sunday and I felt inspired to draw that cute happy little baby because I hadn't drawn him in a while and I miss babies. I haven't been able to interact with one since the pandemic started but no one wants to help me make one either. Then the second picture is because I started watching the OG Pokémon anime (dub) in August and I love Team Rocket so much, they and Pikachu carry the show for me so I wanted to draw an OC dressed as Jessie from Team Rocket but I... just drew Jessie. I gotta draw James, he's my favorite. In case you're wondering, I am over 140 episodes in because turns out I had only ever seen part of the first season before my mom decided that the concept of Pocket Monsters was demonic and not fit for me to watch. She let me watch Digimon and I even watched cartoons and an anime starring witches so I think if my mom really wanted me to not watch demonic stuff, she wouldn't have let me watch cartoon witches either. Don't know when I'll doodle and post again so until then, toodles.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fall Chernobyl (an OC of mine, not the destroyed Ukrainian town)

      Hello, I am the idiot that intended to post this in April finally and instead I pulled this stupid move of leaving it in my drafts and forgetting about it again. 

Do I really need to explain a speedpaint? Maybe, but I don't feel like it... except that I do regret that bright pumpkin color I used for the background. Other than that, might not have really changed anything else. I have noticed that my style has changed some since these chibis so hopefully I'll make some new chibis to show you what I mean. Till next doodle (or post... whatever) toodles.

P.S. I am fully vaccinated now and I hope that we can get more people around the world vaccinated soon so that this disease can stop being a problem.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Belated Earth Day Isoke

      Hello! I drew something for Earth Day/a contest so here you go:

I drew one of my OCs here for this occasion. For anybody that doesn't recognize her or happen to have stumbled across this post with no context, this is specifically my OC Isoke. A long, long time ago, I created this character but her name was Isis back then. Fast forward a few years ago when this character along with her cohorts had already been conscientiously shelved because I simply wasn't coming up with ideas for them and the terrorist group ISIS becomes prominent. I said "guess I have to rename a character." And then I did. And honestly, Isoke is a much better name for her because as much as Isis as a name is of African origin and a pretty sounding name, the history of whitewashing ancient Egyptian civilization has made the name Isis sound more like a "white girl name" when it shouldn't be. Not hating on anybody that has chosen the name Isis for their child/themselves but I gave Isoke a Nigerian background instead of a "being descended from Egyptian royalty" backstory and wanted to distance her from extremists. And I saw Isoke in a baby name book and liked it so there. Her cohorts have been getting renamed too, I'm just missing one and then I have to move on to the last name stage. 

Ok, now about the drawing. I wanted a softer look to this piece so it is experimental in that I barely added lineart and some features were painted in with the watercolor brush in MediBang. There was going to be a background with a cherry tree and other assorted flora but I didn't like how it was turning out and deleted it. I like how simple this piece looks, 10/10 would do again. I'm nearly done editing the speedpaint for this to add to my YouTube but this time, I changed what program I used to screen record (went back to the one I used to use because it does not awkwardly condense videos longer than five minutes) and this program allows me to "pause" recording and I have to edit that out so I'm watching all the videos beforehand to know where I have to edit. It's gonna be a long speedpaint unfortunately because I take longer on larger drawings and I don't thumbnail ahead of time like the trained professionals do so any time you watch one of my speeedpaints (if you do), you're also watching me make decisions on the fly. 

Well, I have another speedpaint project I would like to do sitting on the back burner, I am still working [very slowly] on that comic of mine, and I have in my drafts two speedpaints that were already posted to my YouTube so yeah. I might post one of those tomorrow but until next doodle, toodles.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Comic Preview!!!


      Hello! It is time for me to make my announcement that I kept teasing for months now... I've been working on a webtoon and here is a little preview:

I accidentally came up with this OC last summer and next thing I knew, I was writing out a story and in November I started with the actually making a comic. I still have a lot of work ahead of me partly because my depression has not been making it easy for me (when does it?) and for that reason I ask you be patient if you are interested and also that absolutely nobody go and steal this and post it somewhere as their work. I've been considering creating a patreon and posting there as I go finishing portions until I am ready to post to webtoon but idk, I'm hesitant to. I should probably start a twitter too but I don't feel like getting into more social media, I already find it tedious to check my own personal Instagram account so yeah. And with that, I bid you adieu until the next time I return. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Fall Hercule/Puissant speedpaint

      Hello. I am very quickly sharing that I have finally gotten around to editing and uploading a "new" video to my Youtube channel so here it is:

Till next doodle, toodles! (Enjoy your weekend if I didn't double post today)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Belated International Women's Day and Anniversary


      Hello. Yes, I realize that I skipped February posting but February was not a good month emotionally for me. Yesterday was international women's day and the anniversary of me starting this blog and yet I forgot to post here💀so let's get to it.

My women OCs! Some of them you may recognize if you've been checking out my blog since... uh... 2014? and you might recognize that this doesn't accurately represent just how many female OCs I have because I have been spending over a decade creating quite a few OCs. And I'm still creating OCs. I think I accidentally projected my mental state on the first doodle by making her look so vulnerable. 

It has been nearly a whole year since I experienced lockdown and two years since I've had an income (I know I quit my job but not like I wasn't looking for a replacement) so it's been affecting me negatively and I desperately need a change. I feel like my whole life needs to be rewritten because the current one hasn't been working for me. Don't know where this was going but I obviously need to talk with somebody and my parents are not very sympathetic with my feelings so I don't even bother telling them anymore.

Well, I might make an announcement soon (I've been saying something about an announcement for a long time) so let's see when I return with more doodles. Till then, toodles.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Ch-ch-ch-CHANGES (I can't even name a Spotify playlist, don't expect any cool titles here)


      Hello! No point in mentioning anything about it being a new year when January is nearly done but yes, I am still alive and I thought I'd throw some crumbs at you as proof.

I had been meaning to draw this character with their redesign and so here he is. This is one of my many OCs, Haru Morgan. He used to have dirty blond hair but as time has passed and I have changed stuff around, I decided it was best to give him brown hair (it’s simpler to color) and even changed how I draw his bangs. It was nice working on this cuz I’ve been working on something since November that I thought I would have done by now but depression has me drawing so slooooowwly so just take this. And this:

"I killed Chin the Conqueror." I read The Rise of Kyoshi this week and loved it, so here's some unfinished fanart. I've loved Kyoshi since hearing about her in atla and then when she showed up. She's just *awesome* and I haven't heard anybody hating on her, which is good cuz 2020 brought up some necessary hate on characters that don't deserve it. So, happy weekend, don't go doing anything that would cause a giant woman to show up at your door with a full face of makeup to beat you up (that includes NOT WEARING YOUR MASK! there's still a pandemic) and till next doodle (or if I feel comfortable making any announcements... I feel like that'll happen in February), toodles!