Saturday, April 18, 2020

Some necessary fluff for these trying times

      Hello. I haven't posted in a long time and it's because I got caught up in writing fanfic instead of drawing 😅 I am posting tonight a comic I made months ago before all this quarantine business but didn't know if the world was ready for it. I think at this point everybody is bored and will take just about any content so here. It's from one of my Voltron AUs but hey:
It's something. I drew this back in January. Man, has it really been that long? I had this as an idea as something that was happening in the background, hence the lack of dialogue (not that it's not necessary, you get what's going on) but I felt the overwhelming need to actually draw it as its own comic. So here you go. I hope you enjoy this little bit of soft Acxa and it helps you. Till next doodle, toodles.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How my OCs would handle QUARANTINE

      Hello. Here's another belated sketchdump:

I think you know where my inspiration came from. The last bullet for each character happens to be a quote from said character. Well, hope you find some enjoyment during this weekend and till next doodle, toodles.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Do I look like a 112 year old man?

      Hello. I mentioned Avatar very briefly in one of my posts and I should explain. Turns out that the VLD (Voltron: Legendary Defender) fandom overlaps with the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom. Funny story, I kinda remember watching snatches of Avatar back when it was on TV. Back then, my dad got it into his head to open a gym membership and go with my mom and all three kids. Where did we go? To the kid playroom so that we didn't in the way of the adults, where there was a TV that was sometimes on and yes, sometimes Avatar was playing. I didn't have cable so I couldn't watch it at home and I eventually lost track of it. Only recently I have developed an interest in it again because of the fandom overlap and my not being satisfied in VLD content. So I started watching the series before quarantine, then found a site where I could finish watching book one so I just wait for quarantine to end so the library can open again I guess but here are some doodles I did:

I have to admit that so far, Sokka is my favorite character. I think it's the sarcasm and skepticism he brings (he also looks good in makeup. Bonus points for that). I usually draw my favorite character(s) first or most of the time so I started with a Sokka. And then I drew his sister Katara. She is a good character and I know that if I had actually gotten to watch and appreciate this show as a kid, SHE would have been my favorite because back then I was biased towards liking the one girl on the team in a show that was more geared towards boys. I was a simple child who could only relate to other members of my gender 😂 Then I drew Aang because he is such a poor bean, I don't think it's possible to hate him. One of my sisters thought his forehead tattoo was a birthmark... smh. Funny, but smh. And then because I had just finished book one, I had to draw Princess Yue. I already knew thanks to memes containing the spoiler that she was going to die and turn into the moon but I still cried when it happened. It does not help that when she and Sokka kissed during that scene, it felt reminiscent of Allura's death in Voltron and I half expected Sokka to gain Altean markings. Well anyway, this is the sketchdump I meant to do on Friday but didn't get around to. I have more doodles that I'm gonna post here but that's it for now. Till next doodle, toodles.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fighting Crime, Trying to Save the World

      Hello. So, long story short, I have been drawing but last week I dropped my tablet pen and it stopped working right (it still kinda works but too wonky for me to draw with it properly) but I remembered that Medibang Paint (a program similar to FireAlpaca, which I use) has an app version and cloud capabilities so guess who managed to finish up some art on their sister's iPad? Me, obviously.

This is the first time I have drawn Powerpuff Girls in a long time and I like how this turned out. I probably would have finished this last week if it weren't for the incident I told you when I started this post, while I was working on Bubbles no less. (I kept starting with Buttercup because she's my favorite, then working on Blossom, which left Bubbles for last) I actually worked on this drawing pretty much all day today and I haven't done shading in so long (or rather, very infrequently) that I forgot the trick of lowering the opacity so it looks more natural but my sister reminded me of it which explains everything to be honest. 

Reason why I drew the Powerpuff Girls? Well, I saw other artists on Instagram drawing the Powerpuff Girls and it was their own takes on it, and I just liked the idea of it so I decided to go with it. And for nostalgia's sake, I started watching the classic show on Hulu. I'm only a third of the way through season four, for some reason I slowed down in my viewing (the reason is Avatar mostly) but my state has finally issued an order to not leave your house so I will probably be finishing it soon. Anyways, my interpretation is they get to express their individuality but not in the crazy fashion that the X-Men had been doing lately because I like letting characters be themselves, you know? I am a sucker for fingerless gloves so I ended up giving them all fingerless gloves even though I was originally going to give them only to Buttercup. Buttercup in all honesty is like living my dream of having short hair, cool earrings, a leather jacket, fingerless gloves (I knit a couple pairs for myself but they're red and purple, and only good for when it's cold), and just all around being a cool punk. I like Blossom and Bubbles's outfits too because I also like cute and preppy. Blossom is supposed to have tights on but you can't see her legs so she could honestly be wearing anything. I almost gave Buttercup green lipstick, then I changed my mind and thought black, but I thought both were too much for her so it was changed to red which works pretty darn good. Well, I'm gonna have to do a sketch dump post on Friday and probably some more over the coming days for my paper doodles I've done. Till next doodle, stay home and toodles.