Monday, December 30, 2019

If Lance Were a Girl

      Howdy! I know the year ends tomorrow but I think this is my last blog post of 2019, unless I break my rule of taking a break from the internet just to post the doodle I started today (if I do, I gotta remind myself to edit this). Ok, so here goes:

Look at that, I genderbent Lance and only Lance from Voltron. What first started as me realizing people had trouble genderbending Lance but not Keith (fem!Keith is so gorgeous that I started questioning my sexuality one time) so I made it a challenge to actually do one of my own. So I did. I felt it was so much easier than I expected and I actually like how she came out. And then I went down the rabbit hole of imagining a universe where Lance is actually a girl named Lana and that is the biggest change to seasons one through six. (Oh yeah, I plan on rewriting seasons seven and eight for this AU but keeping some elements from them because it wasn't all trash) I've got a lot of ideas swirling when it comes to this AU and I am not too proud of what I have been shipping but *sigh* when the show gives you a ship that you think is cute and then snatches it away from you (actually, there were a few cases of setting up for something to happen in a later episode and then it doesn't so like RUDE), you resort to doing things you didn't expect to. Anyways, since my fem!Lance features everybody else in their canon genders, I had to invent a moment of Keith getting yelled at and having his mullet insulted. A good portion of these doodles are actually some of my favorite Lance moments from the show, so of course I had to draw them but with Lana. Didn't think I'd go from being obsessed with Venom and immediately switching to Spider-Man, and then ending the year obsessed with Voltron and having Lance being my baby boy number two (second only to Keith), but at least I've managed to survive this crazy year. Well, till my next doodle, toodles to 2019.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Quick Chibi Lance

      Hello! So I have another doodle for you with it's companion video so here we go:

Yeah I drew more Lance, what of it? He's my baby boy number two and deserves love so I will give it to him, whether it be fanart, AUs with happy endings, or both. Besides that, I started this series and I plan on finishing it. I have other stuff that I need to finish but I guess I'm saving that for next year? Heh heh. Well, maybe I'll post a doodle next week right before it becomes 2020 but till then, TOODLES and enjoy your last weekend of 2019. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

It's that time of year for out of place Seasonal Chibis

      Hello guys. I'm still doodling folks, and in fact, I can finally post all my fall chibis in peace so here they are, the last seasonal chibis of the year:

I decided to switch it up by starting some villain chibis because I still like how last year's Super Teens chibis came out so why redraw them, am I right? So I drew some baddies that I haven't been focusing on so much lately, Chernobyl and her two cronies. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't been focusing much on any bad guys unless they piss me off and threaten any of my darling favorite characters. I'm talking about Voltron, guys, I've been forgetting my own bad guy OCs. Anyway, I thought Chernobyl, being Russian, doesn't understand the concept of fall so well and just a little less of her winter gear as a joke. Yes, she's wearing an ermine around her neck. Ask her about it and she'll tell you that she killed it with her bare hands in Mother Russia and brought the skin when she moved to New York as a reminder of home. Her buddy Lettice will say she stole it from a Goodwill and is telling you a silly story for her own ego. Another source will say that thing has MOVED and is actually Chernobyl's pet ferret. Nobody whose story to trust about this. Then I drew Puissant. Not much, just a French man in a turtleneck and beret being fashionable. Then there's Lettice, still missing a codename. She's basic but still fashionable in her very dark, almost emo get-up. I decided to go with her being fashionably practical even though I love peacoats and they make me think England. I think it's Leona Lewis and Kate Middleton's faults for that concept. 

I had Chernobyl and Puissant done earlier in the month but while I was working on Lettice, I was recording video as I was drawing and ran out of hard drive space on my laptop. Oops. Then I broke the one cable we had for the drawing tablet. Another oops. I went a week without getting one, then the one I bought from Amazon wasn't compatible so I went to Five Below on Monday and bought one that fits like a DREAM and has the plus of glowing and changing color. I don't need it to change color but it's cool. So I finally finished Lettice this past Monday and just forgot to make this post on that day but hey, at least I remembered sometime this week/year. I hope to have something else done by the end of this year as a last doodle of 2019/the decade so until that next doodle, toodles.

Monday, December 16, 2019

My latest obsession Monday

      Hello. You've probably been wondering where I've been the past week. Well, it's a long story, but here's some doodles while I explain:

Yep, it's all Voltron. Voltron: Legendary Defender to be exact cuz the old show sucks. I know cuz I've seen it. I binged all eight seasons of this show in one week and I must say, I loved watching it and hated the ending, which brings me back to my drawings here. I was continuing my chibis of Voltron characters here with the top pic of Shiro, haven't been able to post the video for that on YouTube yet partly because I've been issues with my laptop. Then i decided to finish up sketching them on paper the way i had been doing so I could chibi them better. Pidge isn't wearing her glasses because I just couldn't draw them right. Then on Saturday, one year anniversary of the show ending, I just decided that I couldn't accept what they did to Lance at the end (mind you, Keith is still my absolute baby boy) that I came up with an alternate ending that i prefer. (if you don't want the explanation you can go ahead and leave or skip ahead) See, canonically a year after she sacrifices herself for all reality, the Voltron lions all take off on their own into outer space... To a figure in the sky that looks like her. Last time a character's shape can be seen in space is Bob from that game show sooo... What if Allura is now some cosmic being and can reform her body in order to interact with the other retired paladins? What if she decides to visit Lance first but since he's an absolute idiot, he has no idea it's actually her? At least it makes for great meme material. 

So I've been working on fall chibis and had planned on posting all three in one post. I finished two. But right before finishing the last one (which got delayed because I have been recording my process to make into future speedpaints for my YouTube channel and I ran out of disc space on my laptop), I made a boo-boo and no longer have a working cable to connect digital drawing tablet to computer anymore. I might have found a suitable replacement but i gotta order it off of Amazon and haven't felt like doing it this weekend so 🤷 I'll get around to it and post those chibis hopefully soon. I'll also be busy looking for a job so don't expect much of me here i guess. Till next doodle, toodles.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Winter overtakes Summer

      Hey, I finished more doodles and finished my string of Summer chibis so let's go:

It's the twins! I've been dubbing them T and Y for the time being until I find new names that suit them. Their mom was a J-Pop sensation back in the day but she put her career to the side when she got married and had her twins. T has inherited her mom's perky pop star personality while Y is more subdued but obviously her own kind of rebel considering she's bleached her hair to be platinum blonde. They're both style icons in their own ways but fiery T is the kind to bring her own music while her twin Y judges the song that is playing. Maybe it's Despacito. I hate that song. Well, I don't have much else to say at this present time except that I am happy I got this done now so I can 1. Get around to watching Voltron and 2. Start my fall seasonal Chibis for the year. My priorities seem a little screwy right now but I am in need of a distraction and Voltron is my current choice, even though we've got two shows here that we should finish watching soon before the library gives us no other choice but to return them. This is gonna be a doozy. Well, till next doodle, toodles.