Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ha ha, Sony beat Disney

      Hello. I'm still working on a personal project here so i'm just gonna post this stuff here since one of the pieces is overdue for a posting on this blog:

(No, I did not draw that for Valentine's Day.) After the first kiss comes claiming dating status, right? I wouldn't know, I've never had someone to call our my boyfriend. I actually drew the Venom doodle the first weekend of this year, I've just been holding off on posting it here for X or Y reason, usually Spiderverse. Speaking of Spiderverse, THEY WON THE OSCAR! I knew my babies could do it. As much as I was waiting for the other nominations (Incredibles 2 and Ralph Breaks the Internet), I still haven't seen them and am totally in love with what Sony has done with this "cartoon Spider-man". My natural reaction was to scream when they were announced as the winner. For that, here's a Spider-Ham sketch I worked on in order to familiarize myself with drawing him for something I'm working on. I colored him so that he doesn't look plain. Well, that's about it. I got work tomorrow so I gotta cut this short. I hope next month will be different because things are about to change, somewhat for the better but we'll see how it goes. Till next doodle, toodles. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

I drew another artist's OCs for a change of pace

      Before the month disappears on me, lemme share some stuff I finished a while back and just haven't posted here:

You probably don't know these characters and that's ok because I'm going to explain. I just recently followed this artist on Instagram known as tinymintywolf and she did this contest for reaching 40k followers (which got messed up by Instagram's new algorithm) with the challenge being to draw her OCs. So this is what I came up with: the first one is her Marvelsona Violet Spark who has the mutant ability of teleportation, she hangs out with the Guardians of the Galaxy and loves to listen to music so I drew her retrieving a Walkman out in space before she completely loses it. I was inspired by both the meme and Spiderverse's end credit scene to create this gem that blew up a bit on Instagram (it has 58 likes. I have never reached that amount on Instagram) featuring her spidersona Violet Spider on the left and my spidersona Cobweb. It took me a while to figure out Cobweb's color scheme because the one I came up with previously wasn't working. Too many purples of similar tones competing. Oh yeah, I have come up with an insignia for Cobweb, as you can tell by the back of her hoodie. I decided to do something different and have her insignia be only on her back, like a real spider. No, I did not win but minty did like and comment how much she liked both drawings so there's that. She also recently opened up her shop on bigcartel so check it out if you've got the time, money, and inclination. I have so many ideas but not the time and motivation to draw them all out so I just waste time on Instagram 😒 Let's see if I post or doodle anything worth posting next week. Till then, toodles.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Cozy Cuddles

      Same week, different month. Oh well. I am coming back with one doodle even though I have a whole bunch of ideas and sketches (and another doodle that was already posted on Instagram and Tumblr a good while ago) because these are my babies:

Yep, I redrew them too. I probably picked the wrong time to romanticize winter considering the huge polar vortex and Mike being a Chicago native but um, I have this whole seasonal chibis theme going and I'd like to keep it going. For some reason, this redraw looks pretty different from the last one in that my 2017 redraw (2 years... oof) has thinner lines and the chibi style is different. Oh, and I changed Sandra's hat to a beret, but that was on purpose. This was delayed mainly by my job, me getting distracted and also technical difficulties, a.k.a. I broke the wire to my sister's Parblo tablet and had to scramble to find a replacement. Problem is, that wire is so specifically built for the tablet that it's hard to find a proper replacement (since Parblo doesn't sell it) but I figured out a solution: shove the charging cable that came with my phone into the slot, since phone manufacturers actually make their cables rubbery instead of the hard plastic of the cables you buy when you've lost or broken the phone cable. In other news, my day was actually a wreck but I'm happy because it was take your child to work day and so I got to work with children, it was so fun. Hope you guys have a good weekend, and Elsa, leave the midwest alone. Geez. Anyway, toodles.