Monday, December 31, 2018

Venom Doodle Dump: Eddie UWU

      Hello, I return with just a couple hours left til 2019 in my neck of the woods with another Venom doodle dump:

I know it's a lot to process but when I get obsessed, I get obsessed. So the first one is an excerpt, if you will, of an idea I got of something Eddie would do: go shopping for a new over-sized hoodie and come back home with a hoodie dress instead. I just love how cute and cuddly he came out in this so he's my new phone lockscreen/wallpaper. My mom actually caught sight of it the other day and asked me "who's that?". I still haven't answered her that it's Eddie Brock and my family (minus my grandparents) saw the movie just last Saturday. Oh that's right, I finally saw the movie a couple weeks back when it released digitally. I spent $20 to watch a movie on YouTube ðŸ˜… I actually came up with the comic idea (second pic) the night I watched the movie because I was hanging around a tree and I sang out Anne's little ditty. When I was sketching out the posing in stick figure form, Venom was a sperm coming out of Eddie's shoulder 😂 The third is me playing around with the idea of a fem!Eddie. Does not help that while searching for a job, Eddie says "I could be a woman." This is technically my first time drawing She-Venom but since it's within an alternate universe with Eddie Brock as a woman, they don't call themselves that because it's pointless to. I omitted Carnage and Riot on purpose because Riot was the villain in the movie and Carnage is guaranteed to be the villain in the sequel, making them bad children that deserve to be in jars. And the last picture is just the variant I mentioned in my last post. Well this has an interesting year. How many great Marvel movies? So many Infinity War and Venom memes. Thank you memes and Venom, for helping me cope with my depression, stress, and those horrific undeserved deaths in Infinity War. What are my plans for 2019? For starters, I wanna watch Spiderverse. I'll be spending at least the next couple of months still obsessed with Venom even though there are movies that I have been waiting years for (aka Frozen 2). I'll keep drawing. I'll try to be more active on this blog, especially since Tumblr is supposedly dying with the whole getting rid of NSFW (which was part of why I was slow to getting a Tumblr). I'd also like to feel more accomplished in life. Well, I feel like I am forgetting stuff, which I probably am, but I'm just gonna end it here and say you next year. (I usually end the year with my OCs but this year has been very different)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Venom Doodle Dump: This man's best friend

      Hey, I said a long time ago that I was going to eventually post the Venom doodles I started doing after suddenly getting obsessed with said movie when I had decided I wanted nothing to do with it so here are some of my doodles:

There's a theme here: Venom as Eddie's pet. The first one started out as a quick pencil sketch on the back of an index card on a workday, then my friend liked it so much that I digitized it. There is a variant with a bluer background but I'll post that one later. As the eldest in a household that loves chocolate, it was easy to imagine a chocolate loving alien stealing bites from its host's snack. The next picture is actually a redraw of a picture I took of my dog and a bottle of chocolate syrup she destroyed but she got replaced by darling little Venom here. Oh, and I didn't draw the background from the original picture. Venom's shadows are actually wonky here but I haven't felt like going back and fixing them, especially when I went through the trouble of giving him shiny desu eyes like in the movie. (For the record, the bottle was empty by the time my dog had chewed it up. We have to keep our recycling bins taller than her because otherwise we'd always be finding empty butter containers licked clean in the front yard or aluminum cans that have been crunched on because they once housed sausages. And she can puncture said cans so that's a problem.) The third one is another redraw but of a picture that Tom Hardy (our beloved movie Eddie Brock) took for PETA with his dog Woodstock. This time I actually followed the shadows in said picture reference so this one looks a lot better. The background bush looked like a brain at first but I fixed it obviously. I find it fun to draw Venom in goop form because you can do whatever with that goop body and he's also much less threatening looking so funny and cute drawings turn out so much better. If you'll notice, though, not that big a fan of his infamous tongue so I don't draw it often. I've got a whole lot more of this stuff where that came from but that's another post for another day. Till then, toodles. 

Seasonal Chibis Return: Fall 2

      Hey, I promised I would come back with more doodles so here they are before the end years and I forget: 

I redrew Wilhelm and Ariana's fall chibis too. Yay, now I have a complete collection. I finished Wilhelm like two weeks ago but I was waiting to do Ariana to post him here, but with the holidays making work busier (I work in a grocery store, remember?) and getting sick last week, there was either no time or motivation to draw so yeah, that sucks. I finally finished Ariana yesterday because I had no work so I opened up FireAlpaca and played some Spanish music to get into the mood. And when I say Spanish music, I mean Selena then Azucar Moreno followed by Peret, the latter two being artists from Spain. Wilhelm got a hair recolor to look more natural and if you notice, he's the tallest chibi out of all them and bulkier too. Only thing that got recolored with Ariana was her shoes because it turns out they were much bluer before when I was going for a soft black. All right, I'm gonna do a venom doodle dump (or two... or three, I have too many doodles amassed already) and I have no clue if I return Monday night with anybody. We'll see. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Seasonal Chibis Return: Fall 1

      Hello! I'm finally back and I brought some OCs with me! 

Maybe you recognize them, maybe you don't. Either way I'm going to talk about them sooooo.... These are redraws of this thing I started doing years ago of drawing seasonal chibis of my OCs. It actually started with Aidan (the redhead up top) because it was feeling like fall where I live and I wanted to draw him in a sweater for once (his canon attire is usually a tank top with jeans and sneakers). Then I couldn't leave his friends out of it. And then I went to continue the trend with my other OCs up until the summer I messed up the drawing tablet. So the old drawings are from 2015 and I did them in my Powerpuff chibi style from back then. I felt the desire to redraw them for a good while but I was doing inktober and then I fell into the Venom fandom. That was unexpected because I never liked the character before and was NOT interested in watching the movie. Anyway, with fall fading rather fast, I felt the need to get these done soon, so here's half of them, Aidan and Tamiko sporting their own takes on fall fashion. Tamiko looks better prepared for New York weather than Aidan but Aidan likes to look cool and is fully capable of making himself warmer than everybody else, so why not wear just a long-sleeved shirt/sweater? I actually tweaked some of the colors in these because Aidan's hair used to be an unnatural red color, Tamiko's jacket was kind of an ugly color, and her skin and eyes were darker than they should have been. Other than that, the most change between the original 2015 chibis and these are the style and my skill in drawing. It's nice to look back at old art and cringe because you realize you have gotten better, it's a nice motivator to keep going. Speaking of cringe, I've got some nice cringy art from my childhood that my mom dug up and gave to me that I am planning on posting later in the year. I go back to work on Monday and I won't have freetime to draw after work because I'm closing the store 😫 It will basically be just come home, good night for me, which sucks. Anyway, I hope to return soon with more doodles, but till then... toodles.