Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Five Years of Frozen

      Hello, I'm just going to drop off something a quick moment and run because oddly enough, I don't have anything to say:

Ok, there's the drawing. Yay! Bye for now.

Edit: Ok, wow. So I was slow to do fanart of the comfy princesses from Wreck-It Ralph (I still haven't seen the movie yet but I'm not worried about it) and I just noticed Elsa's body looks so weird. The CRINGE. I love Anna's outfit. It's so cute and it's so her and I was going to buy her shirt from Shop Disney UK on Cyber Monday but my bank kept declining my purchase 😠😀 So I had Anna hold both a sandwich and a chocolate bar and managed to control myself and not insert Venom in here. Speaking of inserting Venom, I have quite a lot of Venom fanart already and I haven't posted any of it here. But I have redraws of OCs that I have been working on so I'll post those first (hopefully soon. I already finished one) and then I guess I'll just end the year with Venom. 

I took a week off from work and I am not looking forward to having to go back on Monday. I don't want that job anymore, even if they are paying me good. It's just the stress, having to deal with people and please them when they are so hard to, the long hours... I have been feeling my brain falling apart since the summer and my current obsession with Venom is just helping me cope and sort of embrace that I am going crazy. I was supposed to paint my room today but, like everything in my life, it has gotten severely delayed. Wow, I did more ranting on my personal life than this piece of art. I'll see myself out. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Inky OCtober 8: Baddies

      Hello, I return with the last bit of Inktober content so buckle and be careful, you don't wanna mess with these guys. 

Quick bios for these guys because I keep not wanting to write it out and putting it off: Dude with the ponytail prefers to go by Cory but was born Adolf (and out of wedlock so I haven't figured out what his last name is). The man he thought was his father left early on; as a pubescent boy he fell in love with a girl who rejected him; he found who his real father is (and that the girl he was in love with was actually his half sister); he he decided to try and claim his supposed birthright and attempted raping said girl. Oh, and his mother was found dead mysteriously. He disappeared after all of this, naturally... The lady underneath goes by Chernobyl. She believes herself to be the reincarnation of Anastasia Romanova and is bent on recreating the Russian empire. Why she wants to start in New York, I don't know why. She's obviously delusional... Underneath her are her lackeys, Lettice Richards and Puissant (Hercule). Lettice is British, green haired, and loves being a prick. Hercule/Puissant is French and it is either a grave mistake on my part or genius that I haven't given him a personality... Ah, and last but not least, we have Queen Ramahari, the evil queen of a race of aliens that just see humans as living breeding chambers. She may have attempted - maybe even succeeded in - making someone carry her baby. She is a very seductive woman and uses that to her advantage. Can you believe she has an identical twin sister that is nothing like her? Alright, I've done it. Now I am rid of inktober. Wreck-it Ralph comes out this week and as much as I don't wanna go see it in theaters now (thanks Venom. Thanks Tom Hardy. You are my newest and weirdest obsession), I do like the casual outfits the princesses got so maybe I'll finally make fanart of that. I haven't done any yet because 1. I am not fast and 2. Work is killer. I am doing better now because of my obsession with Venom but it is so hard for me to relax in just a couple of hours before bed. Like no, I need four day weekends because people are so stressful and my room needs cleaning but I am never motivated to do it lately. My fan got dusted last night only because I disturbed it while dealing with my sheets, so yeah. So hopefully I will reappear either on Wednesday or Friday/Saturday. Till then, toodles.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Inky OCtober 7: More sides

      Hello. It's only three pictures but there's four characters so let's go. 

Ok, the girl with the hijab is a possible spin-off character for Super Teens, well one of them anyway. Why did I draw only the Muslim girl for Inktober then if I have more characters besides her? Diversity, that's why. That and I haven't yet designed the fourth character. She's Norwegian by way of Iraq and currently has no name right now but nobody from her group does, I need to dedicate more time to them if I decide to roll with them. And then I drew an alien that looks kind of like a vampire without his color. I drew him as a chibi a long time ago but for newbies, this is Ecktoh. He's the chieftain of the Blue tribe of Entenō and the biological father of someone I already drew. His alien species is benevolent towards humans when they cross paths and Ecktoh happened to have a forbidden romance with a human woman but left with his people, unaware of the consequences he conceived. The next two are Takeshi (baby) and Kyukyu (cat). Kyukyu is Takeshi's dad's pet, making them roommates. Takeshi's birth was a strange occurrence and Kyukyu is a, um, unique cat but both are loved and they love each other and that's what's important. Oh yeah, I didn't just randomly draw a baby, his relatives are here, you just gotta find them. I have one more inktober post to make, and then we're moving on to Venom. Till then. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Inky OCtober 6: Bittersweet and Super Teens Sides... Just as good as the main course

      Oops, my venom obsession is showing in this title πŸ˜†I have so many side characters but I had thirty one days to draw and I wanted to draw my main characters, some side characters and finish the month off with villains so I had to cut out a lot of side characters from this. I technically drew seven side characters plus a character for a possible spin-off which was enough as it is, imagine that I started listing a good eight side characters from one storyline. Yeah, I had to let go of some people. Maybe next inktober? Ok, so here's half of my inktober sides right here:

I started the side characters same way I started the main characters: with Bittersweet. Sora and Saru are Sandra's cousins. Sora is actually Sandra's biological cousin and looks like she could be her sister, so yes, the resemblance was intended here. She's a quiet, observing girl and does her best to keep her adopted sister Saru in check because she doesn't like getting in trouble. Saru, on the other hand, is a troublemaker and trouble just kinda follows her. Sadly the picture I have here of her sucks. I should take a new one. She is my one and only freckled redheaded character, which is rather funny that we associate redheads with freckles but then I go and do this. (P.S. Aidan has freckles, they're just not on his face πŸ˜‰) The next two characters were kinda hard to think of because um, Super Teens focuses so much on the actual teens but their parents are technically the side characters so I was like "well I'll draw Aidan's mom because she is important to the story in a way". I'm still between naming her Bridget or Eileen, btw, but I do want her maiden name to be Kelly. But my slot for day 23 was empty because I just couldn't think of anyone else to draw... so I drew Aidan's dad Rory O'Neill to make it a package deal. So, Aidan looks like his dad but he did inherit his mom's nose and chin. Pretty much everyone considered Aidan to be his father's son because he is practically the spitting image of his dad but what everyone failed to realize is he has his mom's personality and temperament. Aidan just happens to be a nice combination of his parents, 'k? Creating parents from a character you created is like a dissection because as much as my main boys look like their dads, they have to get something from their mother, you know? They also can't look exactly the same as their dad so I tweak the details to make them different enough. Rory has brown eyes and the straight nose Aidan was supposed to have but somewhere along the way, I changed Aidan to green eyed with an anime nose. To balance it out, Aidan's mom is a brunette (could have been blonde once as a child) with blue eyes. I just like to make my fake families seem as real as possible in an unreal world so I don't look too much like Disney. I actually take real life genetics into account here. Sadly, I have to go to work today and close the store 😩 Thank God I have the weekend, I'll try and wrap up my inktober posts and then I can show you the venom stuff I have come up with because it really has become my new obsession.