Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Because babies...

      I'm sorry I haven't posted in a month, life's been busy, still is for the foreseeable future, but I have been doodling when I have free time. Heck, I bring my sketchbook when I know I'm getting an hour long lunch due to overtime so here come some doodles: 

It seems random but I felt like drawing Hans on the thirteenth which happened to be the same day that Truth or Dare movie came out so Hans is bothering Elsa by suggesting playing the game. And then the other two pictures are based off of an old idea I have but I felt like drawing baby Shatterstar (Shattybaby) recently so I drew him first and then built Dazzler and Longshot around him. I feel like Longshot ended up a little too tall but maybe he's so excited to be holding a baby version of his buddy that he bounced? And then I gave Rictor the same treatment but he's being held by Jean Grey and Cyclops... because his parents are in Mexico and dead. I've got one more doodle to finish this series and I was working on it just now... but I had also planned on finishing a page in my sketchbook dedicated to the Avengers and Infinity War comes out this week and I have to close the store on Friday night 😩. Nobody at work knows about this blog yet so I think I can get away with complaining about it for now. Hope to put some life back into this blog soon. 

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