Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Second Frozen anniversary post

      Hello! I'm posting twice in the same week?!? I must be coming out of that "art block" (I don't ever define it as art block when I don't draw because it's always just a phase... maybe I'm getting distracted by something else, like sims, and I'm working now so that's a few hours where I can't draw)... I drew Hans and Kristoff yesterday on that index card with Anna and Elsa so here we go: 

Aren't they lovely? I love the way Hans came out, he's just so expressive here. I had difficulty with his "left" eye and I redrew his nose one moment because I thought it was too long but other than that, pretty easy. I need to work on Kristoff because I think the drawing could have been done better but it's nice drawing him because I'm so bad, I ignore the good boyfriend. I don't think I'd do that in real life, I did have a crush on Tom Hiddleston, but Hans is so much hotter in my opinion. Kristoff's hot but he needs hygiene, manners, and I am not very attracted to blonds. I've said it before here but my ideal guy is dark haired, light skinned, tall, handsome, thin, kind... but I find red hair fascinating so if I find a redhead with the above qualities, hell yeah. Hans fits almost all of the requirements. He could be nice if he wasn't being a narcissist. I'm gonna go cuz it's late but I might pop back in with a fresh doodle or two on Friday so till then, toodles. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Happy Four Year Anniversary Frozen (not the full cast, but it'll do for now)

      Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in over a week but I haven't been drawing much although that might be changing as I have three doodles to share today: 

First one is from last week inspired by Lady Gaga's performance at the AMA's (P!nk's was good too... sideways on a building? That's balls) as it reminded me that I imagine Hans having been into competitive fencing as a teen. I can do a better job at the helmet/mask next time. I discovered this fanfiction writer on Tumblr who goes by wintermoonqueen during the tail end of the summer and she writes specifically Frozen fanfiction. I've read all she's got on her Viking AU Land of Eternal Winter and she started an alternate ending AU which has inspired me to draw more frequently again (and her writing brings up such imagery that I want to draw it) so I started with the back of an index card and so far I've drawn Elsa looking sad and a pouty Anna. Oh yeah, they're in my stylized realism because I should practice it again, especially since I've ditched that Disney imitation I used to do, to make better, more serious art when it's needed (because cartoons can't convey that as well). I drew Elsa last night while watching a show on Netflix called Velvet (it's from Spain but there's English subtitles) and Anna was drawn today amidst some simming (I finally got to play during the romance festival). It took me a while for both because I'm rusty but I'm happy with the results. Now for the guys... I wanna get a sketchbook just for this kind of stuff, you know, fanart especially of the fanfiction I'm reading, and I just might this week because they sell some sketchbooks at my job (already bought a pack of mechanical pencils and a two-pack of ultra fine sharpies). Today happens to be four year anniversary of Frozen's release, which I've been waiting for, so yeah! Sadly I heard there's absolutely no Hans in Olaf's Frozen Adventure (boo-hoo... they could have done a quick cameo like in Frozen Fever). How many more years do we see Elsa dominating the market? Oh well, at least BeyoncĂ© isn't voicing her in a dumb "live-action" remake. Really? Lion King? We all know everything will be CG, just call it the CG remake because nothing there will be "live". At least Mufasa hasn't changed. I used to love that movie, key word being USED to. I grow tired of anything any of my sisters play too many times. I just got into Let It Go recently because my sister is still obsessed with Moana. The past two weekends (not this one), my dad played music through Chromecast and he'd play Let It Go... sing-along version. My parents are finally learning the lyrics I guess. Guess I'll go, it's kinda late and even though I don't have work tomorrow, I'd like to do stuff early in the day so toodles. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Frosty Fall Friday

      Hello Friday! I'm finally posting some doodles since Inktober and here they are:

I hate when Instagram doesn't want to agree with the format of my drawing. Well, on Monday I felt like doing a quick Hans doodle to get back into the game. It's not the best but it's something, since I'm spending more time working and playing the Sims. Right, now that I get payed weekly (not bi-weekly like everywhere else in Florida) I have money to buy the DLC I want and bought Cats & Dogs and Parenthood. I actually got Cats & Dogs on the day of release half off through Target's Cartwheel deal. I'm currently waiting for the Black Friday deals on City Living and Get to Work in order to get them. Back on topic, and Wednesday I finally got around to drawing the Frozen cast as they will appear in Olaf's Frozen Adventure... except I added Hans who has not been confirmed if he'll even get a cameo and he's wearing that coat from the movie. Dude, that's so two seasons ago. If I were him, I'd be pissed that I didn't get new clothes in four years. Actually, I do get pissed when I don't get new clothes. I haven't really bought any clothing yet even though I do need it, just a bra and flip flops, which I needed. Yes, I need flip flops. I live in Florida where people barely proper footwear and my parents buy 99 cent flip flops from Walmart and I have a dog that weighs nearly 70 lbs who has a bad habit of stepping on your feet. I'm typing here and my phone is being a pain by connecting and disconnecting from my computer while being plugged in with no harassment. You don't know how annoying that is. I have to work Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week but I'll try to get some doodles done, especially I bought new mechanical pencils and ultra fine Sharpies Monday at work (Publix has a small office/school supply section) when my mom asked me to get a small pack of toilet paper because they had to forgot to buy some. Don't be surprised if I announce a new episode of my sim series MFT because now I can edit them again and will probably start it back up, especially with the addition of Parenthood to my game. I haven't seen Ragnarok yet or Justice League and I haven't gotten around to the Daddy Hiddles comic I planned for the occasion partly because the tablet pen got further broken by my dad. He removed the broken nib just to end up breaking wires that I couldn't solder Tuesday. Yes, I attempt soldering. I also couldn't get the old flashdrive I used to use when I started this blog to work. Oh poop. Well, good night and have a great weekend. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Inktober 2017 #7 and #8

      I finished Inktober and I did it without skipping a day and going back to it! I actually finished the second to last card this past weekend but I didn't want to post on Sunday the day after I finished and I didn't feel like getting on the computer on Monday after work (which was from 6:30 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon but I saw dogs and babies so it was worth it), plus my established weekday break is Tuesday and Thursday and last night I had to go out (not for Halloween) so wasn't going to be posting then. So I'm posting the last two index cards at once today, here ya go: 

I went with an MCU Marvel theme and I got to incorporate a lot of characters but there were still those that didn't get included. I started off the Marvel theme with Loki under the impression that he has flying privileges and a few other characters with piloting abilities arguing against it. Can you guess who they are? Then I drew Ant-Man trying to get Hope Pym's attention... this got captioned with "Shrinking to the size of an ant has its advantages... this is not one of them"... It was my first time drawing either of these characters and while I drew Hope from memory, I had to look him up for his mask. And then I drew Spiderman climbing a brick wall... wow, how creative. I still haven't seen Homecoming and I hear it's good so I'll eventually get around to it. I drew him so small that I think I should jump into the teeny weeny challenge started by Kasey the Golden on YouTube. This card was finished off with Steve Rogers aka Captain America doing what he does best: being dramatic and falling from heights. This could have easily been a deleted scene from Civil War considering I drew Bucky looking so done with Steve as he watches him go past the window in a salute and Falcon is in the background probably getting ready to catch Steve. It was hard executing this one because I knew I wanted Steve falling out of a tall building with Bucky catching sight of him falling but I couldn't draw it the way I first imagined it until eventually I got this, which I think is a great rendition of it. Oh, and I was watching Wonder Woman for the second time that week. Ah yes, I have finally seen the wonder that is the Wonder Woman movie. I don't think DC can top this, I don't know if they can. We'll see when Justice League rolls around. Ok, the next card was started this past Sunday and I thought I wanted to insert the women somewhere so I had them standing together with Captain Marvel who's movie will be coming soon and also they can be standing together against sexual harassment and abuse, because I believe Carol's 616 counterpart was raped. I could be wrong but that's what I read one time while perusing the internet. They didn't come out too good here but I can redo it later. And Monday was fun because I drew Hulk and Thor together with Thor still thinking he has any sort of control over the Hulk. He doesn't. I thought the movie was coming out next week but it's this Friday and I don't know if I'll be seeing it in theaters. I want to see it but doesn't mean I can't wait to see it, you know? I want to know what happens either way but no spoilers. I wasn't as affected by Steve Trevor's death as the rest of my family because I accidentally saw a spoiler about it on Tumblr. And last but not least, T'Challa not appreciating Tony Stark taking part of the Black Panther identity for a joke. I finally drew him but I don't like how the pen colored his face. I didn't want to touch his face, but I didn't want anyone accusing me of whitewashing him either. I will redraw this later because I think it could have been done better. So I completed another Inktober successfully, all while starting at my first job. I might come back on Friday with something but till then, toodles.