Monday, July 31, 2017

Monday Modern Frozen Doodle Dump

      Hello. I'm back with more doodles I have produced this past week so let's go:

After drawing a modern!Frozen/Splatoon crossover in the form of Anna and
Elsa dressed as the Squid Sisters, I thought of doing more crossovers between modern!Frozen and popular Nintendo game franchises, so here are Kristoff as Link, Hans as a modified Bowser, and a Pikmin Olaf with a couple of Pikmin snowgies. Kristoff's tiny ponytail reminds me that I recently cut my hair again and I thought that would make ironing my hair straight easier than when it was long. I was wrong. Still took me two hours and I did a little comparison below to show what happens:

Yeah, it actually starts going wavy almost immediately, but I feel the next morning is always a bust so I'll just wear it as a ponytail until I wash my hair again. My mom doesn't get it because she wishes her hair was straight and she worries about looking good. I learned to appreciate my curly hair as a teenager and when I straighten my hair, I want it STRAIGHT, I don't care for volume or waves because my hair produces that on its own. But we've got a crummy old iron and a crummy old house that is humid and the climate outside is usually hot and humid... I could use a change. I've noticed that I have posted a couple of doodles on here twice because this waiting to do doodle dumps and doing it through my phone is confusing me when I add pictures so I don't realize until later that I already posted that picture, so if you scroll down my blog and see the same picture twice, just ignore it. When I remember my age, I feel old but then people that I have known for nearly a decade or maybe more ask me about school. I'm a baby-faced old lady 😒 (I love this emoji thing Google added to Blogger, if only Tumblr followed suit in the browser) I'm not old, I just feel old when I think of the time that has passed since certain stuff and how there's a whole generation of kids that aren't yet 10 or even 5 and they know how to operate a cell phone or tablet and they watch YouTube to entertain themselves. YouTube was becoming a thing when I was in middle school and I didn't care for it much because I thought it was where stupid boys put up stupid videos. That's how old I am, and yes, I'm aware that is still part of the content, but I realized how useful YouTube can be around high school when I was learning how to knit. I don't remember how I thought it would be useful for that, but yes it is. My mom once watched a video on how to breastfeed, and she had three kids who all got breastfed at some point, but if you want to learn about it or you're curious... you don't need some lactation consultant squeezing and manhandling your boobs and making you feel uncomfortable when you can watch another woman showing you how to express yourself on herself. Before I go, here's an old doodle of the Frozen crew when I first drew them in my cartoon style. 

I checked Frozen out from the library again last week after a couple of months looking for it only to find the sing-along (I don't own the movie at this present time still and I don't want the sing-along because I have a sister who annoyingly feels the need to sing along, read subtitles and "talk" to the characters) and I saw it yesterday again with my parents. My dad called Hans a butthole and a drama queen. I'm not kidding and I'm not mincing words either. And nearly two years ago, when my grandma joined in on watching it with me and my friend, she called him shameless in Cuban. That happens to be sin verguenza but tends to sound like simberguenza. Useful if you come across a Cuban, because unlike me, they shamelessly speak in Spanish without caring who's around them. Well, that's what I got for now, hope to be back soon. And if you want to see digital doodles returning here, then maybe you could help me save up some money for at least a new Wacom tablet pen by shopping here. They have sales on Mondays and Thursdays if you want to get a deal. Ok, see ya soon!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Summer Doodle Dump

      Hello. Forgive me but with going back to drawing on paper, I end up only keeping my Instagram and Tumblr up to date because it's easier to post the latest stuff there with my phone. I have been doodling though, even if it's on projects that I am very slowly making headway on, so here's some smaller projects:

It's a lot, I know, but this encompasses the past few weeks. The first two are Aidan's mom as a teen (I don't exactly like how the second one came out but it was meant to be a more finished drawing than the sketch above). She currently doesn't have a name but I'm between Bridget and Eileen. Both are Irish names but domestic enough that they're easily pronounced. Bridget is the intellectual choice as that is the name of the Irish goddess of fire, wisdom and poetry, and Aidan's name also has to do with fire. I also happen to like the sound of Eileen and it's the Irish take on Evelyn, a name not so common anymore but would have definitely been in use back when she was born, which I need to figure out soon.

The third drawing is from experiencing a depressed mood a couple of weekends ago where I happened to be surrounded by couples and expecting mothers when I've been feeling self conscious and lonely. I love babies so I was happy to see them but I couldn't help but feel sad because as of now, that's far from my current prospects. It led to my being depressed in public when it was not called for.

And the last three are from last week because Splatoon 2 came out Friday, and although I have never played the game, I like the style and that it is full of lore (it's packed with more of a back story than Mario in my opinion), so I was excited even if I knew I can't afford the game or it's console in the near future and drew some fan art. Here I cut to the chase when I finished drawing the Squid Sisters (I prefer Marie and forgot Callie's mole) and the drawing underneath is because I could see similarities between Anna and Elsa and Callie and Marie so I did a crossover doodle. I want to draw the guys pulling something like this soon. And the very last one is another crossover but it's Kenta and Ryo chibis in the world of Splatoon , with Kenta eating an Octarian while Ryo judges him for eating "strange things". That's what I've got so far, hope to be back soon with more.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Is... is that art? (aka The Return of Manga OCs)

      Hello! So I have finished up a drawing (mostly) and I scanned it before I color it in so here is a preview:

It's Aidan! Yay... you don't understand the suit? Well, he's a superhero. The kid behind him looking upset and insecure? Also him, from another time when family life was rough. I'm drawing this for a kid I know and I hope he likes it once I color it and give it to him. I'd like to digitize this in the future and add Celtic braiding to that section that goes down the middle of his torso. I've been doing inbetween doodling too and here's some of it:

The first one there is a possible future OC inspired by my summer reading/research on Vikings and Ireland. I actually checked out in April I think this book about the Celtic world. Very interesting, don't remember if I mentioned it here, but they perfected the chariot wheel, it was ok to start a fight and possibly kill somebody over a piece of pork (the power of bacon), and human heads were used as decoration. Both Celts and Vikings practiced human sacrifice, wore tunics and trousers, held feasts, buried their dead with items owned during life... I get the feeling they were related, at least distant cousins. Also, both were known to wear beards or mustaches and wash their hair with lime to appear blonder. Blond was beauty even back then and it is worthy to note that men were basically dying their hair. AND, there were Celtic tribes that inhabited Switzerland, the southern part of Germany, and Austria. In fact, the word Teutonic has the root from the Celtic/Irish word for people:tuath. So my theory is the Celts and Teutons were related and ended up branching away from each other both linguistically and geographically. And I swear you can see the Celtic influence in languages: French uses a lot of letters that are either not pronounced at all or pronounced differently from how they look (to an English speaker); I refer to Portuguese as Celtic Spanish (pay attention to the S sound in both Portuguese and Irish); and the Netherlands was under French rule until the Vikings came along, therefore it is ok in Dutch to confuse everybody with a word like Kooikerhondje which is actually pronounced koi-ker-hund (a dog breed in case you're wondering... That's as far as my Dutch goes).

So the history/linguist buff in me took over this blog post. I haven't been able to have this sort of intellectual conversation with anyone besides my sister so I guess I'm making up for it here. But the first doodle is related to my informal studies on those two people groups that invaded the subject of my last paragraph. And the second doodle is a teen version of Aidan's mom. Yes, this may be the summer you see all the parents of my current OCs. Of course, not as much thought has gone into their parents, the girl above doesn't have a name, and I like to stay within the culture of the character when choosing names. Aidan is Irish and I want him to be as Irish as possible, so I changed from the American spelling Aiden to the more Irish spelling used, he has an ethnically Irish last name that coincidentally enough is tied to both history and national legend, and his parents must have Irish names. His dad has already been named, but not his mother 😞 and a lot of the very Irish girl names that aren't common (like Kelly) aren't written like they're pronounced/anglicized which not only makes it difficult for me, but would make it difficult for anyone else not of Irish culture or origin (I do have Irish ancestry but I was raised in a Cuban American culture far from Irish influence). And even names that have been anglicized and made common have spelling variants based off of their Gaelic origins: Aodh - Hugh, Eoghan - Owen, Domhnall - Donald... But I will put a little more brainpower into naming her so that this sassy little thing doesn't have to just be referred to as Aidan's mom, but can be considered her own person. Well, hopefully I can produce some more doodles and would you believe it that I finally got the hands right when I was upset? It's weird how much I've been struggling with hands on paper lately but can draw them recently when in a bad mood. Have a nice weekend. I don't think I'll be busy this weekend besides making sure my little dog is comfortable with the fireworks (like almost every other dog, she's scared of them and scratched at our back door last night and snuck in when I opened it) but I will be busy next weekend. Hope to come back before then with some doodles 😊