Monday, July 24, 2017

Summer Doodle Dump

      Hello. Forgive me but with going back to drawing on paper, I end up only keeping my Instagram and Tumblr up to date because it's easier to post the latest stuff there with my phone. I have been doodling though, even if it's on projects that I am very slowly making headway on, so here's some smaller projects:

It's a lot, I know, but this encompasses the past few weeks. The first two are Aidan's mom as a teen (I don't exactly like how the second one came out but it was meant to be a more finished drawing than the sketch above). She currently doesn't have a name but I'm between Bridget and Eileen. Both are Irish names but domestic enough that they're easily pronounced. Bridget is the intellectual choice as that is the name of the Irish goddess of fire, wisdom and poetry, and Aidan's name also has to do with fire. I also happen to like the sound of Eileen and it's the Irish take on Evelyn, a name not so common anymore but would have definitely been in use back when she was born, which I need to figure out soon.

The third drawing is from experiencing a depressed mood a couple of weekends ago where I happened to be surrounded by couples and expecting mothers when I've been feeling self conscious and lonely. I love babies so I was happy to see them but I couldn't help but feel sad because as of now, that's far from my current prospects. It led to my being depressed in public when it was not called for.

And the last three are from last week because Splatoon 2 came out Friday, and although I have never played the game, I like the style and that it is full of lore (it's packed with more of a back story than Mario in my opinion), so I was excited even if I knew I can't afford the game or it's console in the near future and drew some fan art. Here I cut to the chase when I finished drawing the Squid Sisters (I prefer Marie and forgot Callie's mole) and the drawing underneath is because I could see similarities between Anna and Elsa and Callie and Marie so I did a crossover doodle. I want to draw the guys pulling something like this soon. And the very last one is another crossover but it's Kenta and Ryo chibis in the world of Splatoon , with Kenta eating an Octarian while Ryo judges him for eating "strange things". That's what I've got so far, hope to be back soon with more.

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