Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What a Wednesday

      So, back to back. Ok. I thought I'd have this done Friday but I finished my sketch yesterday and I ended up finishing today so here it is: 

Elsa dressed up as Emma Frost. There's sort of some inside jokes in there in case you're missing them. This is the most modest outfit that I could totally imagine Elsa in because as much as she was risque with her ice dress, I don't see her running around in public in underwear, that's just not her style. I got rusty with these guys so quickly and yet I have managed to still come up with this, which is good. Who do you think, out of the four Frozen characters in Marvel cosplay, looks the best/most awesome? Who else thinks Elsa's hair and makeup looks awesome? Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week as it'll be Thanksgiving here so toodles.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm an X-Man! (no I'm not)

      Hello. Yesterday I got on my computer to finish up a little something but I did nada. All I did was get distracted on Pinterest with my current interest but I made sure I worked on it today and here it is: 

Anna as Shadowcat/Kitty Pride! I know there are redheaded heroines but I think this suits her more, even if she has to wear a wig. I even drew little wisps of her natural hair sticking out to point out that it is a wig. This is my first time drawing her from the front so that was a little hard. Gotta draw Elsa next, let's see if I get her done this week. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I guess it's all on how you look at it

      I got distracted yesterday so I didn't post when I should have. Sorry. But I have something that has been waiting for Friday so...

I found that picture while looking at reference for the Kristoff costume drawing on and I happened to notice that well, that's a funny face for a villain to be making. Obviously this was in the middle of talking but let's face it, pausing movies is funny and weird so I added Fry to make it funnier. That's if it's funnier. I'm gonna go now. Have a nice weekend.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Let's start the week off simply

      Hello. So it's Monday and I am posting what I thought I'd post last week. Oops. 

So apparently it's been so long since I've drawn Wilhelm (besides chibi) that he got redesigned. Oh well. This may be an improvement. I didn't draw any style variations because I didn't know where I was going to fit them so I'll save that for another time. I should get started on this week's sketchbook page but that will probably be for later tonight. In the meantime, here's a horse I decided to sketch last night because I like/love horses and thought it had been a while since I drew one. 

I recycled some paper for this. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fangirl Friday

      Hello. How awkward, I forgot how to spell hello for a moment. Well, I gotta scan some stuff but I guess that'll be for tomorrow. For the moment, I have a comic strip for today so here it is: 

I don't usually display them this large but I thought this one deserved it. So it just hit me that today is Friday the 13th (oh no, I say sarcastically) and ironically I drew the 13th in line to the throne of the Southern Isles. Ha. I had this in my head for a while and I even sketched it out last month but this week I thought well I'll just draw this already and I even asked a friend if she'd mind making a cameo. This is the only way one can get to touch their fantasy crush, especially if he/she is just a figment of the imagination. Yep, fangirls are a weird sort. Hope you guys do well and I'll see you when I come back. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday Sketch (and other goodies)

      So I finally scanned the drawings I did earlier this week of Mike and Sandra with a few added doodles so here it is: 

Sorry that my handwriting is pretty much unreadable but I didn't want too much contrast on this (I can adjust the brightness and contrast through the scanning software). I drew Sandra on Monday, Mike on Wednesday and decided to draw them in two different styles today. In the upper right is Disney and I started drawing his hair spiky as usual but it didn't look good so I left his bangs flat and wrote him saying "my hair" rather confused. Bottom left is my personal style for X-Men and Friends... and Enemies (yep, it got named) and Mike is now mad at his hair and saying "don't toy with me". I have noticed recently that my default style is no bottom eyelids (at least in manga and my more comic book looking style) so Sandra stands out quite a bit but she was designed when I was still developing my own style by borrowing certain style elements from others and I happened to like the eyes of Kitty Pryde in this X-Men manga: 

Obviously over the years I have worked it to the point that even though it's still similar, it's got my personal touch to it (p.s. this was a good manga and it didn't make it to book 2 because of Disney). Mike's hair came up when I first drew him as a chibi (I had difficulty at drawing guys at some point so I was better at chibis) and I transferred the design to a not-chibi head, so yeah, his hair was meant for a chibi. I also have something goofy that showed up on my Insta Wednesday but I didn't want to put it with Kristoff's cosplay. 

It was an idea I had thinking of the original quote and the joke is how Coulson is a Captain America fangirl (you know I mean fanboy but I think fangirl). I took the original Frozen screencap from and the heads from Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and sorry if there's too many pictures here. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

This Friday, I Like It. ANOTHA!

      It feels like I haven't been here for a long time. I have some character sketches that I need to scan to put on here but they've already been posted on Instagram so I am ultra behind in that. I do have something to bide the time with, something that should've been done last month. 

Kristoff dressed up as Thor, pretty self-explanatory. Thor's costumes are so damn complicated!!! And this is supposed to be simpler than his battle ones. Yeah, Kristoff got Thor because I feel like he's too scruffy to be Captain America and I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. So, hope you enjoy and have a nice weekend.