Friday, January 23, 2015

Maybe next time we'll just go out...

      I'm making up for last week by posting the doodle I was planning on posting last week today (and it's been a while since I've posted on Fridays). 

Drew this for a friend and decided to scan it. Yes, I know it's dirty and if my friend who has the hard copy gets around to seeing my blog, I'M SORRY IT GOT DIRTY, IT WAS BY MY TABLE AND A LOT OF PASTA SAUCE IS EATEN AT MY HOUSE so I hope you accept my apology. Sorry if you can't read it too well, my natural handwriting is on the small side to conserve space on paper. My dad always bothers me about my drawing because he's like "drawing little faces again?" He doesn't get it that I used to draw these guys on school paper so I just have the habit of drawing their faces (generally alone) small and leave a lot of space for hopefully more drawings. Either that, or he's too used to my sister drawing all big and running out of space on the paper that when he looks at my sensibly petite doodles, he thinks something's wrong with me. NOTHING is wrong with me, I just know how to pace myself, unlike some people. Hope you guys enjoy and have a nice weekend, I know I'm looking forward to mine. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Never put my love out on the line

      I know I didn't put anything last week but that was because I was busy... with this!!!

I made Demi Lovato a cartoon! I had this idea that one of my fan characters as a teenager had posters of some of her favorite singers on her room walls and this was one of the posters I imagined so I had to draw it. This was a nice challenge taking a real person and simplifying their features to match this style. I had a little difficulty on her left/our right eye, figuring out how her arm had to be placed so that it didn't look broken, the necklace (adds wow factor to the picture but man, was it complicated to draw), her makeup, and the shadows. I did omit the tattoo(s) that would have been showing because that was going to look more like a dirty smear than anything else and the shadows on the face just weren't coming out right so I omitted those as well. I was like only halfway done with this when my parents each checked up on me then stated that she was cute separately. I guess this can be considered Lovatic fanart but I've basically just discovered her and I'm not fanatical over her so I don't consider myself one (same as I don't consider myself a Swiftie even though I like at least 10 of her songs). Well, hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

When I grow up, I wanna be far far away from here

      Hey there. I know this is my first post of the year since last week but I haven't had much of a chance to really get a doodle done. I'm working on one right now but it needs a background and I don't feel like doing that so I'll put up something that I finished last year. 
I wasn't trying to be depressing when I did this (or started it) but not everything in life is one big happy comedy so art has to display this at some point or another. My sister just about always draws her characters happy because she prefers that but I'm a realist (that draws cartoons and likes comic books, I know, but don't argue with me) so this is an example of "no one is smiling" work. I know the shadowy figure on the top left is crappy but considering that the day I decided to do the shadows my computer shut off because of flickering lights and I lost all my progress, totally makes sense that I got pissed and when I redid it, I drew a crappy shadow. The characters in this are: Laura Kinney, Gaveedra Seven, Rahne Sinclair, and Tabitha Smith. Each scene actually contains a clue (or two) of who they grow up to be. Some of them are obvious, at least one is more subtle and requires a bit of thinking to interpret it but I think it makes sense. Anyway, hope this doesn't bring you down for the entire day and this is Mich Doodles signing off.