Friday, September 26, 2014

So you want to make the rest of the city look like your room too?

      Hi guys. I have finally finished it so my finished "painting" is ready for unveiling. 

The background I did in a hurry and I had enough with shading Ryo and Kenta so it's lacking, I know. But, if you don't mind taking a wild guess as to what TV show opening they are reenacting, I would love to see how many of you are TV nerds or just happened to be around to watch this when it first aired. I don't feel like talking much because yesterday I got sick thanks to my little sister bringing home some contagiously bad cold/flu thing last week and spreading it around to everyone else. I feel much better today but I'm actually coughing more and I've still got a headache. Well, hope you guys have a happy weekend and don't (wheeze) get sick. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This turned into a monologue on hands :|

      Hi everyone. I know I didn't post all last week but, I don't know, it was partly I'm still working on my project(s) and I had nothing to say so why bother. But everyday I get a little closer to finishing as you can see by the little preview down below. 

I'm pretty much done with Kenta, it's Ryo I have to focus on now and then adding details to the background and some shading to my characters. Hopefully the finished product will go up Friday and you will finally understand what's with the faces and Kenta's pinching the air? Oddly enough, the one hand that I've had the easiest time with was the one that he's pinching invisible objects with, even after realizing that I made his pinky too short and closed it out without saving changes so that I could redo it. That's besides the fact that I have an easier time drawing Kenta because for some odd reason, ever since I drew Ryo for the first time facing right, I have difficulty drawing him facing left when, if you haven't noticed, I draw ALL my characters facing left. I'm sorry for all those commas and I'm left handed so I tend to favor the left even though I haven't gotten around to knitting left handed. That seems to me that it would be weird. But I am good at crocheting left handed :D . I may as well tell you now that I'm on the subject that three of my characters are left handed: Kenta, Tamiko, and Aidan, the latter being forced to switch to right handed by a teacher in first grade. Q: Oh, so none of your Bittersweet characters are left handed? A: Nah, but Midori is ambidextrous so you will spot her using her left hand on occasion. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

If I could make your mouth this small, I would

      Hi. I know I haven't been on in over a week but last week was a bit somber for me and I've been doing a little work on a picture here, a picture there and I still haven't finished the one from last month (partly due to not getting a facial expression right off the bat) but I do have a preview for today so that it doesn't look like I'm not doing anything here. 

Ah yes, you are finally seeing him full size! Kenta Hayashi is his name (about time I introduce him formally), the only son to a single Japanese mother. His friend (the guy looking at him like why are you lecturing me?) is Ryo Takahashi, youngest child and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Toshiro Takahashi, and future owner of the family's pest control business. Kenta and Ryo go back as far as 6th grade but were only classmates that did each other a couple of important favors then but were later separated and only found each other again at work when they were 21. Now, they're so close that they come off as either siblings or a couple (they are both very heterosexual so they do get offended when assumed otherwise) and do tend to argue, sometimes over petty things, but at the end of the day they are the best of friends and look out for each other. Kenta is actually a biologist by trade and Ryo majored in psychology (far cry from bugs, amiright?) but neither happen to be working in those fields respectively but their current profession is something of a secret that not even their parents are really supposed to know. No, they are not spies but I am also not obligated to disclose their employment ;) . And Kenta's paternity is something of a mystery to all except his mother, who is not ashamed to disclose it but has ended up in a mental hospital because of that. Wanna know all their secrets? Well, I'm sorry but I haven't figured out where I will start the story and A LOT happens to them, mostly to Kenta, but for a good portion of it Ryo is along for the ride and along the way they make "girlfriends" ;) so yeah I'm not telling everything on here just yet. Well, hope you guys have a lovely weekend. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Perspective is individual

      I'm back. Yesterday I was working on something X-Men related and when I got bored, I started doodling and this is what I came up with: 

The first one was Sunspot's (Roberto da Costa) caricatures of his teammates as children with only himself being happy. The second is Shatterstar's portrayal with most everybody good looking until we get to Rahne (Wolfsbane), who happens to be a rabid beast. This kept me and my sister laughing for a while, especially when imagining the dialogue. I know my version of New Mutants isn't accurate but like I said before, this isn't cannon, I just take these already established characters and have my own fun with them making up stories and comical situations for them. Well, that's all I've got for now so I'll be going.