Saturday, December 16, 2023

In Loving Memory of a Wonderful Companion


        Hello. I am posting here for the first time ever in 2023. In fact, last post I made was in February of last year. Yeah. I still love drawing and doodling, I just have less time for it now and with how I've been feeling these past few months, I haven't been up for completing any sort of doodles. I have finally completed one though, but that's because of its current significance to me. As of today, it has been one calendar month since my dog of over 11 years, Cindy, passed. She was a rather healthy dog until her 12th birthday in February. Then she gave us a health scare and I had my mom take her to the emergency vet where they originally said she had some sort of blood cancer. We gave her an herbal medicine prescribed by the vet and she improved well enough that in a regular vet visit set up in April, they said her blood test results were perfect. She gave us another health scare in late June/early July (I forget which month, this year has been a blur with the past few months being the most chaotic and the worst my mental health has been in a long time) and again, she seemed to recover until October when she suddenly went blind. After that, it was a rapid decline and my depression that had started during the summer worsened. She kept showing sparks of life and a will to live so for a good while I was against putting her down... until her last week of life where I realized it was for the best. She beat me to the punch though, taking her last breath while I was not home. My grandma's dog was in the room with her so she wasn't alone when she died. I'm crying right now as I type this but I had to make art of her so I had started just a few days after she died... and didn't touch it again until yesterday after work and finished it today so here she is:

I made two versions because I realized while playing with opacity to see the picture I was using as reference (well, more like I traced it but it's my picture of my dog, I did nothing wrong here officer) that I liked the look of it. She was an absolute sweetheart towards people, loved other dogs too to the point of crying at any dog she saw out and about shortly after her original companion Daisy died. She also loved killing lizards and rats, among other things but that's not important right now. I was hoping she would make it to 15 or at least her next birthday but as of now she is the longest lived dog I've had and she died of old age/natural causes, which is much better than the two dogs I had die before her. I am glad I had her in my life and hope to have a similar bond with my newer dog. Fun fact, Cindy was a Labrador-German Shorthaired Pointer mix, Daisy was a Chihuahua-Dachshund mix, and my latest dog Sophie is a Labrador mix too but with a shepherd breed. At first we thought German Shepherd but she seems to be Belgian Malinois instead, which is fine but they're more energetic and uh, I haven't been so energetic lately. But we should be fine. She's a very nice girl and quite responsive to me. Would be nice if my grandma's dog got along with her the way she got along with Cindy but she's a little brat coward and Sophie is bigger than Cindy was with the bad tendency to bark at dogs she wants to play with... and she has a loud bark. So yeah. I'm also posting here first because apparently I no longer have the instagram app on my laptop? Oh, and last year I switched from Android to iPhone so I'm not sure how to go about getting the picture on my phone in order to post. Well anyway, hoping the next year will work out a little better for me. Till next doodle, toodles.

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