Friday, February 4, 2022

Hey, you miss me?


      HELLO!!! I am sorry I disappeared like that but I am back with some art, which I had not been working on for months so here, catch: 

Yes, it is the same character with three different backgrounds. This is what happens when I stop drawing for over four months, I turn indecisive on how to finish stuff up. Why haven't I been drawing/posting drawings? Good question. My best guess is that this neverending pandemic *squints at antivaxxers and mask protesters* that is robbing me of whatever youth and sanity I have left has helped in making sure I don't feel motivated to draw cuz why bother when you and whatever you produce usually gets ignored? A person can only take so much before they snap or something and my depression hasn't improved, I just am in depressed moods for not as long as I used to be (if that makes any sense). So yeah, when you start to question if your own existence is even worth it, your creative juices suffer (or at least mine do). I really should get a therapist but I also don't have health insurance at all because I am a broke American that is too old to mooch off of my parents' insurance anymore. It's absolutely wonderful here. 

So anyway, this was a draft from months ago and I decided to keep working on it again last month alongside another piece that I am also recording a speedpaint for and clearly I chose to finish this one cuz there was less pressure. Hope to finish some more art and would it be too much to ask for something positive to happen in my life? That would be damn nice. Till next doodle, toodles.

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