Monday, March 15, 2021

Comic Preview!!!


      Hello! It is time for me to make my announcement that I kept teasing for months now... I've been working on a webtoon and here is a little preview:

I accidentally came up with this OC last summer and next thing I knew, I was writing out a story and in November I started with the actually making a comic. I still have a lot of work ahead of me partly because my depression has not been making it easy for me (when does it?) and for that reason I ask you be patient if you are interested and also that absolutely nobody go and steal this and post it somewhere as their work. I've been considering creating a patreon and posting there as I go finishing portions until I am ready to post to webtoon but idk, I'm hesitant to. I should probably start a twitter too but I don't feel like getting into more social media, I already find it tedious to check my own personal Instagram account so yeah. And with that, I bid you adieu until the next time I return. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Fall Hercule/Puissant speedpaint

      Hello. I am very quickly sharing that I have finally gotten around to editing and uploading a "new" video to my Youtube channel so here it is:

Till next doodle, toodles! (Enjoy your weekend if I didn't double post today)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Belated International Women's Day and Anniversary


      Hello. Yes, I realize that I skipped February posting but February was not a good month emotionally for me. Yesterday was international women's day and the anniversary of me starting this blog and yet I forgot to post heređź’€so let's get to it.

My women OCs! Some of them you may recognize if you've been checking out my blog since... uh... 2014? and you might recognize that this doesn't accurately represent just how many female OCs I have because I have been spending over a decade creating quite a few OCs. And I'm still creating OCs. I think I accidentally projected my mental state on the first doodle by making her look so vulnerable. 

It has been nearly a whole year since I experienced lockdown and two years since I've had an income (I know I quit my job but not like I wasn't looking for a replacement) so it's been affecting me negatively and I desperately need a change. I feel like my whole life needs to be rewritten because the current one hasn't been working for me. Don't know where this was going but I obviously need to talk with somebody and my parents are not very sympathetic with my feelings so I don't even bother telling them anymore.

Well, I might make an announcement soon (I've been saying something about an announcement for a long time) so let's see when I return with more doodles. Till then, toodles.