Friday, September 20, 2019

Webbed Up Weekend

      Hello again. I actually have two doodles I did on paper that I wanna post here but the pictures are on my phone and I can't back up my phone because my charging cables have all been wrecked to some degree and won't let me back up to my laptop (or my hard drive which is connected to it right now) so guess I gotta post this all by itself:

It's my spidersona Cobweb in her natural element - a web where she has caught her objects of desire, Eddie Brock and Peter B. Parker. I thought I'd make it as a new banner for my Tumblr since my Loki and Hans one is pretty much outdated. This is also the banner for my new YouTube channel (just uploaded video number three WHICH IS BLOCKED FOR SOME PEOPLE (I'm sorry but the Blondie song is the inspiration for the drawing, makes no sense to use another one. You could always cheat by using American YouTube), I'll do videos on my old inktobers once I get video number four done) if you wanna check that out. I had fun drawing these guys again, although Venom was probably the most fun. I need to buy a new usb cable for my phone to back it up to make the next post... I also need to draw something. Whoops. Well, hope you have a nice weekend and till next doodle, toodles!

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