Monday, September 16, 2019

This post's catchy title was stolen

      Hello, forgive me for forgetting to update in August... For anyone that cares, that is. Well, it's not that I stopped doodling completely (maybe... there was a lot of simming spent), it's just that I was basically living at my grandma's, like you do when your grandpa dies. Anyway, here's some stuff I drew during July (that crazy month) and early August. This paragraph will no longer have parentheses: 

It's a hodgepodge of stuff, mostly OCs but there is that draw this in your style I mentioned in July's post. So first off, I hopped onto the Area 51 meme train with Kenta. Did I mention his story features aliens? That's why I chose him for the meme. His Instagram caption is: Not everything that happens in Nevada stays in Nevada. Middle is the draw this in your style I mentioned last post back in July... If only I could forget July... Like I mentioned earlier, I was basically living with my grandma so I didn't have access to my sister's drawing tablet so I did this on an index card and used my watercolor pencils and my water brush (and this picture doesn't show it, how stupid of me). No clue if she posted me in her story because I didn't check but it was fun. Last is me finally get an OC out of my head after he has inhabited it on-and-off. What I can tell you is that he currently has no name, just options for his first name, he's Japanese-Brazilian (gotta look up the proper term for that if there is one), his job is quite like Kenta's, his work partner is a mulatta girl with awesomely curly hair, he's a carefree playboy and most likely wants to be your friend... or your lover. Depends what mood you catch him in. 

I started an official YouTube channel where there are currently two (2) old speedpaints (currently in the process of editing a third) so if anybody wants to check that out, it's michdoodles. Plain and simple. I see my Brady bunch meme has become popular again. *SIGH* i knew as soon as I saw ESPN was one of the traffic sources. Why ESPN allows access to that cringy meme of mine I do not know but my blog still getting views while I'm not active on it? Guess I'll accept it. Till next post because I have like three more doodles i wanna post here before I make more art, toodles.

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