Monday, May 6, 2019

Is Your Beach Body Ready?

      Hello. Are you ready to be amazed? Well, are you? I don't think you are but I'm gonna post it anyway because I have to post it, I barely did any art for April. Prepare to be amazed:

Yeah, I made two versions because I got tired once I did my traditional black lineart but the plan was always to do a version with recolored lineart so I eventually spent more time on it. I say eventually because I got into New Girl. I recommend it to my fellow adults who barely feel like adults. Anyway, it has come to my attention that I have improved in my abilities, that includes capturing anatomy correctly, so I had to redraw this masterpiece from four years ago (yes, it has been that long... I hate time). Now he doesn't have pointy pecs anymore and he actually looks he's sitting/reclining in that lousily designed lounge chair. Maybe in another four years I'll redraw a better, more accurate wooden lounge chair. It was nice revisiting a fun drawing concept and improving upon it. I just suck at staying focused on a drawing when it requires lots of attention to detail. I love details, don't get me wrong, but I'm almost considering making my (hopefully) future comics in chibi form to avoid growing tired of every panel. Also, I'd have to draw backgrounds 😬😭 We'll see how that works out. Maybe I can draw the backgrounds as separate images and just copy them whenever I need them. I'll deal with that dilemma later. Expect to see either a cartoon or chibi drawing next because I need a break from the detail-driven art style that is manga. Till next doodle, toodles.

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